The capstone document, FEMA Publication 1, defines FEMA’s core values, guiding principles, purpose, and ethos. There is only one capstone document for all of FEMA.
The keystone document provides the “Why We Do What We Do!” The Incident Management and Support Keystone leads a family of other doctrine that guides implementation of FEMA disaster response operations.

Operational manuals describe what FEMA personnel manage and how they support incident operations. Manuals include definitions, descriptions of roles, functions, structure, and concept of operations for those conducting FEMA incident management and support duties.

Manuals are intended to:

  • Provide the high-level rules for operating.
  • Address major, widespread operational issues.

Examples of FEMA manuals include the National Incident Support Manual and Regional Incident Support Manual.


Procedural documents describe how—with specific, measurable actions and methods—we implement doctrine or policy.

Procedures are designed to:

  • Be narrowly defined and focused.
  • Address specific issues or processes.

Examples of procedures include the Incident Management Handbook and the FEMA Incident Action Planning Guide.