Disaster Impacts and Recovery Needs

Recovery Actions:

  • Courses of action created and implemented --- > what can we do to help remove barriers to recovery and improve the issues identified?  How can the capacity of the community be enhanced so they're better equipped to sustain the recovery effort?
  • Efforts are evaluated at given intervals --> using good project management approaches can help maintain discipline and focus on recovery actions.
  • Courses of action are adjusted as needed --> as recovery issues and priorities change, so to must the team adapt to the needs on the ground.
Disaster recovery staff in meeting
Flowchart outlining recovery operations –Priorities and Needs/Issues lead to Planning to COA/PMP to Approvals to Implementation to Evaluation/Refinement; HSS RSF Technical Assistance and Support also lead to Planning and to Evaluation/Refinement; COA/PMP includes Objectives/Metrics, Implementation Plan, Milestones/Timeline, Resources, and Organization and Management
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