Combined Effort for Recovery

Once activated and organized, RSF members coordinate closely with relevant State, Tribal, or Territorial partners, as well as the private sector and affected communities.

This coordination expedites recovery by:

  • Establishing common objectives for integrated effort
  • Improving awareness of recovery issues and challenges (sharing information about known issues across agency relationship networks)
  • Reducing duplication of effort (information sharing of agency activities)
  • Helping authorities apply existing programs and resources toward addressing recovery needs
A chart showing coordination flow from State, Health and Social Services RSF (surrounded by Support Orgs, FEMA, Ed, EPA, CNCS, DHS, HUD, DOL, and Justice), and Community flow into Shared information, Coordinated activities, Shared strategy, Execution of steady-state programs for recovery, then separating into Key Activities, which include Information Sharing – Issues/Impact, Information Sharing – Agency Activities, Execution of Program Authorities for Recovery, and Establish Common Objectives; The Key Activities point to Support for Community-Driven Recovery
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