The Recovery Continuum

The recovery process is best described as a sequence of interdependent and often concurrent activities that progressively advance a community toward its planned recovery outcomes. Decisions made and priorities set by a community pre-disaster and early in the recovery process have a cascading effect on the nature, speed, and inclusiveness of recovery. The figure below depicts the interconnectedness of recovery activities from pre-incident through the long term.


National Disaster Recovery Framework Recovery Continuum Chart- Includes four stages of activities... Showing left to right 1. Pre-Disaster Preparedness , 2. Post-Disaster Short Term (days to weeks), 3. Post-Disaster Intermediate-Term (weeks to months) - National Response framework (NRF) spans all 3, 4. Post-Disaster Long-Term (months to years) - National Disaster Recovery Framework (NDRF) covers all 4.  The chart also shows size and scope of disaster and recovery efforts (1 - least, 4 -second least, 2 - second most, 3-most)