Multi-Jurisdictional, State, Tribal, Territorial And Sector Coordinating Structures: Best Practice

The State of California is using FEMA’s Integrating Disaster Data into Hazard Mitigation Planning: A State and Local Mitigation Planning How-to-Guide as the state works with state agencies; local officials, planners, and emergency manager; tribal governments; and the state’s large urban areas in developing disaster mitigation projects and long-term vulnerability reduction.

Through lessons learn; stakeholder development; and in-state and extra-state partnership development the state is better able to provide planning and mitigation assistance to the state’s in-state stakeholder.

For more information, view the Integrating Disaster Data into Hazard Mitigation Planning: A State and Local Mitigation Planning How-to-Guide

Image of FEMA publication Integrating Disaster Data into Hazard Mitigation Planning, A State and Local Mitigation Planning How-to-Guide. February, 2015.