Lesson 4: Eligible Activities


Lesson Objectives

  • Identify Flood Risk Project Production and Mapping Activities
  • Identify eligible activities
Lesson List: Introduction, CTP Program Overview, The Funding Process: Pre-Award Budget Planning, Eligible Activities, The Funding Process: Awards, Tools and Resources, The Funding Process: Monitoring and Post Award, Program Evolution (Eligible Activities is selected)
Risk MAP Project Lifecycle & Flood Risk Project Production and Mapping Activities
The purpose of the Flood Risk Project is to develop and/or support the development of flood hazard data and complete program-related tasks through a technical risk analysis and certain mapping activities. The Risk MAP Project Lifecycle centers around sustainability and collaboration between FEMA and communities through Community Outreach, Education, and Risk Communication.
display the relationship between the Risk MAP Lifecycle and the Flood Risk Project Activities (see image description link on screen)

Activity 1: Project Planning

Flood Risk Project: Activity 1_Project Planning with image of FEMA worksheets and group meeting photo

Activity 2: Discovery

Flood Risk Project: Activity 2_Discovery with phases of discovery- Watershed Stakeholder Coordination (1-3 months), Data Analysis and Discovery Meetings and Follow-up (2-4 months), Assess Potential SFHA Changes (1-2 months), Scope Refinement (1-2 months), additional background images -community meeting, FEMA form, book cover, and map

Activity 3: Data and Product Development

Click this link to hear more about data and product development. (Transcript-Additional Content)

Refer to Standard 417 for a list of the minimum datasets associated with the Flood Risk Project. Click the link to see FEMA POLICY Standards for Flood Risk Analysis and Mapping to locate SID 417 and the list of minimum datasets.
Flood Risk Project: Activity 3_Data and Product Development with process which includes: acquire new data, develop models, develop products. CTP input includes: field survey, topographis data development, base data acquisition, engineering analyses (riverine H&H, coastal, and alluvian fan), floodplain mapping (new/revised studies, digital conversion, merging revised and non-revised data, LOMCs and draft FIS) , draft DFIRM database
Flood Risk Project: Activity 3c_Data and Product Development Details: Flood Hazard Product thumbnails - Flood Insurance Rate Map, Summary of Map Actions, FIRM DB, Flood Insurance Study Report. Flood Risk Products thumbnails - Flood Risk Map, Flood Risk Datasets, Flood Risk DB, Flood Risk Report
Flood Risk Project: Activity 3c_Data and Product Development Details: document thumbnails - Guidance and Standards for Flood Risk Analysis and Mapping, Mapping Document, Key Decision Point Process, Quality Review Process
Transcript (Main screen content)

Activity 4: Risk Awareness


Mitigation Planning

Hazard mitigation planning is the process of determining how to reduce or eliminate the loss of life and property damage resulting from natural and human-caused hazards. The hazard mitigation planning process consists of four basic phases: organize resources, assess risk, develop a mitigation plan, and implement the plan and monitor progress.

The goal of mitigation planning is long-term risk reduction. Communities take sustainable mitigation actions to reduce risk. Mitigation actions include plans and regulations, natural systems protection, and structure and infrastructure projects.

Flood Risk Project: Activity 4_Risk Awareness process actions including: Flood Risk Review Meetings, Flood Risk Data Distribution, Community Engagement, Prepare Mitigation, Resilience Meeting

Activity 5: Preliminary NFIP Map Release

Flood Risk Project: Activity 5_Preliminary NFIP Map Release actions including: Preliminary Distribution, CCO Meeting, Open House

Activity 6: Planning for Mitigation Action

Flood Risk Project: Activity 6_Planning for Mitigation Action

Activity 7: Due Process

Flood Risk Project: Activity 7_Due Process outlined: Appeal Period, Letter of Final Determination, Compliance Period (Regulatory Products Adopted by Ordinance), Regulatory Products Become Effective

Activity 8: FIS and FIRM Delivery

Flood Risk Project: Activity 8_FIS and FIRM Delivery

FIS and FIRM Delivery Details

Flood Risk Project: Activity 8b_FIS and FIRM Delivery thumbnails: FEMA Flood Map Service Center search screen, FIRM DB and Flood Insurance Study
Community Outreach and Mitigation Strategies (COMS)
Fundable tasks in a COMS SOW include:
  • Strategic Business Plan and/or Update (a required task)
  • Strategic Planning for Community Engagement
  • Meetings and Process Facilitation
  • Mitigation Support
  • Communication and Outreach to Communities
  • Training and Community Capability Development
  • Mitigation Planning Technical Assistance
  • Staffing
  • COMS Special Projects
  • Mentoring


CERC Statement of Work document - (FEMA)  Cooperating Technical Partners (CTP) Mapping Activity Statemet (MAS) and Statement of Work (SOW) Template Descriptions
Program Management
The objective of Program Management tasks and activities is to recognize activities undertaken by CTPs as part of the active process of managing multiple projects.
Eligible Program Management Activities:
  • State and Local Business Plans and/or Updates, which is a required task
  • Global Program Management Activities, which is a required task
  • Global Outreach for Mapping
  • Training to State and Local Officials
  • Mitigation Planning Technical Assistance
  • Staffing
  • Technical Pilot Projects
  • Mentoring and Best Practices
  • Minimal Map Printing
  • Coordinated Needs Management Strategy (CNMS)
  • Programmatic Quality Assurance/Quality Control (QA/QC) Plans
Letter of Map Revision (LOMR) Responsibilities
Table displaying assigned responsibilities for LOMR Review
Criteria for Special Projects
  • Only non-profit associations are eligible organizations for this activity and must request approval from the FEMA Regional Office and FEMA HQ CTP Program Lead, in coordination with the appropriate FEMA HQ Program Manager.
  • This must occur prior to applying for funding.
The request to perform a special activity must include:
  • Documentation of the capabilities of the potential partner.
  • An explanation of the benefit to various NFIP stakeholders, FEMA and the partner (or other CTPs).
  • A description of the activities the potential partner intends to perform.
  • Draft performance measures for performance reporting requirements for special tasks that may fall outside of those already identified in the NOFO.
Lesson 4 Summary
The Five Eligible Activities are:
  • Flood Risk Production and Mapping Activities
  • 8 Mapping Activities
  • Community Outreach Mitigation Strategies (COMS) 
  • Program Management 
  • Letter of Map Revision (LOMR) Review
  • Special Projects