Course Introduction

IS-2002, Introduction to FEMA Operational Planning, teaches local, state, and Federal government planners the fundamentals of conducting FEMA operational planning activities as described in the FEMA Operational Planning Manual (FOPM). The course emphasizes that the successful development and implementation of emergency operations plans depends on learning these skills. The goal of this training is to maximize planning interoperability within FEMA and the national and regional interagency and to ensure proper coordination with state, local, tribal, and territorial planners.

IS2002 lessons: Course Introduction & Overview; Operational Planning Definitions; Form a Collaborative Planning Team; Understand the Situation; Determine Goals & Objectives; Plan Development; Plan Preparation, Review, & Approval; Plan Implementation and Maintenance; Using Deliberate Plans in Crisis Action Planning; Course Summary.
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This course should take approximately 3 hours to complete.
Lower half of the cover page of the FEMA Operational Planning Manual