Presidential Policy Directive 8
In recent years, our Nation has experienced threats that pose great risks to the security of the Nation, including acts of terrorism; cyber-attacks; pandemics; and catastrophic natural, technological, and human-caused threats and hazards. In response, the Presidential Policy Directive 8 (PPD-8) was developed. This policy directive calls on Federal departments and agencies to work with the whole community to develop a national preparedness goal and a series of frameworks and plans related to reaching the goal. PPD-8 is organized around the following key elements.
  1. The National Preparedness Goal states the ends we wish to achieve.
  2. The National Preparedness System describes the means to achieve the goal.
  3. National Planning Frameworks and Federal Interagency Operational Plans explain the delivery and how we use what we build.
  4. An annual National Preparedness Report documents the progress made toward achieving the goal.
  5. An ongoing national effort to build and sustain preparedness helps us maintain momentum.

As previously mentioned, preparedness requires the commitment of our entire Nation. PPD-8 describes the Nation’s approach to preparedness—one that involves the whole community, including individuals, businesses, community- and faith-based organizations, schools, tribes, and all levels of government.

Select this link to access the PPD-8
At the top, is a block labeled “National Preparedness System, How We Get There.” Contained within this block is another block labeled “National Planning Frameworks and FIOPS, What We Deliver and How We Use It.” Below are two additional blocks labeled “National Preparedness Report, How Well We Are Doing” and “Ongoing National Effort, How We Sustain. Over top of all the blocks as a final block labeled “National Preparedness Goal, What We Wish To Achieve.”