| - Chemical
- Biological
- Radiological
- Structural Collapse
- Members include:
- Certified Industrial Hygienists
- Professional Engineers
- Occupational Physicians
- Specialized Safety Experts
- Support the Federal On-Scene Coordinator in the area of worker health and safety
- Can also support through NRF Worker Safety and Health Support Annex
- OSHA’s Specialized Response Team is available for on-site and reach-back assistance to the Federal On-Scene Coordinator.
- The team can provide safety and health specialized expertise and support for incidents involving toxic industrial chemicals, chemical warfare agents, biological agents, ionizing and non-ionizing radiation, collapsed structures, demolition, and other construction-type activities. The team is comprised of certified industrial hygienists, certified health physicists, professional engineers, toxicologists, occupational physicians, and specialized safety experts.
- In addition to the technical subject matter expertise in recognizing and evaluating health and safety hazards, the team can assist with risk assessment and risk management in the area of response worker safety and health. The team is equipped with specialized monitoring and personal protective equipment for use in emergency response activities.
- Team leadership, equipment, and coordination assets are located at the OSHA Salt Lake Technical Center (SLTC), in Sandy, Utah.
- The team can assist Federal On-Scene Coordinators during a routine NCP response, or be activated under the NRF Worker Safety and Health Support Annex for larger incidents being managed under the NRF.