Logo for the EPA National Counter Terrorism Evidence Response Team
EPA National Criminal Enforcement Response Team (NCERT)

Mission: Provides evidence collection support for environmental crime investigations and law enforcement support/liaison to EPA’s Federal On-Scene Coordinators /responders

Liaison between Federal On-Scene Coordinator and Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)

Focus: Environmental criminal investigations

  • All-hazards response (Levels A–D)
  • Contaminated crime scene management, processing, and evidence collection/decontamination
  • Reach-back to EPA‘s National Enforcement Investigations Center in Denver
  • Law enforcement support/liaison

EPA’s NCERT provides specially trained Law Enforcement Officers with all-hazards response capability.

They provide law enforcement support to Federal On-Scene Coordinators, and act as a liaison between Federal On-Scene Coordinators and the FBI and other law enforcement agencies.

They have the capability to collect and manage forensic evidence located within the contaminated zone at an incident site.

NCERT also has reach-back capability to EPA’s National Enforcement Investigations Center (NEIC) in Denver, which supports EPA’s Special Agents and Federal On-Scene Coordinators by providing comprehensive chemical analytical capabilities needed for forensic and rapid public health assessments. The Center is accredited and nationally recognized in forensic environmental analysis.