You Have Your LOMA or LOMR-F; How Long Will it be Valid?

Letters of Map Amendment (LOMAs) and Letters of Map Revision--Based on Fill (LOMR-Fs) do not expire, but they can be superseded by a new Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM).

LOMAs and LOMR-Fs are transferable to future owners.

When FEMA prepares to revise a FIRM, the associated LOMAs and LOMR-Fs that are affected by the revision are reviewed and incorporated when appropriate.

When preparing a Preliminary Map or revised map panel, FEMA sends a Summary of Map Actions (SOMA) to the community which identifies all LOMCs issued for a community and whether:

  • The LOMA or LOMR-F will be incorporated into the new FIRM and the floodplain boundary revised to show the area outside of the Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA)
  • The LOMA or LOMR-F is likely to be superseded by new information on the FIRM and will no longer be valid
  • The LOMA or LOMR-F is likely to be revalidated when the new map panel is published
  • More information is required to make a determination

When the effective FIRM is issued, FEMA issues a Revalidation Letter which lists the LOMCs that are still in effect for the new FIRM.

Example of an updated FIRM with magnifying glass showing Zone X outlined.
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The Revalidation Letter does NOT list the LOMAs or LOMR-Fs which were incorporated into the revised panel, were superseded by new or revised mapping, or which are no longer valid.