FEMA Review Process

When a LOMC application is received at FEMA, the package is first checked to ensure that all the appropriate forms, required technical supporting information, and the correct review and processing fee are included. Complete packages receive a FEMA case number.

Next, a reviewer examines the LOMC application forms and data for completeness. If more information is required to make a determination, the submitter will be contacted by telephone or letter.

If the forms and data are complete, a case reviewer will perform the technical review of the request, comparing it to effective data and noting other requests that may affect the determination of the request. During this step, the submitter will be contacted by telephone or letter if additional information is required to complete the review. In that case, the review is suspended until the required information is received. If the information is not received within 90 days, the application processing will be suspended. Late submittals are treated as original submissions and will be subject to all payment requirements.

If the LOMC request is approved, the appropriate Determination Document is reviewed and signed by the FEMA Project Engineer. The signed Determination Document is then mailed to the submitter.

A flowchart that displays the FEMA Review Process for LOMR applications. See Appendix for alt text description.