What's Ahead?
Congratulations! You completed Insuring Condominiums in the NFIP. In this course you learned:
  • How the NFIP defines condominium
  • The different ways condominiums are written using the three Standard Flood Insurance Policy coverage forms
  • The methods used for rating low-rise and high-rise condominium buildings
  • To recognize the coverage differences and distinct loss settlement procedures for condominiums insured under the RCBAP, Dwelling, and General Property Forms
Your next step is to complete the exam. Once you complete the exam you may take other relevant courses, such as Writing Commercial Exposures (IS-1110).
Graphic titled Lesson List. Lessons are listed underneath: Introduction to Insuring Condominiums in the NFIP, Methods of Insuring Condominiums, Coverage and Loss Settlement in the RCBAP, and Coverage and Loss Settlement in the Dwelling and General Property Forms. There are checkmarks to the left of Introduction to Insuring Condominiums in the NFIP, Methods of Insuring Condominiums, Coverage and Loss Settlement in the RCBAP, and Coverage and Loss Settlement in the Dwelling and General Property Forms.