Flood Insurance Study

The Base Flood Elevation (BFE) found in a community's Flood Insurance Study (FIS) is considered more accurate than the BFE measurement found on the Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM). This is because the FIS BFE is rounded to the nearest 1/10th of a foot, while the FIRM BFE is rounded to the nearest foot.

To read the FIS, begin at the Table of Contents to locate the appropriate floodplain and note its page number. Turn to that page and find the appropriate cross section using the Regulatory column.

The first place to look for a community's Flood Insurance Study is at the FEMA Flood Map Service Center. Select this link to view the FEMA Map Service Center. If looking online for the FIS is unsuccessful, contact the community floodplain administrator to determine if an FIS profile is available locally.

Flood Insurance Study cover page is shown. To its right is an excerpt of the Elevation Certificate  Section B - Flood Insurance, Item B10. Indicate the source of the Base Flood Elevation (BFE) data. The next line shows that the response FIS Profile is selected.  The other response options (FIRM, Community Determined, and Other)  are not selected.
A pencil writing across paper.

Surveyor's Tip: If you use the Flood Insurance Study to complete the BFE in Item B9 of the Elevation Certificate, check the box next to FIS in B10.