EC Items B1–B9

Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM)

Here is another benefit of community participation in CRS: EC Items B1-B7 may have already been completed. Be sure to check the FEMA Flood Map Service Center, the community's website, or with the local floodplain administrator for this information.

The Base Flood Elevation posted in B9 must be calculated to the tenth (0.1) of a foot. So, how do you do that? By using the Flood Insurance Study for AE and numbered A zones.

A depiction of Section B - Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) Information with two FIRM panels below
A pencil writing across paper.

Surveyor's Tip: Use the community's Flood Insurance Study (FIS) in conjunction with the FIRM to establish the Base Flood Elevation (BFE) in B9. Select this link to view the FEMA Glossary entry for FIS.

If available, a community's FIS may be obtained online at the FEMA Flood Map Service Center. Select this link to go to the Map Service Center.