When completing Section A of the FEMA Elevation Certificate, surveyors, architects, and engineers need to look critically at the building and make careful decisions. You will want to look at some important Section A items in detail.
A7. Choose an EC building diagram number that closely depicts the building you are certifying.
A8. For buildings with a crawlspace or enclosure, complete Items a, b, and c. This is relevant for Building Diagrams 6, 7, 8, or 9.
A9. Buildings with an attached garage need to have Items a, b, and c completed as follows:
If the garage is without flood openings, enter “zero”
If the garage has improper flood openings, complete Items a and c. Enter “zero” in b
If there is no attached garage, enter "N/A" in all three spaces.
If A8.d and A9.d are checked "Yes," attach the Engineered Flood Openings Certification.