Floodproofing Certificate for Non-Residential Buildings

You know that residential floodproofed basements in the A Zone are approved by FEMA in certain approved communities. What about non-residential buildings?

Floodproofed non-residential buildings are permitted in most NFIP Regular Program communities. For example, the Smiths purchased a commercial building in Topeka, Kansas along the Kansas River in a floodplain. Carter Thomas, a professional engineer, provided a floodproofing certificate showing the building was floodproofed to two feet above the Base Flood Elevation.

How will Sonja Wood, the insurance agent, rate the flood insurance policy?

A depiction of a floodproofing certificate.
A pencil writing across paper.

Surveyor's Tip: Some communities and Write Your Own (WYO) companies will require an Elevation Certificate in conjunction with the Floodproofing Certificate. Select this link to view the Floodproofing Certificate.

FEMA Technical Bulletin 3-93; Non-Residential Floodproofing - Requirements and Certification may be viewed by selecting this link.