Course Overview, Course Goal, and Objectives

Welcome to the Fire Management Assistance Grant course.

This course discusses the Fire Management Assistance Grant, the declaration process, and eligibility requirements.

By the end of the course, State, Local, Tribal, and Territorial prospective Applicants and Recipients will be able to understand basic elements of the Fire Management Assistance Grant Program.

Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to:

  • Identify the types of assistance that can be provided through the Fire Management Assistance Grant Program
  • Review the criteria, steps, and sequencing of key activities needed to apply for a Fire Management Assistance Grant
  • Explain the Fire Management Assistance Grant Program administrative and documentation requirements
Lesson 1 Overview and Objectives

This lesson provides an overview of the Fire Management Assistance Grant Program.

Upon completion of this lesson, participants will be able to:

  • Identify administrative requirements of the course
  • State the goals and objectives of the course
  • Describe the overall purpose of the Fire Management Assistance Grant Program
  • Explain the types of Fire Management Assistance Grant Program assistance
The Public Assistance Program

The FEMA Public Assistance Program works with interagency partners to appropriately assist State, Local, Tribal, and Territorial governments, as well as certain private nonprofits in recovering from and mitigating declared disasters. The Program assists these groups specifically by providing grant funding.

FEMA Public Assistance manages two distinct and separate grants:

  • The Public Assistance Grant
  • The Fire Management Assistance Grant
A blue and white box that states, "Public Assistance".
FEMA Public Assistance Grant Administration

As previously stated, FEMA's Public Assistance Program administers Public Assistance Grants and the Fire Management Assistance Grants. Though the Public Assistance Program administers both grants, the two types of grants are different and are provided under different circumstances. The following information provides the key elements of each grant type:

Public Assistance Grants:

  • Public Assistance Grants provide supplemental federal disaster grant assistance for debris removal, life-saving emergency protective measures, and the repair, replacement, or restoration of disaster-damaged publicly-owned facilities, and the facilities of certain private nonprofit organizations
  • FEMA Public Assistance only provides these grants when an Emergency or Major Disaster Declaration occurs
  • Categories of Work are linked to debris removal, life-saving emergency protective measures, and the repair, replacement, or restoration of disaster-damaged publicly-owned facilities, and the facilities of certain private nonprofit organizations
  • Without an Emergency or Major Disaster Declaration, Applicants cannot apply for a Public Assistance Grant

Fire Management Assistance Grants:

  • Fire Management Assistance Grants are FEMA's primary method for providing financial assistance to State, Local, and Tribal governments responding to wildland fires
  • FEMA Public Assistance only provides these grants when a Fire Management Assistance Declaration occurs
  • Eligible Work is directly linked to firefighting activities
  • Without a Fire Management Assistance Grant Program Declaration, the Recipient cannot apply for a Fire Management Assistance Grant

Note: This course only discusses the Fire Management Assistance Grant Program.

Introduction to the Fire Management Assistance Grant Program

A wildfire's behavior is unpredictable and can change direction unexpectedly, spread across fire breaks and highways, and destroy or damage homes, buildings, and any other structures in its path. Uncontrolled fires can rapidly turn into significant disasters that result in economic impacts, disrupted lives, and loss of life and property.

Controlling wildfires is the responsibility of the local community or Tribal government, and as necessary, through support from their respective State or Territory. This includes the cost of controlling the wildfire. However, the financial burden of some wildfires that threaten to devastate a community, Tribe, State, and/or Territory may become too great and possibly impinge responders' ability to control the wildfire and/or additional future threats. To financially assist local communities, Tribes, States, and Territories working to control wildfires, the Federal government established the Fire Management Assistance Grant Program.

Five firefighters observe a forest fire as it burns through trees and brush.
Purpose of the Fire Management Assistance Grant Program

Under the Fire Management Assistance Grant Program, the Federal Government provides financial assistance in the form of a grant, to assist in reimbursement for equipment, supplies, and personnel, to any State, Local, Tribal, or Territorial government for the mitigation, management, and control of any declared fire on public or private forest land or grassland that threatens such destruction as would constitute a major disaster.

The Florida Bugaboo Fire rages out of control as firefighters wait for a helicopter to bring a load of water.
Authorities of the Fire Management Assistance Grant Program

The Fire Management Assistance Grant Program is based on a hierarchy of statutes, regulations, and policies. Each of these documents guides, shapes, and describes the program and its parameters.

  • Robert T. Stafford Act, section 420
    • Authorizes the President to provide fire management assistance to State, Local, Tribal, and Territorial governments
    • Requires coordination with the State, Tribal, and Territorial Department of Forestry
    • Allows the President to provide essential assistance under section 403 of the Robert T. Stafford Act
    • Requires the establishment of rules and regulations to carry out the program
  • 2 Code of Federal Regulations Part 200
    • Provides regulations regarding grant administration and allowable costs
Roles and Responsibilities within the Fire Management Assistance Grant Program: Overview

As with most grant programs under FEMA, the Fire Management Assistance Grant Program is based on a partnership of FEMA, State, Local, Tribal, and Territorial officials.

In administering the Fire Management Assistance Grant Program, each of these entities has a different role:

  • Program administrator
    • The FEMA Regional Administrator
  • Recipient
    • State, Tribal, or Territorial government
  • Applicant
    • Local or Tribal government
    • State or Territorial agency
Roles and Responsibilities of the Fire Management Assistance Grant Program: FEMA Public Assistance

The Public Assistance Program has many responsibilities in administering the Fire Management Assistance Grant. These responsibilities include, but are not limited to:

  • Administering the program
  • Reviewing and approving declaration requests
  • Approving grants
  • Providing technical assistance to the Recipient
Roles and Responsibilities of the Fire Management Assistance Grant Program: Recipient

A State, Tribe, and Territory can act as the Recipient for the Fire Management Assistance Grant Program. However, only State and Territorial governments can request a Fire Management Assistance Declaration. Once the State or Territory receive the declaration, a Tribe can decide if they want to act as the Recipient or Applicant.

The Recipient's responsibilities under the Fire Management Assistance Grant Program include, but are not limited to:

  • Completing and maintaining required documents for a Fire Management Assistance Declaration
  • Requesting the Fire Management Assistance Declaration (excluding Tribes)
  • Educating potential Applicants on necessary document collection required by the grant upon the Recipient
  • Working with FEMA to administer the Fire Management Assistance Grant Program
  • Implementing and monitoring the grant awarded under the Fire Management Declaration
Roles and Responsibilities of the Fire Management Assistance Grant Program: Applicant

A Local and Tribal government, as well as a State or Territorial agency can act as the Applicant for a Fire Management Assistance Grant. The Applicant within the Fire Management Assistance Grant Program receives grant funding through the program. The Applicant’s responsibilities for the administration of the Fire Management Assistance Grant Program include, but are not limited to:

  • Applying for a Fire Management Assistance Grant
  • Providing accurate and sufficient data to the State
  • Documenting costs incurred in response to a Fire Management Assistance Grant Program declaration
  • Conducting fire suppression efforts
Eligible Work under the Fire Management Assistance Grant Program

To receive financial assistance under the Fire Management Assistance Grant Program, the Applicant must have eligible work that meets the requirements for one of the program's Category of Work.

For work to be eligible, it must be:

  • The legal responsibility of the Applicant, whether it was performed by the Applicant's own agents or through a secondary party
  • Required as a result of a declared fire
  • Located within the designated area

Eligible work must also directly relate to a Category of Work for the Applicant to receive grant funding. Generally eligible Categories of Work for the Fire Management Assistance Grant Program include:

  • Category B: Emergency protective measures
  • Category H: Fire-fighting activities
  • Category Z: Indirect and Direct Administrative Costs
Category B: Emergency Protective Measures

The first generally eligible Category of Work an Applicant can typically receive grant funding for is Emergency Protective Measures.

Emergency Protective Measures are actions taken by a community before, during, and after an incident to save lives, protect public health and safety, and prevent damage to improved public and private property.

Examples of Emergency Protective Measures include, but are not limited to:

  • Police barricading and traffic control
  • Evacuations and sheltering
  • Search and rescue operations
Individuals sleep on cots at a shelter in North Dakota.
Category H: Fire-Fighting Activities

The second generally eligible Category of Work an Applicant can typically receive grant funding for is fire-fighting activities.

Fire-fighting activities are work associated with fire-related activities.

Examples of fire-fighting activities include, but are not limited to:

  • Pre-positioning resources
  • Use of supplies and equipment for fire suppression
  • Travel and per diem
  • Mobilization and demobilization
Firefighters walking with their tools, equipment, and safety items in their backpacks.
Category Z: Indirect and Direct Administrative Costs

The last Category of Work an Applicant can receive grant funding for under the Fire Management Assistance Grant Program is indirect and direct administrative costs.

Indirect costs are costs related to managing the Fire Management Declaration. Direct Administrative Costs are costs related to managing the projects.

Examples of indirect and direct administrative costs include, but are not limited to:

  • Evaluation of hazard mitigation measures
  • Collection, copying, filing, or submittal of documents to support the claim
  • Request of disbursement of Public Assistance Fire Management Assistant Grant funds
Eligible Costs Under the Fire Management Assistance Grant

FEMA reviews costs associated with eligible work to determine if the Applicant can receive Fire Management Assistance Grant reimbursement.

Eligible costs typically include, but are not limited to the following:

  • Equipment and supplies
  • Labor costs
  • Travel and per diem
  • Temporary repairs of damage caused by firefighting activities
  • Mobilization and demobilization
  • Limited pre-positioning costs approved by the Regional Administrator
Helicopter flies above smoke and a raging wildfire.
Lesson 1 Summary

In this lesson, participants learned how to:

  • Identify administrative requirements of the course
  • State the goals and objectives of the course
  • Describe the overall purpose of the Fire Management Assistance Grant Program
  • Explain the types of Fire Management Assistance Grant Program Assistance
The next lesson provides an in-depth look at the Fire Management Assistance Grant Program declaration request process.