Essential Elements of Information Questionnaire

During the Recovery Scoping Meeting, the Program Delivery Manager will discuss documentation requirements for projects. Following this meeting and project formulation of the damages, the FEMA Program Delivery Manager will address the Essential Elements of Information Questionnaire which will be visible to the Applicants and the Recipient within Grants Portal.

The FEMA Program Delivery Manager will respond to the questionnaire using the Applicant's answers, which will generate a list of required documentation the Applicant shall be required to provide. In addition, responses to the questionnaire will open dialogue boxes within the Questionnaire that require response. The FEMA Program Delivery Manager works together with the Applicant to address these specific questions with reconciled answers.

When the Program Delivery Manager is working with the Applicant, s/he will continue to show them what types of documentation they will have to provide in accordance with Essential Elements of Information requirements. These will be listed by category and sub-category (Examples including Force Account labor, equipment, contract, materials, and rented equipment). The documentation provided is specific to the project to support the Damage Description and Dimensions, the scope of work, and the project costs.

Recovery Scoping Meeting with a large group in attendance with a Program Delivery Manager speaking