Benefit-Cost Analysis Development Resources

There are a number of other tools and resources you can use to develop a Benefit-Cost Analysis:

  • Benefit-Cost Analysis software: Make sure the version you are using is up to date and has the most current national guidelines for cost codes
  • Third-party professionals: Individuals, such as the State Public Assistance Representative, can provide further guidance
  • Recipient: The Recipient can also provide useful guidance when developing a Benefit-Cost Analysis
  • FEMA courses:
    • E0239: 406 Hazard Mitigation
    • E0276: Benefit-Cost Analysis: Entry Level
  • FEMA has Benefit-Cost Analysis software that provides appropriate Benefit-Cost Analysis methodologies. However, it is the Applicant or Recipient's responsibility to gather the necessary information and provide it to FEMA. FEMA Benefit Cost Analysis
A FEMA official giving a presentation in a large conference room.