Accessing the Cost Estimating Format Tool

The Cost Estimating Format Tool consists of an Excel spreadsheet. To download it, go to the FEMA homepage and search for "CEF Spreadsheet." Select the result titled "CEF Spreadsheet |"

There will be two download options. Be sure to select the link to the XLSX file. The PDF file does not include all of the same functionality.

Download the spreadsheet by selecting the "CEF Spreadsheet" XLSX link and save it to your hard drive. Choose a location where you will be able to find it easily.

Note that additional Cost Estimating Format documents are also available on this website:

  • CEF Instructional Guide, Version 2.1
  • CEF for Large Projects Report
Select this link for a full image description
CEF download of FEMA website. Please refer to Appendix 3-1 for full description.