Lesson 3 Overview and Objectives

This lesson provides a detailed overview of the Cost Estimating Format tool, including the tool's purpose and structure.

At the end of this lesson, participants will be able to:

  • Describe the purpose of the Cost Estimating Format tool
  • Describe parts A-H of the Cost Estimating Format spreadsheet
Cost Estimating Format

Once the project has been qualified and an accurate estimate has been developed, the estimate is documented in the Cost Estimating Format. The Cost Estimating Format tool is a spreadsheet designed to use the Construction Specifications Institute MasterFormat and to facilitate preparation of estimates using the Construction Specifications Institute numbering system.

The Cost Estimating Format spreadsheet is organized to make it user-friendly and flexible enough to respond to individual project conditions and to promote consistency and the development of more inclusive cost estimates.

It is designed to serve the unique requirements of the Public Assistance program and promotes consistency in documentation, as well as having the ability to import and incorporate cost data from most electronic cost data providers.

A view down two rows of people working on computers.
Project Qualifications for Cost Estimating Format

The Cost Estimating Format must be used for all projects that have the following characteristics:

  • Large Projects
    • Large projects, according to the large project threshold for the applicable Federal fiscal year
  • Permanent Work
    • Restorative work (i.e., Categories C-G)
  • Less than 90% complete
    • Work that is less than 90% complete at the time of inspection

If projects do not meet all these requirements, cost estimates should be prepared using concepts and organization similar to the Cost Estimating Format, but the Cost Estimating Format is not required. Even projects that do not meet these requirements must be quantified, and the cost of all work elements in the estimate must be defined.

Orange cones mark the edge of the construction area of the new Belmar boardwalk that will replace the original, which was destroyed by Hurricane Sandy.
Accessing the Cost Estimating Format Tool

The Cost Estimating Format Tool consists of an Excel spreadsheet. To download it, go to the FEMA homepage and search for "CEF Spreadsheet." Select the result titled "CEF Spreadsheet | FEMA.gov."

There will be two download options. Be sure to select the link to the XLSX file. The PDF file does not include all of the same functionality.

Download the spreadsheet by selecting the "CEF Spreadsheet" XLSX link and save it to your hard drive. Choose a location where you will be able to find it easily.

Note that additional Cost Estimating Format documents are also available on this website:

  • CEF Instructional Guide, Version 2.1
  • CEF for Large Projects Report
Select this link for a full image description
CEF download of FEMA website. Please refer to Appendix 3-1 for full description.
Cost Estimating Format Tool Structure

Open the CEF Spreadsheet. You may be asked to enable editing.

Once the spreadsheet is open, you will see that there are six tabs:

  • CEF Fact Sheet: Basic information about the project and the estimate
  • CEF Notes: Documents the logic, assumptions, and reasoning for the selection of each factor
  • CEF Part A: Base construction costs
  • CEF Summary of Completed Work: Costs and cost estimates associated with all completed work (Parts A-H)
  • CEF Summary of Uncompleted Work: Costs and cost estimates associated with all uncompleted work (Parts A-H)
  • CEF Total Project Summary: Costs and cost estimates associated with all completed and uncompleted work (Parts A-H)

Parts B-H as well as the results from Part A are entered into the Completed and Uncompleted Work tabs. These figures will also appear in the Summary tab.

CEF spreadsheet tabs: CEF Fact Sheet, CEF Notes, CEF Summary of Completed Work, CEF Summary of Uncompleted Work, and CEF Total Project summary.
CEF Fact Sheet
CEF Fact Sheet. Please refer to Appendix 3-2 for full description.
CEF Notes
CEF Notes. Please refer to Appendix 3-3 for full description.
CEF Part A
CEF Part A. Please refer to Appendix 3-4 for full description.
CEF Summary of Completed Work
CEF Summary of Completed Work. Please refer to Appendix 3-5 for full description.
CEF Summary of Uncompleted Work
CEF Summary of Uncompleted Work. Please refer to Appendix 3-6 for full description.
CEF Total Project Summary
CEF Total Project Summary. Please refer to Appendix 3-7 for full description.
Cost Estimating Format Factors

Part A of the Cost Estimating Format represents the project's base construction costs. Cost Estimating Format Parts B-H (called the cost estimatin format factors) allow project costs not included in part a to be identified and included in the overall estimate.

The structure of the Cost Estimating Format mirrors the applicant-general contractor-subcontractor relationship for eligible work:

  • Part A costs represent the construction efforts required to directly and specifically complete the defined eligible work
    • When using RSMeans cost data, Part A represents the trade or subcontractor(s) installed costs


  • Parts B, C, D, and E represent the general contractor or equivalent costs; they can be considered as components of "as-bid" costs and represent the soft costs of completing the work


  • Parts F, G, and H represent the Applicant's non-construction project costs, including preparation of design or contract documents, plan review and permit fees, change orders, and management of project design and construction
Using the CEF Spreadsheet

The CEF Spreadsheet no longer uses macros. Instead, there is a text-based validation system that documents errors and displays them to the user for correction.

The CEF Spreadsheet is an official document of the Federal Government and may not be changed, altered, or amended without review and written concurrence of FEMA Headquarters. Therefore, no changes to the format or functionality of Part A other than the addition of rows are to be made by the user.

CEF Part A. Please refer to Appendix 3-8 for full description.
Entering Costs in the CEF Spreadsheet

Various factors are applied to the base cost estimate from Part A. The factors used must be appropriate to the eligible work, the conditions under which the work will be performed as documented at the time of the estimate, and the source of unit cost data.

Either check boxes or specific values are used to apply each factor or sub-factor in the spreadsheet. The default value for each factor is 0, i.e., the factors are unselected when opening a new CEF Spreadsheet.

  • Check boxes are used when the factor is fixed or is calculated by the spreadsheet automatically
  • A recommended percentage range is provided for all other factors.
  • The specific values entered depend on the scale and complexity of the work in question
CEF Part B entry methods. Please refer to Appendix 3-9 for full description.
Adding a Row

If you need to add rows to the Part A sheet, do so by copying an existing blank row in order to duplicate the formatting. To insert a row:

  1. Select the cells from columns A through H below the row you wish to insert
  2. Right-click and select Copy
  3. Right-click and select Insert Copied Cells
  4. Select Shift Cells Down when prompted
  5. Select OK

Rows must be inserted before entering content. Pasting cells from another workbook will not work, since they won't include the correct formatting.

The step-by-step instructions are also included in the spreadsheet. You cannot add rows in the Completed or Uncompleted Work or Summary tabs.

Adding a row to the CEF Part A sheet. Please refer to Appendix 3-10 for full description.
Completed vs Uncompleted Work (1 of 2)

A Public Assistance project may have Completed and Uncompleted Work elements. Because several Cost Estimating Format factors are applied differently based on the level of completion, the spreadsheet is structured to analyze completed and uncompleted work separately.

You must separate Completed Work and Uncompleted Work in Part A, as well as between the completed and uncompleted summary tabs. Mixing completed work costs with uncompleted costs can lead to inaccurate estimates.

CEF Part A. Please refer to Appendix 3-8 for full description.
Completed vs Uncompleted Work (2 of 2)

To be considered Completed Work, a project work element must be:

  • A discrete work activity (such as grading or constructing foundations) that is complete and has no pending or potential for future change orders
  • A specific type of work for which actual incurred cost documentation for eligible work is available

If cost documentation is not available within two weeks of the site inspection, the project estimate can be prepared as Uncompleted Work.

Long Island businesses are recovering from Hurricane Sandy damage. Bracco's restaurant is completing an outside seating area.
CEF Fact Sheet (1 of 2)

The CEF Fact Sheet is the first tab in the spreadsheet and should be completed first. It documents basic information about the project and estimate.

In it, you will identify the Applicant, preparer, project title, damaged facility, FEMA region, work category, and type of work. Give the dates of the event, site inspection, and estimate. Provide the relevant numbers to identify the declaration and project, as well as the PA (Public Assistance) ID number. There is also a section for the preparer's notes, where project context should be provided.

Information you enter into the Fact Sheet is automatically populated in some other components of the CEF Spreadsheet, including the CEF Notes, Summary of Completed Work, and Summary of Uncompleted Work.

Select this link for a full image description.

CEF Fact Sheet. Please refer to Appendix 3-2 for full description.
CEF Fact Sheet (2 of 2)
  • Date of Estimate: The date on which the estimate is completed
  • Preparer(s): If the cost estimate has been developed by a team, enter the names of the Lead Technical Specialists for each discipline
  • Work Category: Choose from Public Assistance Categories C-G (Permanent Work)
CEF Fact Sheet; highlighted fields: Date of Estimate, Preparer(s), and Work Category. Please refer to Appendix 3-2 for full description.
Type of Work

Each type of work (not to be confused with work categories) entered on the Fact Sheet populates a column title on the Summary of Completed Work and Summary of Uncompleted Work sheets.

These types of work include:

  • Repairs, including retrofits/upgrades eligible under applicable code and standards
  • Replacement/new construction
  • Hazard mitigation
  • Other work (specify)

Note: The work types should be kept short to better fit into summary sheet columns

Select this link for a full image description

See appendix 3-13 for full description.
Preparer's Notes (1 of 2)

The purpose of this section is to document the basis of the Cost Estimating Format estimate and establish a basic understanding of the project context.

This section can be a challenge on large, complex projects. It may be necessary to summarize major elements here and refer the reviewer to more detailed explanations in the associated backup documentation.

The Preparer’s Notes section of the CEF Fact Sheet.
Preparer's Notes (2 of 2)

What should be documented:

  • A clear and concise description of the eligible scope of work
  • The status of the project at the time of the estimate (percent of design and/or construction complete)
  • The anticipated project delivery method (design-bid-build, force account, etc.)
  • The source of unit cost data
    • This can also go in CEF Part A Notes if the text is too long
  • Results of analysis, e.g., estimated bid validation or repair vs. replacement analysis
  • Any assumptions or scope additions made by the estimator that are not otherwise documented
    • example: CEF specialist assumed dewatering by temporary stream diversion
The Preparer’s Notes section of the CEF Fact Sheet.
Preparer's Notes Examples


Stage of completionEstimate based on engineering drawingsEstimate based on drawings identified as 80% design submittal. Drawings dated June 7, 2004 prepared by Sky Hook Engineering Associates, Wise, VA
Summary scope of workScope of work including repairs to HVAC and electrical systemsScope of work including replacing flood- damaged gas furnace and controls, air distribution duct, electrical circuit breaker panels, and electrical distribution circuits. Specific quantities indicated in CEF Part A
Source of unit cost dataUnit prices taken from RSMeansUnit prices based on data presented in RSMeans Building Construction Cost Data, 2012
CEF Notes

The CEF Notes sheet provides a place to document the logic, assumptions, and reasoning for the selection of factors B-H on the summary sheets. All assumptions for selecting or not selecting factors must be recorded in the CEF Notes sheet.

To ensure proper documentation:

  • Enter notes for each work type, if appropriate
  • Indicate the value chosen for each factor and the rationale for the choice, or the reason/assumption for omitting the cost from the estimate
  • All notes for factors B-H must document why or why not you have applied the factor

The sheet also contains an area for miscellaneous comments and notes.

Select this link for a full image description.

CEF Notes. Please refer to Appendix 3-3 for full description.
Part A: Base Construction Costs

Part A of the CEF Spreadsheet is designed to document the quantitative base construction cost required to directly complete the eligible scope of work. Preparation of an accurate base cost estimate in Part A is critical to the accuracy of the total project estimate developed using the CEF Spreadsheet.

Estimates are defined using the following:

  • Item number
  • Item description title or component description
  • Division number or cost code identifiers
Select this link for a full description of Part A
CEF Part A; the item fields are highlighted. Item fields: Item No., Item/Component Description, Div. #/Course Code, Qty, Units, Unit Price, City Adj Factor, Total Cost.
Components of the Base Cost Estimate

The total estimated cost for each work activity is a product of quantity, unit price, and the city adjustment index/factor.

CEF Part A allows development of construction costs using a variety of FEMA-approved unit cost data sources. Local bids from recent projects of similar size and scope, industry cost-estimating references, or FEMA cost codes can be used for cost data sources.

Each requires validation of scope and cost reasonableness prior to using as the base cost estimate.

Select this link for a full description of Part A

CEF Part A. The item fields for Quantity, Unit Price, City Adj Factor, and Total Cost are highlighted. Please refer to Appendix 3-8 for a full description of CEF Part A.
Complete and In-Place

The Costing Specialist needs to determine if the cost data are "complete and in-place." Complete and in-place cost components include the cost of all labor, materials, equipment, small tools, and incidental costs necessary to complete an item of work, all site support and coordination costs, and all construction contract administration costs. If those cost are included in the unit cost data, Cost Estimating Format factors may not be required.

Unit cost data based on historical contracts are typically complete and in-place costs, while unit cost data from industry cost-estimating references only include the direct construction costs (labor, materials, equipment, and O&P of the installing or specialty contractor) and do not include other elements such as the general contractor costs.

Installers are putting metal hand rails on a set of stairs.
Part A Organization

To meet the requirements, all construction work activities must be itemized and quantified in Part A with as much detail as possible. The Part A spreadsheet is organized to allow differentiation between:

  • Permanent and Non-Permanent Work
  • Completed and Uncompleted Work

Sort items by work type (repair, retrofit, new construction, hazard mitigation, and other discrete work elements, such as selective demolition and force account). The types of work specified should match those selected when you complete the CEF Fact Sheet. Work should also be sorted by major components, systems, or sources of unit cost data.

Once you have identified the types of work, the line items for each type of work should be further organized using the standard work breakdown structure outlined in the Construction Specifications Institute MasterFormat Divisions.

Select this link for a full image description.

CEF Part A. Please refer to Appendix 3-8 for full description.
Part A Data (1 of 2)

Part A of the CEF Spreadsheet can be formulated to meet the specific requirements of a particular estimate. You may add rows to the spreadsheet to accommodate additional items of work as necessary.

Work should also be sorted by major components, systems, or sources of unit cost data. For projects with multiple sites, it is helpful to organize the estimate by adding a line and titling in the item description.”

Adding a row to the CEF Part A sheet. Please refer to Appendix 3-10 for full description.
Part A Data (2 of 2)

For each cost item, record:

  • Construction Specifications Institute MasterFormat Division Number/Cost Code
  • Quantity
  • Units
  • Unit Price
  • City Adjustment Factor
  • Total Cost

City adjusted cost factors must be set for the zip code of the location of work to be performed.

Select this link for a full description of Part A.

CEF Part A; the item fields are highlighted. Item fields: Item No., Item/Component Description, Div. #/Course Code, Qty, Units, Unit Price, City Adj Factor, Total Cost.
Part A Results

Once the estimates for Completed and Uncompleted Work have been developed, enter these estimates in the Summaries of Completed Work and Uncompleted Work, respectively.

The estimates are entered in the appropriate fields under Part A on each summary sheet. The distinction between Permanent and Non-Permanent Work must be maintained when completing the summary sheets.

CEF Completed/Uncompleted Work Summary Part A: Base Costs for Construction Work-In Trades. A.1: Permanent Work (CEF Part A). A.2: Non-Permanent Job Specific Work (CEF Part A). Part A Total.
Tip: These cell are not auto populating. If you edit part a after completing the CEF, they you must remember to update these fields each time you adjust part A.
Parts B-H

Cost Estimating Format Parts B-H are industry-based factors that are applied to the base construction cost from Part A in order to create cost estimates. They represent construction-related costs directly connected to the project but not previously considered or included in Part A.

It is critically important that the Estimating Specialist determine all elements of cost that make up the unit costs itemized in Part A for the sake of accuracy and to help avoid cost duplication. If a cost is included in Part A, do not duplicate it in the subsequent parts.

These factors were developed using information from the Construction Specifications Institute and RSMeans. They have been verified using data from closed-out grants for large projects nationwide.

Keep in mind that there could be different project delivery methods, project status issues, and Part A-itemized costs when considering the application of values for Parts B-H.

Parts B-E: As-Bid Costs

Published unit cost data, e.g., RSMeans, include only the costs directly required to install the specific unit of work. General contractor or equivalent costs, also referred to as 'as-bid' costs, are accounted for in Parts B-E. These represent the construction costs not included in RSMeans construction trade unit cost data.

Historical contract unit cost data such as State Department of Transportation data or FEMA cost codes typically represent complete data and may not require the use of these supplemental factors.

FEMA and Mississippi Emergency Management Agency are comparing inventory lists at the mobile hospital site.
Part B: Non-Permanent On-Site Facilitative Work

Part B includes Non-Permanent job site work that facilitates execution of the eligible work but is not typically itemized in Part A. It consists of two categories:

  • B.1 - Job Site Costs
  • B.2 - General Contractor's Field Supervision Costs

The Part B factors are applied directly to the work type subtotals from Part A. If no percentages or check boxes are selected, the B factor will be set to 0.

B.1 General Requirements, Enter % in Appropriate Columns, Guide Low to High. Safety & Security 4–6%, Temporary Services & Utilities and Quality Control 0–1%, Submittals 0–5% B.2: General Conditions, 4.25%, checkboxes. Part A through B Subtotal.
B.1: Job Site Costs

Part B.1 accounts for job site costs. It is broken down into four factors:

  • Safety and security measures
  • Temporary services and utilities
  • Quality control
  • Administrative submittals

To apply the B.1 factors, enter the percentages for each work type. Even though this is only one part, four selections are made, and thus four explanations are required in the CEF Notes sheet, one for each type of work.

B.1 General Requirements, Enter % in Appropriate Columns, Guide Low to High. Safety & Security 4–6%, Temporary Services & Utilities 0–1%, Quality Control 0–1%, Submittals 0–5%
B.1: Job Site Costs - Safety and Security Measures

This factor includes such items as:

  • Perimeter fencing, guard service, and site lighting


  • First aid, barricades, traffic controllers, flagging, railings, toe boards, and rented fencing


  • Harnesses, scaffolding, and other safety equipment


  • Fire protection, such as fire extinguishers and temporary hydrants


  • Temporary signage that may be required by a regulatory authority (e.g., the Federal Highway Administration) to control pedestrian or vehicle detours within and around the construction zone
Construction equipment next to a Road Closed sign on a road washed away during Hurricane Irene.
Recommended Application: Safety and Security Measures

This factor adds 4-6% of the Part A base cost. The higher end of the range would be applicable on projects such as airports, marinas, and ports; large segmented sites with phased construction. Projects that require tracking employees on premises during workhours for safety reasons and the project sites that require a 24-hour security officer.

  • 4% - Most projects requiring routine site security, including temporary fences, barricades, etc., and general worker safety provisions


  • 5% - Projects with unusual safety and security concerns such as requirements to maintain public access during construction, special needs to protect construction material and equipment during non-working hours, or special worker safety issues, such as work requiring a confined-space entry program


  • 6% - Projects with extraordinary safety or security issues such as airports, ports, correctional facilities, etc. that require full-time worker identification and interaction with facility users
B.1: Job Site Costs - Temporary Services and Utilities

This factor includes:

  • Construction trailer or office space and related office equipment. The space may be for the construction job superintendent or for inspectors.


  • Temporary utilities such as construction water, electricity (including temporary power distribution to work areas), telephones, construction craft sanitary facilities, and weather protection that may be necessary for temporary services or utilities.

Example: School repair projects, especially if scheduled during vacation periods, allow the contractor to use or access the existing facility power and water services. Do not include these costs by selecting the factor. If some temporary services are still required, e.g., telephones and sanitary facilities, the cost should be included, but the factor should be reduced.

A person cleaning a marching bass drum at Beach Haven school after flooding.
Recommended Application: Temporary Services and Utilities
  • 0% - All temporary services, including power, water, sanitation, communications, etc. are fully itemized in Part A as Non-Permanent work or not required

  • 0.5% - Some, but not all, temporary services are included in Part A, e.g., sanitation facilities, dumpsters

  • 1% - Temporary services are that not itemized as non-permanent work in Part A
B.1: Job Site Costs - Quality Control

This factor reflects quality control measures taken by an organization other than the Applicant or the contractor. Each Construction Specifications Institute MasterFormat section includes a quality control requirement, such as field testing and manufacturing certifications for size and strength.

Typically, the field quality control is conducted by an independent testing and inspection service with expertise specific to the project scope of work, such as:

  • Soil compaction testing
  • Concrete strength testing
  • Masonry mortar testing
  • Masonry panel tests
  • Water quality testing
  • Non-destructive examination of welds
  • Bolt torque testing of steel connections

Manufacturers' quality control documentation is provided by the manufacturer, often through the supplier.

A specialist on-site discussing the hazards associated with mold in the home caused from flooding.
Recommended Application: Quality Control
  • 0% - Only appropriate for projects limited to non-structural repairs conducted using contract package without technical specifications

  • 0.5% - Applicable to most routine projects involving Architect/Engineering contract documents

  • 1% - Applicable to projects with Architect/Engineering specifications requiring special testing, such as pile load tests or full-scale load tests of structural elements, or projects requiring special full-time engineering inspection and reports
B.1: Job Site Costs - Submittals

This factor includes the contractor's cost for:

  • Preparation of shop drawings, materials certifications, and instructions
  • Providing samples and product data
  • Preparation of construction progress schedules
Three images from a resiliency workshop: demonstration of parachute messaging concept; demonstration of wearable survivor gear that doubles as a hammock; presentation of new ideas for improving building evacuation.
Recommended Application: Submittals
  • 0% -
    • Select for projects limited to non-structural repairs conducted using pre-existing services contracts
    • Select for single trade specialty contractor projects with work being done without formal design documents or if submittal requirements are minimal or non-existent

  • 2.5% - Only appropriate for projects limited to non-structural repairs conducted using contract package without technical specifications

  • 5% - Applicable to most routine projects involving Architect/Engineering contract documents
B.2: General Conditions

Part B.2 represents a prime contractor's on-site project management costs and covers field supervision, coordination of trades, etc. Before applying this factor, the Program Delivery Manager should verify that the prime contractor's on-site project management costs have not already been included in any unit costs or bid prices.

The value of this factor has been established at 4.25%. To apply the B.2 factors, select each work type(s) to which the factor should be applied. All assumptions or the basis for selecting or not selecting factors must be recorded in the CEF Notes sheet.

B.2 General Conditions (4.25%). There is a checkbox for each type of work.
Recommended Application: General Conditions
  • Off - if the project is performed without the involvement of a general contractor, or if all general contractor project costs, including supervision, trade coordination, etc. are detailed in Part A

  • On - Any project not included in the "Off" description
    • Costs are typically described in the general requirements of construction specifications
    • May be specified in the non-permanent work section of Part A

Document all assumptions in the CEF Notes sheet.

Part C: Design and Construction Cost Contingencies

Part C is the most misunderstood factor. A contingency is a monetary provision for uncertainties about performing the work and unforeseeable costs to execute the defined scope of work. For example, a contractor may know what work must be done but not be confident that the precise execution requirements and limitations are known.

Contingencies are included in an estimate to create an appropriate level of probability for completing the project within the floor and ceiling threshold limits for that estimate. The cost allowances added to the estimate in Part C of the Cost Estimating Format represent financial protections for the final delivery of the eligible scope of work (developed in Parts A and B) defined during the engineering and design phase.

CEF Part C. Please refer to Appendix 3-11 for full description.
Part C Components

Part C includes these components, which will be described on the following visuals:

  • C.1 - Design Phase/Scope Definition Contingencies
  • C.2 - Facility or Project Constructability
  • C.3 - Access, Staging, and Storage Contingencies
  • C.4 - Economies of Scale

If no percentages or check boxes are selected, the C factor will be set to 0.

  • To apply the C.1, C.2, and C.3 factors, enter the percentage for each work type
  • To apply the C.4 factor, check the boxes for the work types to which the factors should be applied
CEF Part C. Please refer to Appendix 3-11 for full description.
C.1 - Design Phase/Scope Definition Contingencies

The C.1 contingency is intended to represent cost uncertainties based on the state of the project design development at the time the CEF Spreadsheet is prepared. The project should be evaluated to determine the level of detail in the available scope definition based on the level of design completion at the time the estimate is prepared.

The percentages reflect the gradual decrease of unknowns as design development progresses. As the engineering design becomes more detailed, the scope of work and the means and methods of construction can be better determined. Therefore, later estimates generally include a smaller contingency for uncertainties.

Part C: Construction Cost Contingencies. C.1 Design-Phase Scope Contingencies. Enter % in Appropriate Column; Guide Low to High. Preliminary Engineering Analysis: 7–20%. Working Drawings: 2–10%.
Levels of Design Development

The two levels of design development are:

  • Preliminary Engineering Analysis
  • Working Drawing

Only a single C.1 value representing the status of project design is used for each work type. For each, either select Preliminary Engineering Analysis or Working Drawings, not both.

However, two different types of work may have two different selections. For example, the repair of a facility may be nearing the final design stage while mitigation is still at the schematic design stage.

Design Phase Contingency is not appropriate for including in CEF Part A.

C.1 Design-Phase Scope Contingencies. Enter % in Appropriate Column; Guide Low to High. Preliminary Engineering Analysis: 7–20%. Working Drawings: 2–10%. Repair: WD, 2% - $200; Mitigation: PEA, 20% - $2,000. Total: $2,200.
Preliminary Engineering Analysis

At this stage, concepts have been developed, usually without a significant level of detail. Accurately quantifying work at this stage is difficult, and contractors would assume a relatively high level of risk/uncertainty in bidding a project at this time.

FEMA administrator reviewing report
Recommended Application: Preliminary Engineering Analysis

The recommended values range from 7–20% to allow some differentiation between simple and more complex projects.

  • 7–10% – Estimates developed without engineering drawings and having a scope of work consisting primarily of a single MasterFormat Division, i.e., a single trade scope of work


  • 13–15% – Estimates developed without engineering drawings and having a scope of work consisting primarily of work with less than eight MasterFormat Divisions


  • 20% – Estimates developed without engineering drawings and having a scope of work consisting primarily of work from more than eight MasterFormat Divisions
Working Drawing

At this stage of design, the design requirements are better defined, concepts are determined, details are more complete, and work tasks and quantities have been readily defined. Contractors are likely to assume a low to medium level of risk in bidding this type of project.

Project estimates based on 100% drawings will still have contingencies for unexpected costs encountered during construction, e.g.:

  • Increased equipment rental cost due to weather delays
  • Installation requires more staffing or heavier equipment than expected
  • Delays in material shipments
An engineer reviews a drawing.
Recommended Application: Working Drawing

The recommended values range from 2-10% to allow for differentiation depending on the level of completeness of working drawings.

  • 2-5% - Estimates developed from a scope of eligible work based on preliminary engineering drawings equal to or more than 80% complete


  • 4-6% - Estimates developed from a scope of eligible work based on preliminary engineering drawings more than 50% and less than 80% complete


  • 7-10% - Estimates developed from a scope of eligible work based on preliminary engineering drawings equal to or less than 50% complete. Average level of detail and readily identifiable quantities
C.2 - Facility or Project Constructability

This factor allows for site conditions or construction process complexities that could increase project costs. It includes issues such as:

  • Working in difficult site conditions
  • Extreme weather conditions impeding productivity
  • Special building code requirements
  • Special interfaces with operating facility
A water tanker is stuck in a mudslide.
C.2 - Facility or Project Constructability: Complexity

The complexity of construction activities varies among different types of projects. New construction design drawings and specifications are comprehensive in scope; therefore, no complexity allowance is provided for new construction.

Repair and retrofit projects, which must be accomplished within the physical and operational constraints of existing facilities, tend to consist of tasks that are more selectively located, are more intensely detailed and sequenced, and require closer supervision throughout the process.

Cranes work to repair high rise buildings damaged in Hurricane Ivan and Hurricane Dennis. Orange netting fences off debris.
C.2 - Facility or Project Constructability: Applicant Requirements

Applicant requirements and restrictions must also be reasonable, applying to the specific services related to the eligible scope of construction. Such requirements or restrictions could include access restrictions during normal business hours to portions of the facility being repaired.

For example, there are specific tolerances related to:

  • Sports facility floors and seating
  • End user and/or environmental requirements for hospitals and museums
  • Special site-specific construction requirements, or restrictions, mandated by State or local regulatory agencies
A view over the bleachers and field of Barrow Stadium. FEMA provided over $2 million toward the replacement facility, covering damage to the original ballpark caused by Hurricane Katrina.
Site Conditions/Construction Process Complexities

The constructability factor represents site conditions or construction process complexities such as:

  • Steep site embankments
  • Unstable soil conditions
  • Difficult subsurface construction conditions requiring such activities as de-watering and rock excavation
  • Extreme weather conditions affecting productivity, such as winter shutdowns
  • Urban sites
  • Special building code requirements
  • Availability of adequate energy, skilled craft labor, and building materials
  • The Applicant's special requirements and restrictions
  • Environmental considerations
Utility workers repair downed power lines following the Northeast Blizzard. A sign reads Utility Work Ahead.
Recommended Application: Facility or Project Constructability

Simple construction projects should be assigned a C.2 factor of 0 or 1%. Projects with a combination of features that increase complexity should be assigned factors at the upper end of the appropriate range.

For example, two bridges may require the same materials and equipment. However, if unstable soil conditions exist at one of the bridges, the work at this bridge will require more types of construction equipment, additional labor hours, and greater supervision.

If possible, project complexity issues should be addressed in Part A. If all complexity issues are addressed in Part A, the C.2 factor should not be used. However, if certain project conditions cannot be identified or quantified, select a suitable factor from the range of values given in the table on the next slide.

C.2 Constructability Table


Project Category and TypePercent Range
Simple construction projects0-1
Cat C – Roads (rural-urban)1-2
Cat C – Bridges and culverts (simple-complex)1-5
Cat D – Water control facilities1-5
Cat E – Simple open buildings1-2
Cat E – Schools, libraries, and offices1-5
Cat E – Hospitals, museums, and historic buildings1-7
Cat F – Public utilities1-5
Cat G – Park and recreation facilities1-5
C.3 - Access, Staging, and Storage Contingencies

This factor addresses varying degrees of uncertainties of costs to deliver, receive, store, and transfer materials and equipment to the installation location at the project site. For example, work in an urban environment may require storage of materials and equipment several miles away from the actual construction site, increasing the project cost.

The C.3 factors address project site conditions that impose additional costs on the work activities listed in Part A. Items should be specifically defined in Part A, if practical.

C.3 Access, Storage, & Staging. Enter % in Appropriate Column. Guide Low to High. Access, Storage, and Staging Contingencies: 0–4%
Site Access

This factor addresses access to the project site.

Examples include:

  • Difficult or long access routes for trucks delivering materials
  • A temporary access roadway or driveway constructed to provide access for equipment
  • Site loading conditions requiring heavy equipment such as barges, cranes, or forklifts
  • Restricted material delivery hours at operational facilities
  • Obstructions created by utilities or exposed systems

Projects in crowded urban areas may be at the upper end of each factor, while remote projects can incur increased material transportation charge.

  • Some remote West Virginia schools had premiums added to material prices because of long delivery distances, especially for "less than full truck load" deliveries
A long line of semi trucks on a country road.

This factor addresses the storage of construction materials and equipment on site to support proper staging and construction activities.

Examples include:

  • Remote or off-site storage of materials due to space constraints
  • Temporary easements
  • Lot, sidewalk, or roadway space rental costs

Projects in crowded urban areas may require the use of off-site storage, thus increasing the material and handling costs.

Example: Limited material storage space on site results in extra costs incurred for "just-in-time" deliveries, resulting in greater trade labor downtime.

A forklift moves pallets of supplies in a warehouse in Tyler, TX.

This contingency addresses the timing and execution of the work, which could be complicated by occupation of facilities, lack of space, and access to the facility. This factor should be used for sites, such as hospitals and city halls, which have work access limitations because services must continue despite the construction.

A view of the Pentagon building shows scaffolding being used to repair the facade.
Recommended Application: Access, Staging, and Storage Contingencies

The recommended values for C.3 factors range from 1 to 4%.

  • 1% - Project is located in a metropolitan area with ready access to construction labor, materials, and equipment without long trip times


  • 2.5% - Project is located in a suburban to exurban area with access to construction labor, materials, and equipment with trip distances of 25 to 70 miles


  • 4% - Project is located in a rural or other remote area with limited access to construction labor, materials, and equipment with trip distances exceeding 70 miles
C.4 - Economies of Scale

This factor offsets the overstatement of costs when Cost Estimating Format factors are applied to large projects with repetitive work elements that allow workers to achieve above-average productivity.

Economies of scale are either zero or a decrease in cost resulting from task or project size. For example, the crew productivity for replacing a roof can exceed average for large roofs with few penetrations or interior parapets

Typically, unit costs are based on projects of a known size range. Use of these costs for projects outside of this range can result in inaccurate estimates. This concept also applies to other factors in the Cost Estimating Format. Therefore, economies of scale are the best approach to adjusting productivity in Part A for unit prices.

CEF Part C, C.4 Economies of Scale. There is a checkbox for each column. The default percentage below each is 0%.
C.4 Economies of Scale Table


Project Size 
Under $500,0000.0
Under $2 million-0.5
Under $10 million-1.0
Over $10 million-2.0
Recommended Application: Economies of Scale

The table on the previous visual lists the construction cost changes (in percentages) that can be anticipated due to economies of scale. The multiplier is set automatically when you check the box for the type of work to which the factor should be applied.

  • Select C.4 if:
    • The scope of work contains sufficient repetitive, continuous work elements to achieve large-scale efficiency in production that would lower unit costs
  • Do not select C.4 if:
    • The scope of work lacks sufficient repetitive, continuous work elements to achieve large-scale efficiency in production that would lower unit costs
    • It can be determined that the unit costs in Part A and the factors in Part B reflect economies of scale

Economy of scale adjustments are particularly applicable to new construction projects, but are also applicable for other types of work for which cost is reduced due to the volume of repetitive work included in the eligible scope.

Part D: General Contractor Overhead and Profit

Part D accounts for the general contractor's construction costs that have not been included in Parts A, B, or C. There are three factors:

  • D.1 - Home office overhead
  • D.2 - Insurance payment and performance bonds
  • D.3 - Contractor's profit

Part D does not reflect the subcontractors' overhead and profit, which should be included in the line items listed in Part A. Part D factors should not be applied to force account work.

To apply Parts D.1 and D.2, check the box for each applicable type of work. To apply Part D.3, select the type of work to which the factor applies. The profit percentage and value are automatically calculated by the CEF Spreadsheet.

CEF Part D General Contractor’s Overhead Profit. D.1 GC’s Home Office Overhead: 7.7%; D.2 GC’s Insurance, Payment, & Performance Bonds: 3.3%; D.3 General Contractor’s Profit: New Construction, Repair/Retrofit. Part D Total. Part A through D Subtotal.
D.1 - General Contractor Office Overhead

The general contractor's main office expenses include: labor and salary costs for personnel and include

  • Principals, estimators, schedulers, purchasing agents, project managers, and general office staff
  • Other operational expenses associated with working out of the main office (rent, utilities, etc.)
A person printing out large maps and materials from a large-format printer.
Recommended Application: General Contractor Office Overhead

The value for D.1 is fixed at 7.7%.

  • Select this factor if a general contractor is involved in this project
  • Do not select this factor if no general contractor is involved in the project or if the cost is identified in Part A
D.2 - General Contractor Insurance, Payment, and Performance Bonds

This factor includes allowances for:

  • General contractor's payment and performance bonds (1.5%)
  • Builder's risk insurance (0.3%)
  • Public liability insurance (1.5%)

Insurance and bonds are project overhead costs typically, but not always, charged by the general contractor. A contractor may be required by the owner to obtain insurance and bonds when bidding on a construction project. 44 CFR 13.36(h) establishes the minimum bond requirements for construction contracts or subcontracts under Federal grants.

An architect shaking hands with a businessperson over plans at a construction site.
Recommended Application: General Contractor Insurance, Payment, and Performance Bonds

The total value of the factor is fixed at 3.3%.

  • Select this factor if a general contractor is involved in the project or if the estimate was developed using RSMeans cost data
  • Do not select this factor if a general contractor is not or was not involved in the project or if the cost is identified in Part A
D.3 - Contractor's Profit

The general contractor's profit will be calculated from the table on the next visual and is applied to the sum of Parts A, B, C, D.1, and D.2.

The value is set automatically when you check the box for the type of construction to which the factor should be applied. If you do not check a box, the factor will be set to 0.

CEF Part D, D.3 General Contractor’s Profit. New Construction, Repair/Retrofit. Both subcategories have a checkbox for each column. The percentages are all set at 0% by default.
D.3: Contractor's Profit Table


Project Size (Sum of Parts A, B, C, D.1, and D.2)


General Contractor’s Profit (%)


General Contractor’s Profit (%)


General Contractor’s Profit (%)

New Construction

Under $500,000101010
$500,000 to $750,000999
$750,000 to $1.5 million888
$1.5 million to $3 million777
$3 million to $5 million5.55.55.5
$5 million to $10 million4.54.54.5
Over $10 million333
Recommended Application: Contractor's Profit

The CEF Spreadsheet calculates the value of D.3 based on an interpolation between percentage points.

  • Select this factor if a general contractor is involved in this project
  • Do not select this factor if no general contractor is involved in the project or if the cost is identified in Part A
Part E: Cost Escalation

Part E is a cost escalation factor that allows forward pricing of the estimated construction costs to account for inflation during the design and construction period. The cost escalation factor is the Cost Estimating Format forward pricing function.

The escalation factor should be based on a 2-year average of either the Building Cost Index or the Construction Cost Index according to the Engineering News Record. The average monthly increase (expressed as a percentage) is applied to the number of months remaining to mid-point of project construction.

The Public Assistance Group Supervisor, or designee, is responsible for calculating this percentage at the beginning of a disaster. If the escalation factor has not yet been distributed, use the chain of command to request this number. The escalation factor is not to be determined by individuals in the field.

CEF Part E Cost Escalation Factors. Cost Escalation Factor. Months. Monthly Factor. Part E Total. Part A through E Subtotal.
Development of Project Timeline

If there is no applicant-submitted design and/or construction timeline, the Costing Specialist will develop the timeline. There are three phases the timeline needs to account for:

  • Preparation of Design and Bid Documents
  • Solicitation of Bids, Review of Bids, and Award of Contract
  • Construction Start and Completion Dates
Graphic presenting the three phases of project timeline development: Preparation of Design and Bid Documents, Solicitation of Bids, Review of Bids, and Award of Contract, Construction Start and Completion Dates
Preparation of Design and Bid Documents

The duration for design can be estimated using data provided by the applicant, or using other means if the Applicant does not provide.

For example, RSMeans' Facilities Cost Data recommends estimating the design time for different building types at 25-40% of the construction duration.

  • The lower bound should be used for typical flood and hurricane wind disasters where the damage necessitates less complex design
  • The upper bound would be applicable to major seismic and hurricane disasters where greater damage necessitates more complex analysis and design

Repair and replacement activities that are based on a facility's "as-built" drawing will typically not require a design duration similar to that of a new construction project.

A Salvation Army Disaster Services building with heavy damage to its roof.
Solicitation of Bids, Review of Bids, and Award of Contract

The duration for bidding and award can be estimated using data provided by the Applicant, or using other means if the applicant does not provide it.

A period of 2-3 months for bidding and award duration is typical. Extremely large projects (over $5 million) may need additional time for the bidding and award process.

In the middle of a damaged road, someone in a FEMA jacket shakes hands with someone wearing a safety vest and hard hat.
Construction Start and Completion Dates

The duration for construction can be estimated using information provided by the applicant, or by preparing an outline of the major construction tasks and determining the duration and linkages (critical paths and dependencies) associated with each of these tasks to arrive at a total construction time.

  • Construction start date = date that the applicant gives notice to proceed to the contractor


  • Construction completion date = date the owner accepts the project and agrees to pay any outstanding retainage due to the contractor


  • Guidance for estimating design and construction times is provided in Section 8 of the CEF Instructional Guide


  • Guidance for calculating the monthly escalation factor is also provided in Section 8 of the CEF Instructional Guide
Aerial view of the new Plaza Towers Elementary School (under construction) after the old school was destroyed by an EF5 tornado.
Recommended Application: Cost Escalation

This factor should only be used for escalating the cost of uncompleted work.

If Part A is based on actual costs for completed work or a firm-fixed-price contract, Part E would not be applicable.

Picture of a man in a hard hat and orange vest writing on a notepad.
Example Timeline Estimate Scenario

An engineer's report indicates that the bridge replacement construction will take approximately 6 months.

  • The Public Works Department schedules the work for the summer of 2018
  • The estimate is being prepared in late November 2017
  • Based on an estimated construction schedule of early April 2018 through October 2018 (6 months), the mid-point is determined to be July 2018
  • Thus, the time to mid-point of construction from the time of the estimate is 8 months
    • 5 months = design, bid, and award
    • 6 months = construction period
    • 5 + 6/2 = 5 + 3 = 8 months
Before and after photo showing devastation to Liberty Bridge following Hurricane Sandy compared to the rebuilt structure.
Parts F-H: Non-Construction Project Costs

Parts F, G, and H represent the Applicant's non-construction project costs:

  • Part F: Plan Review and Construction Permit Costs
  • Part G: Applicant Reserve for Change Orders
  • Part H: Applicant Project Management and Design Costs
Two people work together at a computer.
Part F: Plan Review and Construction Permit Costs

Part F reflects:

  • F.1 - Fees Charged by State and Local Agencies for Plan Reviews
  • F.2 - Construction Permits

The Applicant is generally responsible for obtaining all of the required reviews and producing a bid-ready set of plans and specifications that have been through agency reviews, plan checks, and general building permit processes. However, sometimes an applicant may, at his or her option, require the contractor to obtain specific permits necessary for performing the eligible scope of work.

Note that State or local government owned facilities (such as schools, medical facilities, bridges, and treatment plants) may have different approval requirements than other facilities.

CEF Part F Plan Review and Permit Construction Cost. F.1 Plan Review Fees (List Individual Requirements Separately); F.2 Construction Permit Fees (List Individual Requirements Separately). Part F Total. Part A through F Subtotal.
Recommended Application: Plan Review and Construction Permit Costs

Part F is not applicable when State and local agencies waive fees during disaster recovery situations.

  • The actual cost of the fees should be entered into the spreadsheet
  • The cost should include all fees that are paid to others to obtain approvals required before construction can commence
Part G: Applicant Reserve for Change Orders

Part G reflects the Applicant's reserve for contract change orders caused by unexpected changes in the eligible scope of work. The reserve is based on project size and applies only to uncompleted eligible work.

This reserve is intended to be controlled by the Applicant. It is to be used to fund approved change orders to eligible work and any other incidental costs directly required to complete eligible work that may be incurred after the construction contract is awarded. It does not reflect discretionary change orders for upgrades or for any ineligible work.

CEF Part G Applicant’s Reserve for Change Orders. 7.0% can be applied using a checkbox in each column. Part G Total. Part A through G Subtotal.
Recommended Application: Applicant Reserve for Change Orders

The value is calculated automatically when you check the box for the type of work to which the factor should be applied. When a work type selection box is highlighted, the Applicant's reserve in Part G is applied to the work type subtotal of Parts A through F.

If you do not check a box, the factor will be set to 0.

Part H: Applicant Project Management and Design Costs

This factor represents the Applicant's costs for overall project development and management throughout the design and construction phases.

The factor includes the applicant's costs for:

  • H.1 - Applicant's Project Management - Design Phase
  • H.2 - A/E Design Contract Costs
  • H.3 - Project Management - Construction Phase

Note that incidental development costs should be absorbed into these categories.

Part H does not duplicate the administrative allowance provided to the applicant under the Stafford Act. That allowance is provided to meet the cost of requesting, obtaining, and administering disaster assistance. Part H covers the cost of managing the project, not grant funds.

CEF Part H. Please refer to Appendix 3-12 for full description.
H.1 - Applicant's Project Management - Design Phase

The Applicant's costs to manage the project during the design phase include:

  • Managing the Architect/Engineering contracts for final design
  • Managing the permitting and special review process
  • Coordinating with other agencies

The H.1 factor is not applicable when engineering services are not required.

Workers in safety vests consult project plans at a work site in Galena, AK.
Recommended Application: Applicant's Project Management - Design Phase

To apply the H.1 factor, select the box under each work type to which the factor is to be applied.

A value of 1% has been established for this factor. If you do not check a box, the factor will be set to 0.

CEF Part H. H.1 Applicant’s Project Management – Design Phase: 1.0% (Apply using checkbox in each column.)
H.2 - A/E Design Contract Costs

This factor covers the cost of basic design and inspection services normally performed by an Architect/Engineering firm, as well as many additional services not necessarily required with every construction project. Part H.2 is not applicable when design, construction inspection, or other basic services are not required.

The basic services consist of:

  • Preliminary engineering analysis
  • Preliminary design
  • Final design
    • Includes preparation of contract requirements, technical specifications, and construction drawings/sketches
  • Construction inspection

A construction inspection may be procured as a stand-alone service for projects that do not require design or formal bid documents.

Select this link for a full image description.

CEF Part H. H.1 Applicant’s Project Management – Design Phase: 1.0%
Architect/Engineering Cost Curves

The engineering service curves found in the PA Guide, FEMA 322, June 2007, are used to estimate the cost of basic engineering services as a percentage of the estimated construction cost. One of two curves, Curve A or Curve B, may be used to determine the appropriate percentage.

CEF Part H. H.2 A/E Design Contract Applicability and A/E Design Contract Cost. Curve A and Curve B are highlighted in both categories.
Curve A - Above Average Complexity

Curve A applies to projects with above-average complexity and non-standard design.


  • Airports with extensive terminal facilities
  • Water, wastewater, and industrial waste treatment plants
  • Hospitals, schools, and office buildings
  • Power plants
  • Large dams and complicated small dams
  • Highway and railway tunnels
  • Pumping stations
  • Incinerators
  • Complicated waterfront and marine terminal facilities
The Big Tujunga Dam is under construction to reinforce the walls due to an increased debris flow from recent severe winter storms.
Curve B - Average Complexity

Curve B applies to projects with average complexity and standard design.


  • Industrial buildings, warehouses, garages, hangars, and comparable structures
  • Bridges and other structures of conventional design
  • Simple waterfront facilities
  • Roads and streets
  • Conventional levees, floodwalls, and retaining walls
  • Small dams
  • Storm sewers and drains
  • Sanitary sewers
  • Water distribution lines
  • Irrigation works, except pumping plants
  • Airports, except as classified for Curve A
Contractors work on rebuilding the bridge piers damaged by flooding of the Schoharie Creek during Hurricane Irene.
Basic Construction Inspection Services

When the work requires only basic construction inspection services, a fee that does not exceed 3% of construction costs should be used to cover the following items:

  • Review of bids
  • Work site inspection visits
  • Checking and approval of material samples
  • Review of shop drawings and change orders
  • Review contractors request for payment
  • Acting as the applicant's representative
An official speaking with a road worker in front of a backhoe at a construction site.
Special Services

In addition to the basic services, the following special services may be required and are not usually included in the fee for basic engineering services. These services should be specifically described and justified in Part A, and the cost estimated, before the services are included in the Cost Estimating Format.


  • Engineering surveys
  • Soil investigations
  • Resident engineer services
  • Feasibility studies

Tip:  When these costs are added in part a, they should not have irrelevant factors from parts B-H applied to them. A good technique is to create an “other special services’ in the CEF fact sheet-type of work. That will allow those costs to be separated from the factors applied to construction costs.

A Mitigation Specialist discusses erosion to the Liberty State Park coastline with the Park Superintendent.
Recommended Application: Architect/Engineering Design Contract Costs

You must select the appropriate project complexity curve and check the box for that curve on the spreadsheet.

The spreadsheet automatically calculates the percentage to be applied. If you do not check a box, the factor is set to 0.

H.3 - Project Management - Construction Phase

Project management costs during the construction phase are estimated using a table and include:

  • Quality assurance and management of additional testing during construction
  • Advertising and awarding the construction contract
  • Decisions on construction problems and requests for information
  • Management of change orders for on-site construction conditions and design errors
  • Omissions and unforeseen problems, such as differing site conditions and hidden damage
CEF Part H. H.3 Project Management – Construction Phase: 6%, can be applied using the checkbox in each column.
Recommended Application: Project Management - Construction Phase

To apply the H.3 factor, select the box under each work type to which the factor is to be applied. The values will be automatically calculated. If you do not check a box, the factor will be set to 0.

CEF Part H. H.3 Project Management – Construction Phase: 6%, can be applied using the checkbox in each column.
Total Project Summary

The final tab is the Total Project Summary sheet. It merges estimated costs for completed and uncompleted work into a single estimate for the entire project.

Values from the rest of the document should automatically populate the appropriate fields as they are entered in the other sheets. This estimate is used in the preparation of the Project within Grants Portal.

Exceptions may occur. For example, if the estimate includes a hazard mitigation proposal, the Total Project Summary will include the hazard mitigation estimated cost.

In the case of exceptions, the Program Delivery Manager can find the Total Project Cost for each type of work/facility/programmatic issue as the Total Cost for the appropriate scope of work at the bottom of the Summary of Completed Work and/or Summary of Uncompleted Work sheets.

Select this link for a full image description.

CEF Total Project Summary. Please refer to Appendix 3-7 for full description.
Lesson 3 Summary

This lesson provided a detailed overview of the Cost Estimating Format tool, including the tool's purpose and structure.

The next lesson reviews the course objectives and concludes the course.