Lesson 2 Overview and Objectives

This lesson provides an overview of the capabilities of the Grants Portal and covers the necessary information to establish and manage profile accounts. This lesson also describes information management in the Grants Portal including receiving notifications and uploading required documentation.

Upon completion of this lesson, participants will be able to:

  • Describe various procedures for profile account initiation within Grants Portal
  • Review best practices for account management within Grants Portal
Technical Capabilities of Grants Portal

Grants Portal is a web-based project tracking system used by FEMA and its stakeholders. Grants Portal acts as a collection and retention center for documentation required by FEMA for an Applicant to obtain grant funding.

Grants Portal:

  • Facilitates full project visibility
  • Enhances coordination and communication
  • Streamlines work
  • Improves document collection and retention

FEMA recommends Recipients and Applicants use the Internet browser Mozilla Firefox to fully utilize all technical capabilities and to ensure optimal performance of Grants Portal.

Grants Portal: Full Project Visibility
Within Grants Portal, both Recipient and Applicant can view the status of projects. Grants Portal shows if FEMA is reviewing the project, if FEMA ordered a site inspection, and if FEMA obligated or denied a project.
Grants Portal Full Project Visibility Screenshot. Please refer to Appendix 2-1 for full description.
Grants Portal: Coordination and Communication

Grants Portal allows FEMA, Recipient, and Applicant to communicate and coordinate with one another on all tasks related to the Applicant's project. Some examples are as follows:

  • The Program Delivery Manager creates and sends calendar updates for meetings, such as the Recovery Scoping Meeting, via Grants Portal
  • The Program Delivery Manager submits Essential Elements of Information and Requests for Information via Grants Portal
  • The system notifies the Applicant of the new tasks through the notification bell
Grants Portal: Streamlined Work

Grants Portal streamlines work and provides a central location in which all participating parties carry out their tasks. These capabilities include:

  • Setting up and managing organizational details in advance of an event
    • Adding personnel
    • Uploading insurance documents
    • Assigning staff
    • Collecting and receiving information from FEMA
    • Submitting supporting documentation in one consolidated location
  • Submitting and managing Requests for Public Assistance
  • Reviewing and signing the Damage Description and Dimensions
  • Scoping and costing a project
  • Reviewing and signing the scope of work and cost estimate
  • Monitoring a project's status
  • Reviewing and approving submitted grants
Grants Portal: Documentation Collection and Retention

Applicants can also upload and store documentation in the system at any time before a disaster is declared. When an event occurs and they have an approved Request for Public Assistance, then the Applicant receives an Event Profile and can upload information that pertains to that event.

Documentation may include:

  • Payroll policies
  • Insurance policies
  • Mutual Aid agreements, if applicable
  • Purchasing/procurement policies
Grants Portal Document Uploader Screenshot. Please refer to Appendix 2-2 for full description.
Obtaining Access to Grants Portal

As discussed in the previous lesson, FEMA provides an easy three-step process for Recipient and Applicants to obtain access to Grants Portal and create an organization account:

  1. FEMA grants access to the Recipient
  2. Recipient grants access to the Applicant
  3. Recipient and Applicant manages their personnel
Grants Portal Organization Account (1 of 2)

The organization account is a central location where Public Assistance processes are documented and monitored, as well as a tool that FEMA, Recipient, and Applicant can use to interact with each other. This centralized workspace greatly facilitates the Public Assistance process.

The first step to set up an organization account for both the Recipient and Applicant occurs after FEMA and the Recipient have their initial meeting. This occurs at the beginning of an incident for Recipients and Applicants who have not already created an account in Grants Portal or who have not received an invite during a non-event.

Grants Portal Organization Account (2 of 2)

Once FEMA has established the Recipient account, the Recipient will send the Applicant an invitation via Grants Portal that will send an email:

  • The Applicant should regularly check their email they provided to the Recipient

The Applicant should:

  • Open the email that was generated from Grants Portal with the email address of support@pagrants.fema.gov
  • Read the email thoroughly
  • Select the link in the text to begin creating an organization account

To create and submit an organization account request, an Applicant must provide the following information in Grants Portal:

  • Organization information
  • Contact information
  • Location information
  • Applicable counties
Obtaining Access to Grants Portal: FEMA to Recipient

Recipients receive initial access to Grants Portal once an event occurs.

Once the Recipient selects the link in their email, the hyperlink brings them to the Grants Portal site to register their organization. The first screen asks for the Recipient to input their basic information.

Directions for inputting basic information:

  • Ensure the requesting organization is correct
  • Input the organization name (e.g., Georgia Emergency Management Agency)
  • Select the type of organization represented (e.g., State government, U.S. Territory or possession, or Native American Tribal government)
  • Enter the organization Dun and Bradstreet (DUNS) number
  • Select the "Next" button to move onto the next screen when ready
Grants Portal Add Your Organization Screenshot. Please refer to Appendix 2-3 for full description.
Obtaining Access to Grants Portal: Recipient to Applicant (1 of 2)

Agencies, private nonprofits, and other organizations who incurred costs or damages related to the incident attend the Applicant Briefing, led by the Recipient.

The Recipient is responsible for collecting the Applicant's name, agency name, phone number, and email address on a sign-in sheet.

The Recipient then uses their rights granted by FEMA to invite or directly enter Applicants into Grants Portal. Applicants should regularly check the email for the invitation or notification to join Grants Portal.

Sign-In Sheet. Date: (blank). Table column headers: Name, Agency, Phone #, Email Address. All columns are blank.
Obtaining Access to Grants Portal: Recipient to Applicant (2 of 2)

Once the Applicant selects the link in their email, the hyperlink brings them to the Grants Portal site to register their organization. The first screen asks the Applicant to input their basic information.

Directions for inputting basic information:

  • Ensure the requesting organization is correct
  • Input the organization name (e.g., Dallas, City of)
  • Select the type of organization represented (e.g., City, County, Private Nonprofit)
  • Enter the organization DUNS number
  • Select the "Next" button to move onto the next screen when ready

After Applicants create an account, the Recipient must approve it. Grants Portal sends an organization account request email to Recipients that informs them that a request was added to their workflow.

Note: The process by which the Recipient Invites Applicants to join Grants Portal will be discussed later in this lesson.

Grants Portal Organization Account Setup: Basic Information. Please refer to Appendix 2-4 for full description.
Grants Portal Organization Account: Contact Information

Once the Applicant selects the "Next" button on the screen asking for basic information, a new screen loads asking for the organizations primary contact information.

Directions to enter primary contact information:

  • Enter first name
  • Enter last name
  • Enter title
  • Enter phone number
  • Enter primary email
  • Either select the "Next" button to move onto the next screen when ready, or enter information for an alternate contact

The contact information section also allows the Applicant to input information for an alternate contact. The alternate contact should be someone who can act as the primary contact if the primary contact is unavailable.

Directions to enter alternate contact information:

  • Enter first name
  • Enter last name
  • Enter title
  • Enter phone number
  • Enter email
  • Select the "Next" button to move onto the next screen when ready
Grants Portal Organization Account Setup: Contact Information Request. Please refer to Appendix 2-5 for full description.
Grants Portal Organization Account: Organization Location (1 of 2)

Grants Portal directs the Applicant to the organization location screen once they select the "Next" button on the contact information screen.

The Applicant enters the primary location address of their organization. The Applicant also inputs their mailing address, but only if it differs from the primary location address (e.g., An Applicant who has a P.O. Box should provide this information as their mailing address).

Directions to enter primary location of your organization:

  • Enter address 1 of the organization's location (e.g., 500 C Street SW)
  • Enter address 2 of the organization's location, as needed (e.g., Suite 400)
  • Enter the city in which the organization resides
  • Enter the state in which the city is located
  • Enter the zip code of the organization's location
  • Enter the county of the organization's location
  • Either select the "Next" button to move onto the next screen when ready, or enter information for a mailing address, as needed
Grants Portal Organization Account Setup: Organization Location Request. Please refer to Appendix 2-6 for full description.
Grants Portal Organization Account: Organization Location (2 of 2)

If an Applicant's organization has a different mailing address than the primary address of the organization, they also input the mailing address.

Directions to enter the organization's mailing:

  • Enter the organization's address 1 of where it receives mail (e.g., P.O. Box 45)
  • Enter the organization's address 2 of where it receives mail, as needed (e.g., 500 C Street SW)
  • Enter the city in which the organization resides
  • Enter the state in which the city is located
  • Enter the zip code of the organization's location
  • Enter the county of the organization's location
  • Select the "Next" button to move onto the next screen when ready
Grants Portal Organization Account: Facilities Location

Once the Applicant selects the "Next" button, Grants Portal takes them to the facilities location section. Here, the Applicant adds the county location of their facilities or counties in which they have responsibility for activities. Organizations that have Statewide responsibilities have different steps to take than organizations that have facilities or responsibility for activities in a limited number of counties.

Directions for organizations who have statewide responsibilities:

  • Select the "Mark Statewide" button
  • Select the "Next" button to move onto the next screen when ready

Directions for organizations that have facilities or responsibility for activities in a limited number of counties:

  • Select the "Add" button next to the counties the organization has either facilities in or responsibility for activities
  • Select the "Next" button to move onto the next screen when ready
Grants Portal Organization Account Setup: Facilities Location Request. Please refer to Appendix 2-7 for full description.
Grants Portal Organization Account: Complete Access Request

When selecting the "Next" button, Grants Portal loads a page that completes the access request. The Applicant reviews the information on the page to make sure it is correct.

To review organization information:

  • Read the information provided on the screen and ensure it is all correct
  • If any information is incorrect, use the "Previous" button to go back to the section which needs editing
  • Select the "Submit" button at the bottom of the webpage
Grants Portal Organization Account Setup: Complete. Please refer to Appendix 2-8 for full description.
Grants Portal Organization Account: Completion (1 of 2)

Once the Applicant selects the "Submit" button, a congratulations screen appears. The Applicant has completed their organization account.


  • Upon completion, Grants Portal sends a message and task to FEMA personnel, indicating that the Recipient completed their organization account
  • Grants Portal immediately sends an email to the Recipient that states they successfully initiated an organization account request
  • FEMA then reviews the organization account request, approves it, and Grants Portal sends the Recipient an email which prompts them to add additional personnel.
Grants Portal Organization Account Setup: Completion Email. Please refer to Appendix 2-9 for full description.
Grants Portal Organization Account: Completion (2 of 2)


  • Upon completion, Grants Portal sends a message and task to the Recipient, indicating that the Applicant completed their organization account
  • Grants Portal immediately sends an email to the Applicant that states they successfully initiated an organization account request
  • The Recipient reviews the organization account request and approves it
  • Grants Portal sends another email to the Applicant prompting them to create their account and add personnel
Grants Portal Organization Account Setup: Completion Email. Please refer to Appendix 2-9 for full description.
Grants Portal Organization Account: Video Example

Please watch the video to review how to create and submit a Grants Portal organization account request.

Grants Portal Account Activation

Once an organization account is successfully created, the Applicant will be able to create individual user accounts. The individual user accounts are the entry point where most of the work is conducted. Grants Portal will send emails containing log in information to each new user, where they will need to follow the instructions to log into the system.

The subsequent slides outline the activation process.

Activating a Grants Portal Account: Activation Email

The next step in acquiring access to Grants Portal is setting up a personal Grants Portal account.


Recipient personnel will receive an email with a username and temporary password which they use to log in to Grants Portal.


Upon obtaining Recipient approval for the organization account, individual users receive an email with a username and temporary password which they use to log in to Grants Portal.

Directions to activate Grants Portal account:

  • Open the email from FEMA
  • Review the email and take note of the username and temporary password
  • Select the link that says to sign in with the temporary password.
Grants Portal Account Activation Email. Please refer to Appendix 2-10 for full description.
Activating a Grants Portal Account: Welcome Screen

When the individual user selects the link in their email, it brings them to Grants Portal to set up their account.

Directions to activate a Grants Portal account:

  • Read the screen that welcomes the user
  • Select the "Next" button to move to the next screen when ready
Grants Portal Account Activation: Welcome. Please refer to Appendix 2-11 for full description.
Activating a Grants Portal Account: Choosing a Password

After the individual user selects the "Next" button, Grants Portal directs them to a screen that allows them to set up the password for their account.

Directions to create a password:

  • Ensure the username is correct
  • Choose and enter a password
    • The password must be at least eight characters long
    • The password may include uppercase and lowercase characters, numbers, punctuation marks, and symbols
  • Re-enter the password to confirm it
  • Select the "Next" button to move to the next screen when ready
Grants Portal Account Activation: Password. Please refer to Appendix 2-12 for full description.
Activating a Grants Portal Account: Selecting a Security Question

Selecting the "Next" button brings the individual user to a screen that asks the individual user to select a security question and answer.

Directions for setting a security question and answer:

  • Select a security question (e.g., What is your oldest sibling's middle name?)
  • Enter a personal answer to the question
  • Re-enter the security answer to confirm it
  • Select the "Next" button
Grants Portal Account Activation: Security Question. Please refer to Appendix 2-13 for full description.
Activating a Grants Portal Account: Review Screen

After the individual user selects the "Next" button they review the information provided to activate their Grants Portal account.

Directions to review activation information:

  • Review the username
  • Ensure that the password is correct
  • Review the security question
  • Ensure the security question answer is correct
Grants Portal Account Activation: Finalize Account Review. Please refer to Appendix 2-14 for full description.
Activating a Grants Portal Account: Congratulations Screen
Selecting the "Next" button brings the individual user to the final activation screen. This screen congratulates the individual user for activating their account. The individual user now has access to Grants Portal.
Grants Portal Account Activation: Congratulations Screen. Header: Grants Portal logo. Congratulations! Your account has been activated. Use the button below to continue. Return to Login Screen button.
Activating a Grants Portal Account: Video Example

Please watch the video to review how to set up a Grants Portal account.

Logging in to Grants Portal

Once a Recipient or Applicant sets up their organization account and completes their personal account, they can sign in to Grants Portal.

Directions to sign in to Grants Portal:

  • Open an Internet browser
  • Select the Internet browser's address bar and type in the Grants Portal website.
  • Type in the individual user username
  • Type in the individual user password
  • Select the "Sign In" button
Grants Portal Sign In Screen. Please refer to Appendix 2-15 for full description.
Logging in to Grants Portal: Privacy Notice Pop-Up

After selecting the "Sign In" button, a pop-up window with a privacy notice window will appear. The privacy notice informs the individual user that FEMA collects the information in Grants Portal for grants purposes.

Directions to access Grants Portal:

  • Read the privacy notice
  • Select the "Accept" button
Grants Portal Privacy Notice Pop-Up. Please refer to Appendix 2-16 for full description.
Logging in to Grants Portal: Attention Pop-Up

After selecting the "Accept" button, a pop-up window with an attention notice will appear. The attention notice informs the individual user that they are accessing a United States Government information system.

Directions to access Grants Portal:

  • Read the attention notice
  • Select the "Accept" button
Grants Portal Attention Pop-Up. Please refer to Appendix 2-17 for full description.
Grants Portal Dashboard

After the account setup process is complete, the individual user will be taken to the Grants Portal Dashboard. This is the main screen where the individual user will be able to navigate to other parts of Grants Portal.

It is important to note that the Dashboard is completely customizable depending on the user's preference. There will be more information on customizing the Grants Portal Dashboard in a later lesson of this course.

Grants Portal Dashboard. Please refer to Appendix 2-18 for full description.
Inviting an Applicant to the Grants Portal (1 of 5)

After an incident occurs and the President declares an emergency or major disaster, Recipients hold an Applicant Briefing. At this meeting, the Recipient collects information from attendees. They then use the information to invite the Applicants to create organization accounts and personnel accounts in Grants Portal.

Directions to invite an Applicant to the Grants Portal:

  • Select the "My Organization" tab on the left side of the dashboard
  • Select the "Organization Profile" under the "My Organization" tab
Grants Portal My Organization Profile Recipient Page. Please refer to Appendix 2-19 for full description.
Inviting the Applicant to the Grants Portal (2 of 5)

Once Grants Portal loads the "Organization Profile," the Recipient then manages their subrecipient organizations' profiles to add an Applicant.

Directions to invite an Applicant to the Grants Portal:

  • Select the "Manage" button to the right of the subrecipient organization profiles drop-down list
Grants Portal My Organization Profile Recipient Page. Please refer to Appendix 2-19 for full description.
Inviting the Applicant to the Grants Portal (3 of 5)

After the Recipient selects the "Manage" button, the "Subrecipient Organization Profiles" page loads.

Directions to invite an Applicant to the Grants Portal:

  • Select the "New Organization" button
  • Select "Invite" from the drop-down list
Grants Portal Subrecipient Organization Profiles Page. Please refer to Appendix 2-20 for full description.
Inviting the Applicant to the Grants Portal (4 of 5)

After the Recipient selects "Invite" in the drop-down list, Grants Portal directs them to the "Invite Organization" page.

Directions to invite an Applicant to the Grants Portal:

  • Review the requesting organization to ensure the Recipient's organization is inviting the Applicant
  • Select the text box next to "Organization Name" and input the Applicant's organization
  • Select the drop-down list next to "Type" and choose the appropriate type of organization to represent the Applicant
  • Select the text box next to "First Name" and enter the contact's first name (i.e., The person who attended the Applicant Briefing)
  • Select the text box next to "Last Name" and enter the contact's last name
  • Select the text box next to "Phone Number" and enter the contact's phone number
  • Select the text box next to "Email" and enter the contact's email
  • Select the "Save" button in the top-right corner of Grants Portal once done entering information
Grants Portal Invite Organization Page. Please refer to Appendix 2-21 for full description.
Inviting the Applicant to the Grants Portal (5 of 5)

After saving the invitation, Grants Portal automatically sends an email invitation to the Applicant. Grants Portal also loads the "Organization Invitation" page for the Recipient to review the information input for the Applicant.

Directions to invite an Applicant to the Grants Portal:

  • Review the information to ensure all information is correct
Grants Portal Organization Invitation Page. Please refer to Appendix 2-22 for full description.
Inviting the Applicant to Grants Portal: Video Example

Please watch the video to review how to invite the Applicant to Grants Portal.

Reviewing the Applicant's Organization Account Request (1 of 5)


After the Applicant completes the organization account request, Grants Portal notifies the Recipient that they have an organization account request task to complete in Grants Portal.

Directions to review the Applicant's organization account:

  • Read the email
  • Select the link in the email to go to Grants Portal
  • Sign in to Grants Portal
Grants Portal Email Notification. Please refer to Appendix 2-23 for full description.
Reviewing the Applicant's Organization Account Request (2 of 5)

After the Recipient selects the link in their email and signs in to Grants Portal, they navigate to the "Invitations and Requests" tab.

Directions to review the Applicant's organization account:

  • Select the "Subrecipients" tab on the left side of Grants Portal
  • Select the "Invitations and Requests" tab located under "Subrecipients"
  • Select the magnifying glass next to the name of the organization for the organization account you want to review
Grants Portal Invitations and Requests Page. Please refer to Appendix 2-24 for full description.
Reviewing the Applicant's Organization Account Request (3 of 5)

Grants Portal loads the "Organization Request" page once the Recipient selects the magnifying glass. Here, the Recipient reviews an organization's information and navigates to the organization's workflow.

Directions to review the Applicant's organization account:

  • Review the organization's information
  • Select the link next to "Workflow"
Grants Portal Organization Request Page. Please refer to Appendix 2-25 for full description.
Reviewing the Applicant's Organization Account Request (4 of 5)

After the Recipient selects the link next to "Workflow," Grants Portal directs the Recipient to the "Workflow Details" page. The Recipient approves or rejects the organization account request at this time.

Directions to review the Applicant's organization account:

  • Review the workflow information and type-specific information on the screen
  • Select the "Approve" button at the top right of the screen if the organization account is approved
  • Select the "Reject" button at the top right of the screen if the organization account is not approved
Grants Portal Workflow Details Page. Please refer to Appendix 2-26 for full description.
Reviewing the Applicant's Organization Account Request (5 of 5)

Once the Recipient either chooses to accept or reject the organization account request, a pop-up window appears asking if the Recipient is sure of their determination.

Directions to review the Applicant's organization account:

  • Select the "Yes" button in the pop-up window

Once the Recipient approves the Applicant's organization account, Grants Portal sends the Applicant an email with a username and temporary password to set up their personal account.

Grants Portal Account Request Approval Pop-Up. Please refer to Appendix 2-27 for full description.
Reviewing the Organization Account Request: Video Example

Please watch the video on reviewing the organization account request submitted by the Applicant.

Creating an Organization Profile for the Applicant

A second way for the Recipient to invite an Applicant to the Grants Portal is by creating an organization account for them. This typically occurs if the Applicant does not have access to the internet or cannot complete the organization account for another reason.

Directions to add an organization account for Applicants:

  • Select the "My Tasks" tab on the left side of the screen
  • Select the "Subrecipients" tab under "My Tasks"
  • Select the "Organization Profiles" tab under "Subrecipients"
  • Select the "New Organization" button in the top-right corner of Grants Portal

After the Recipient completes the organization account, the Applicant receives an email which states that the Recipient approved their organization account and provides them with a username and temporary password.

Grants Portal Subrecipient Organization Profiles Page for Applicant. Please refer to Appendix 2-28 for full description.
Creating an Organization Account for the Applicant: Video Example

Please watch the video to review how to create an organization account for the Applicant.

Inviting Multiple Applicant Organizations (1 of 11)

Recipients have a third option to invite Applicants to join Grants Portal. This option is helpful when a Recipient wants to invite multiple Applicants at once.

This most often occurs after the Applicant Briefing. A Recipient has numerous organizations to invite once they collect information on the sign-in sheet at the briefing.

Sign-In Sheet. Date: (blank). Table column headers: Name, Agency, Phone #, Email Address. All columns are blank.
Inviting Multiple Applicant Organizations (2 of 11)

To begin inviting multiple Applicants to join Grants Portal, the Recipient signs in to Grants Portal and navigates to the "Subrecipient Organization Profiles" page.

Directions to invite multiple Applicants to join Grants Portal:

  • Sign in to Grants Portal
  • Select the "My Organization" tab on the left side of Grants Portal
  • Select the "Organization Profile" tab under "My Organization"
  • Select the "Manage" button to the right of the Subrecipient organization profiles drop-down list
Grants Portal My Organization Profile Recipient Page. Please refer to Appendix 2-19 for full description.
Inviting Multiple Applicant Organizations (3 of 11)

Once the "Subrecipient Organization Profiles" page loads, the Recipient begins the process of importing the list of the Applicants they want to invite to Grants Portal.

Directions to invite multiple Applicants to join Grants Portal:

  • Select the "New Organization" button in the top-right corner of Grants Portal
  • Select "Import" from the drop-down list
Grants Portal Subrecipient Profile, import menu. Please refer to Appendix 3-35 for full image description.
Inviting Multiple Applicant Organizations (4 of 11)

Once the Recipient selects "Import" in the drop-down list, Grants Portal directs them to the "Import Organization Invitation" page. The Recipient downloads the invitation template and uploads it to Grants Portal.

Directions to invite multiple Applicants to join Grants Portal:

  • Select the "Download Template" button in the top-right corner of Grants Portal
Grants Portal Import Organization Invitation Page. Please refer to Appendix 2-29 for full description.
Inviting Multiple Applicant Organizations (5 of 11)

A pop-up window appears once the Recipient selects the "Download Template" button asking the Recipient to open the spreadsheet which holds the template.

Directions to invite multiple Applicants to join Grants Portal:

  • Select the "OK" button in the pop-up window
Grants Portal Organization Invite Template Pop-Up. Please refer to Appendix 2-30 for full description.
Inviting Multiple Applicant Organizations (6 of 11)

The template opens in Microsoft Excel once the Recipient selects "OK" in the pop-up window. The Recipient enables editing of the document before they populate the spreadsheet. The Recipient then inputs the following information into the template for the multiple organizations they want to invite to Grants Portal:

  • Organization name
  • Organization type
  • Contact's first name
  • Contact's last name
  • Contact's email
  • Contact's phone number

Directions to invite multiple Applicants to join Grants Portal:

  • Select the "Enable Editing" button in the task bar
  • Enter the appropriate information for all organizations to be invited to Grants Portal
  • Save the template as a file that can be uploaded later
  • Exit out of the file
Grants Portal Organization Invite Excel Spreadsheet. Please refer to Appendix 2-31 for full description.
Inviting Multiple Applicant Organizations (7 of 11)

After completing and saving the organization invitation template, the Recipient navigates back into Grants Portal to the "Import Organization Invitation" page.

Directions to invite multiple Applicants to join Grants Portal:

  • Navigate to the "Import Organization Invitation" page in Grants Portal
  • Select the "Upload Spreadsheet" in the top-right corner of Grants Portal
Grants Portal Import Organization Invitation Page. Please refer to Appendix 2-29 for full description.
Inviting Multiple Applicant Organizations (8 of 11)

The File Explorer window then pops up. The Recipient navigates their files to find the saved file. The completed template can now be uploaded into Grants Portal.

Directions to invite multiple Applicants to join Grants Portal:

  • Navigate File Explorer to find the saved completed template
  • Select the file that holds the organizations' information.
  • Select the "Open" button
Grants Portal File Upload Pop-Up. Please refer to Appendix 2-32 for full description.
Inviting Multiple Applicant Organizations (9 of 11)

After the Recipient selects the "Open" button, a row appears under "Import History" in the "Import Organization" page. The row is highlighted in blue. The Recipient continues the process to upload the information from the document into Grants Portal.

Directions to invite multiple Applicants to join Grants Portal:

  • Look for the blue highlighted row on the screen for the file uploaded into Grants Portal. It is the top row
  • Select the "Continue" button in the row on the right-side of Grants Portal
Grants Portal Import Organization Invitation Page: Continue. Please refer to Appendix 2-33 for full description.
Inviting Multiple Applicant Organizations (10 of 11)

When the Recipient selects the "Continue" button, Grants Portal populates with the organization information from the uploaded spreadsheet. Grants Portal runs a scan for misinformation in the spreadsheet. The system then notifies the Recipient of the following information:

  • Total records imported
  • New organization invite records
  • Records with errors
  • Records with warnings

Directions to invite multiple Applicants to join Grants Portal:

  • Review the information provided by Grants Portal to identify if any errors or warnings exist in the spreadsheet
  • Select the "Cancel Import" button if errors or warnings exist in the spreadsheet (note: review the organization information in the spreadsheet for any errors and then repeat the process of uploading the spreadsheet)
  • Select the "Commit Import" button if no errors or warnings exist
Grants Portal Commit Organization Import Page. Please refer to Appendix 2-34 for full description.
Inviting Multiple Applicant Organizations (11 of 11)

After the Recipient selects the "Commit Import" button, a pop-up window appears asking if the Recipient is sure they want to import the file.

Directions to invite multiple Applicants to join Grants Portal:

  • Review the pop-up window information
  • Select the "Commit Import" button on the pop-up window

Once the Recipient imports the spreadsheet, Grants Portal will send an email to all of the organizations requesting they set up an organization account.

Grants Portal Commit Import Pop-Up Window. Please refer to Appendix 2-35 for full description.
Inviting Multiple Applicant Organizations: Video Example

Please watch the video to review how to invite multiple Applicant Organizations to Grants Portal.

Features of the Organization Account

The following slides will explain how to manage different parts of the organization account such as:

  • Setting up and editing your Organization Profile
  • Editing and managing locations
  • Uploading pertinent documentation to Grants Portal

Familiarity with the features of Grants Portal is important for the Recipient and Applicant before starting the Request for Public Assistance and other items later in the grant application process.

Setting Up and Editing Your Organization Profile (1 of 2)

Recipients and Applicants who have a Grants Portal account have the option to set up and edit their organization profile. From the organization profile, the Recipient and Applicant can manage which of their personnel have access to Grants Portal.

These personnel should be trusted and have in-depth knowledge of the damages caused by the event.

Directions to set up and edit your organization profile:

  • Select the "My Profile" tab on the left side of the Grants Portal screen
  • Select the "Organization Profile" tab on the left side of the Grants Portal screen
Grants Portal Dashboard. Please refer to Appendix 2-18 for full description.
Setting Up and Editing Your Organization Profile (2 of 2)

Once a Recipient or Applicant selects the "Organization Profile" tab, Grants Portal directs them to their "My Organization Profile."

Here, a Recipient or an Applicant sets up and edits anything they need including:

  • General information
    • "State/Tribe/Territory" designation (e.g., Colorado)
    • "Level 2" designation (e.g., Fort Collins) - only in Applicant Grants Portal account
    • "Type" designation (e.g., city or township government, State government)
    • "Is Active" designation
    • "FEMA PA Code" designation
    • "DUNS Number"
  • Recipient Regions - only in Recipient Grants Portal account
  • Subrecipient Organization Profiles - only in Recipient Grants Portal account
  • Personnel
  • Locations
  • Counties with Facility
  • Insurance Profile
  • Applicant Event Profiles
  • Documents
  • Events - Note that if the Applicant has been in multiple events, those will be listed here. However, the Applicant cannot edit this section.
  • Action Log
Grants Portal My Organization Profile Recipient Page. Please refer to Appendix 2-19 for full description.
Adding Personnel User Accounts (1 of 3)

Another function of Grants Portal is that Recipients and Applicants can add personnel user accounts so that multiple people have access to the system from their organization.

To add personnel user accounts:

  • Sign in to Grants Portal
  • Select the "My Organization" tab on the left side of Grants Portal
  • Select the "Organization Profile" on the left side of the Grants Portal
  • Select the "Manage" button located to the right of the Personnel drop-down list
Grants Portal My Organization Profile Recipient Page. Please refer to Appendix 2-19 for full description.
Adding Personnel User Accounts (2 of 3)

After the Recipient or Applicant selects the "Manage" button, Grants Portal directs them to the "Manage Personnel" page. This page displays all personnel user accounts linked to their organization.

To add personnel user accounts:

  • Select the "Create" button in the top-right corner of Grants Portal
Grants Portal Manage Personnel Page. Please refer to Appendix 2-36 for full description.
Adding Personnel User Accounts (3 of 3)

A pop-up window requesting the Recipient or Applicant to input the new personnel user account information appears.

To add personnel user accounts:

  • Select the text box next to "First Name" and input the person's first name
  • Select the text box next to "Last Name" and input the person's last name
  • Select the text box next to "Middle Initial" and input the person's middle initial
  • Select the text box next to "Title" and input the person's title
  • Select the text box next to "Email" and input the person's email
  • Select the text box next to "Confirm Email" and re-enter the person's email
  • Select the text box next to "Phone" and enter the person's phone number
  • Select the text box next to "Mobile Phone" and enter the person's mobile phone number
  • Select the text box next to "username" and enter the person's username
  • Select the "Save" button once you enter all information
Grants Portal Create Personnel Pop-Up. Please refer to Appendix 2-37 for full description.
Adding Personnel User Accounts: Video Example

Please watch the video to review how to add personnel user accounts.

Editing Your Organization Profile: General Information (1 of 2)

If a Recipient or Applicant in charge of their organization profile needs to change the general information of their organization, they do so in the "My Organization Profile" section of Grants Portal.

Directions to change general information:

  • Select the "Edit" button in the top-right corner of the screen
Grants Portal My Organization Profile: Colorado. Please refer to Appendix 2-38 for full description.
Editing your Organization Profile: General Information (2 of 2)


After the Recipient or Applicant selects the "Edit" button, Grants Portal directs them to the "Edit Organization" page. On this page, the Recipient or Applicant edits the:

  • "Name" designation (e.g., Colorado, Fort Collins)
  • "Type" designation (e.g., State government, city or township government)
  • "DUNS Number"
  • "Active" designation

Directions to edit the "Name" designation:

  • Select the text box next to "Name"
  • Type in your new organization's name

Directions to edit the "Type" designation:

  • Select the drop-down list next to "Type"
  • Select the type of entity your organization is

Directions to edit the "DUNS Number":

  • Select the text box next to "DUNS Number"
  • Enter your organization's DUNS Number

Directions to edit your "Active" designation:

  • Check or uncheck the checkbox next to "Active"

Select the "Save" button to save all edits. Once the Recipient or the Applicant selects the "Save" button, Grants Portal immediately directs them to the "My Organization Page."

Grants Portal Edit Organization Page. Please refer to Appendix 2-39 for full description.
Editing Your General Information: Video Example

Please watch the video to review how to edit your organization's general information.

Editing Your Organization Profile: Manage Locations (1 of 4)

Another option the Recipient or Applicant has on the "My Organization Profile" page is to edit the locations of their facility.

Directions to edit the organization location:

  • Select the "Manage" button opposite the location drop-down list
Grants Portal My Organization Profile: Colorado. Please refer to Appendix 2-38 for full description.
Editing Your Organization Profile: Manage Locations (2 of 4)

After the Recipient or Applicant selects the "Manage" button, Grants Portal redirects them to the "Manage Locations" page. Here, the Recipient or Applicant edits or adds organization locations.

Directions to edit an organization location:

  • Select the "Edit" button next to the address of the location you want to edit

Directions to add an organization location:

  • Select the "Add" button in the top-right corner of the screen
Grants Portal Manage Locations Page. Please refer to Appendix 2-40 for full description.
Editing Your Organization Profile: Manage Locations (3 of 4)

Once the Recipient or Applicant selects the "Edit" button next to their location address or the "Add" button in the top-right corner, a pop-up window appears. The Recipient or Applicant edits or inputs any of the following information within the pop-up window:

  • Address
  • Secondary Address (e.g., building, suite)
  • City
  • State
  • Zip Code
  • County
  • Primary Location

Directions to edit or input address information:

  • Select the text box next to "Address"
  • Delete unwanted information
  • Input the correct information

Directions to edit or input secondary address information:

  • Select the text box below the address text box
  • Delete unwanted information
  • Input the correct information for a secondary address

Directions to edit or input city information:

  • Select the text box below the secondary address text box
  • Delete unwanted information
  • Input the correct city
Grants Portal Add Location Pop-Up. Please refer to Appendix 2-41 for full description.
Editing Your Organization Profile: Manage Locations (4 of 4)

The Recipient or Applicant continues to edit or add organization locations.

Directions to edit or input State information:

  • Select the drop-down list for States
  • Select the appropriate State

Directions to edit or input zip code information:

  • Select the text box under the State drop-down list
  • Delete unwanted information
  • Input the correct information

Directions to edit or input "Primary Location" designation:

  • Check or uncheck the box next to "Primary Location"

Once the Recipient or Applicant completes all the changes, they select the "Save" button. Grants Portal brings the Recipient or Applicant back to the "Manage Locations" page.

The Recipient or Applicant selects the "Save" button again on the "Manage Locations" page to ensure all changes are made. Upon selecting the "save" button, Grants Portal directs Recipients or Applicants to the "My Organization Profile" screen.

Grants Portal Edit Location Pop-Up. Please refer to Appendix 2-42 for full description.
Manage Locations: Video Example

Please watch the video to review how to edit Applicant locations in Grants Portal.

Editing Your Organization Profile: Uploading Documents (1 of 4)

The Recipient or Applicant can upload other documents on the "My Organization Profile" screen of Grants Portal. Some examples of these documents are:

  • Procurement and payroll policy
  • Annual purchase agreements

Private nonprofit organizations can also upload pertinent documentation required by FEMA for eligibility purposes. These include:

  • Accreditation
  • Insurance Policy
  • Charter and By-Laws
  • Tax Exemption certificate

Directions to upload documents:

  • Select the "Manage" button to the right of the document drop-down list
Grants Portal My Organization Profile: Colorado. Please refer to Appendix 2-38 for full description.
Editing Your Organization Profile: Uploading Documents (2 of 4)

Once the Recipient or Applicant selects the "Manage" button, Grants Portal directs them to the "Manage Documents" page. The Recipient or Applicant now edits, removes, or uploads their project-specific documentation on this page.

Directions to remove documents:

  • Select the "Remove" button next to the document you wish to remove
  • Select the "Yes" button when a pop-up window appears asking if you are sure you want to delete the document

Directions to edit documents:

  • Select the "Edit" button next to the document

Directions to upload documents:

  • Select the "Add Document" button in the top-right corner of the page
Grants Portal Manage Documents Page. Please refer to Appendix 2-44 for full description.
Editing Your Organization Profile: Uploading Documents (3 of 4)

When the Recipient or Applicant selects the "Edit" button, a pop-up window appears.

Directions to edit your document:

  • Select the text box next to "Filename" and enter the correct name of the file
  • Select the text box next to "Description" and enter a description of the document
  • Select the drop-down list next to "Types" and select the appropriate type for the document you previously uploaded
  • Select the drop-down list box next to "Category" and select the appropriate category for the document
  • Select the "X" next to inappropriate categories to delete them
  • Select the "Save" button
Grants Portal Edit Document Pop-Up. Please refer to Appendix 2-45 for full description.
Editing Your Organization Profile: Uploading Documents (4 of 4)

When the Recipient or Applicant selects the "Add Document" button, a pop-up window appears.

Directions to upload a document:

  • Select the "Drag and drop a file here" box and choose the appropriate document from the saved location. The user can also drag and drop the appropriate document into the dotted "Document Upload" box
  • Select the text box next to "Filename" and enter the correct name of the file
  • Select the text box next to "Description" and enter a description of the document
  • Select the drop-down list next to "Category Filter" and select the appropriate Category Filter for the document previously uploaded
  • Select the drop-down list box next to "Category" and select the appropriate category for the document
  • Select the "X" next to inappropriate categories to delete them
  • Select the "Save" button
Grants Portal Add Document Pop-Up. Please refer to Appendix 2-46 for full description.
Uploading Documents: Video Example

Please watch the video to review how to upload documents to Grants Portal.

Managing Staff Roles, Contact Information, and Logins

Beyond inviting Applicants and other personnel to Grants Portal and editing the organization profile, Recipients and Applicants can manage their staff. This includes managing staff:

  • Roles
  • Contact information
  • Login information
Managing Staff Roles (1 of 4)

Recipients and Applicants have the option to manage staff roles of the personnel they invite to use Grants Portal and who are affiliated with their organization. Recipients and Applicants use this function to limit or to provide authorities within Grants Portal so personnel can accomplish their job.

To manage staff roles, the Recipient or Applicant must sign in to Grants Portal and navigate to the "Manage Personnel" page.

Directions to manage staff roles:

  • Sign in to Grants Portal
  • Select the "My Organization" tab on the left side of Grants Portal
  • Select the "Organization Profile" tab under "My Organization"
  • Select the "Manage" button to the right of the "Personnel" drop-down list
Grants Portal My Organization Profile: Colorado. Please refer to Appendix 2-38 for full description.
Managing Staff Roles (2 of 4)

Once the Recipient or Applicant selects the "Manage" button, the "Manage Personnel" page loads. On this page, the Recipient or Applicant chooses the person and roles to edit.

Directions to manage staff roles:

  • Choose the staff and roles to manage
  • Select the "Manage" button to the left of the person's last name
Grants Portal Manage Personnel Page. Please refer to Appendix 2-47 for full description.
Managing Staff Roles (3 of 4)

After the Recipient or Applicant selects the "Manage" button, the specific staff's "Manage Personnel" page loads. This screen contains the general information and user information for the staff member. A Recipient or Applicant edits any of the following for the staff on this page:

  • General information
  • User information
  • Contact information
  • Roles
  • Password reset requests
  • Login history

Directions to manage staff roles:

  • Select the roles drop-down list
  • Select the "Manage" button to the right of the organization roles drop-down list for the staff roles to manage
Grants Portal Manage Personnel Entry. Please refer to Appendix 2-48 for full description.
Managing Staff Roles (4 of 4)

After the Recipient or Applicant selects the "Manage" button for the staff's organization roles to edit, a pop-up window appears in Grants Portal, with the specific roles the personnel have related to grants management.

The Recipient or Applicant edits the staff's role by checking and unchecking boxes next to the roles the staff should have in Grants Portal. Staff can have multiple roles in Grants Portal.

If a Recipient or Applicant has any questions about the responsibilities and abilities a role provides to a staff member in Grants Portal, place the cursor over the question mark to the right of the role, and Grants Portal informs them.

Directions to manage staff roles:

  • Select and unselect check-boxes for the roles the staff member should or should not undertake
  • Select the "Save" button
Grants Portal Edit Roles Pop-Up. Please refer to Appendix 2-49 for full description.
Managing Staff Roles: Video Example

Please watch the video to review how to manage staff roles.

Managing Staff Contact Information (1 of 4)

Recipients and Applicants have the option to manage contact information for the personnel they invite to use Grants Portal and who are affiliated with their organization. Recipients and Applicants use this function in case a staff member cannot.

To manage staff roles, the Recipient or Applicant must sign in to Grants Portal and navigate to the "Manage Personnel" page.

Directions to manage staff contact information:

  • Sign in to Grants Portal
  • Select the "My Organization" tab on the left side of Grants Portal
  • Select the "Organization Profile" tab under "My Organization"
  • Select the "Manage" button to the right of the "Personnel" drop-down list
Grants Portal My Organization Profile: Colorado. Please refer to Appendix 2-38 for full description.
Managing Staff Contact Information (2 of 4)

Once the Recipient or Applicant selects the "Manage" button, the "Manage Personnel" page loads. On this page, the Recipient or Applicant chooses a person on their staff with the roles they want to edit.

Directions to manage staff contact information:

  • Choose the staff and roles to manage
  • Select the "Manage" button to the left of the person's last name
Grants Portal Manage Personnel Page. Please refer to Appendix 2-47 for full description.
Managing Staff Contact Information (3 of 4)

After the Recipient or Applicant selects the "Manage" button, the specific staff's "Manage Personnel" page loads. This screen contains the general information and user information for the staff member. A Recipient or Applicant can edit any of the following for the staff on this page:

  • General information
  • User information
  • Contact information
  • Roles
  • Password reset requests

Directions to manage staff contact information:

  • Select the "Manage" button to the right of the contact information drop-down list
Grants Portal Manage Personnel Entry. Please refer to Appendix 2-48 for full description.
Managing Staff Contact Information (4 of 4)

Once the Recipient or Applicant selects the "Manage" button, Grants Portal loads the "Personnel Details" page. The Recipient or Applicant adds, edits, and removes phone numbers and email addresses linked to the staff member.

Directions to manage staff contact information:

  • Select the "Edit" button under "Phone Numbers" to edit the staff member's phone number
  • Select the "Remove" button under "Phone Numbers" to remove the staff member's phone number
  • Select the "Add Phone Number" button, to add a phone number for the contact
  • Select the "Edit" button under "Email Addresses", to edit the staff member's email address
  • Select the "Remove" button under "Email Addresses", to remove the staff member's email address
  • Select the "Add Email Addresses" button, to add an email address for the contact
Grants Portal Personnel Details Page. Please refer to Appendix 2-50 for full description.
Managing Staff Contact Information: Video Example

Please watch the video to review how to manage staff's contact information.

Managing Staff Login Information (1 of 3)

Recipients and Applicants have the option to manage staff login information of the personnel they invite to use Grants Portal and who are affiliated with their organization. Recipients and Applicants use this function in case a staff member forgets their password or gets locked out of their account.

In order to manage staff login information, the Recipient or Applicant must sign in to Grants Portal and navigate to the "Manage Personnel" page.

Directions to manage staff login information:

  • Sign in to Grants Portal
  • Select the "My Organization" tab on the left side of Grants Portal
  • Select the "Organization Profile" tab under "My Organization"
  • Select the "Manage" button to the right of the "Personnel" drop-down list
Grants Portal My Organization Profile: Colorado. Please refer to Appendix 2-38 for full description.
Managing Staff Login Information (2 of 3)

Once the Recipient or Applicant selects the "Manage" button, the "Manage Personnel" page loads. On this page, the Recipient or Applicant chooses which person to manage login information for.

Directions to manage staff login information:

  • Choose the staff login to manage
  • Select the "Manage" button to the left of the person's last name
Grants Portal Manage Personnel Page. Please refer to Appendix 2-47 for full description.
Managing Staff Login Information (3 of 3)

After the Recipient or Applicant selects the "Manage" button, the specific staff's "Manage Personnel" page loads. This screen contains the general information and user information for the staff member. A Recipient or Applicant edits any of the following for the staff on this page:

  • General information
  • User information
  • Contact information
  • Roles
  • Password reset requests

Under "User Information," a Recipient or Applicant resets the staff member's password by sending them a temporary password.

Directions to manage staff login information:

  • Select the "Send Temporary Password" button under "User Information"
Grants Portal Manage Personnel Entry. Please refer to Appendix 2-48 for full description.
Managing Staff Login Information: Video Example

Please watch the video to review how to manage staff logins.

Editing Your Organization Profile: Uploading Insurance Documents (1 of 2)

From the "My Organization Profile" screen, a Recipient or Applicant uploads their insurance documents.

Directions to upload insurance documents:

  • Select the "Upload Insurance Document" button to the right of the insurance profile drop-down list
  • Select the "Help" button to the right of the insurance profile drop-down list if you need help with the action
Grants Portal My Organization Profile: Colorado. Please refer to Appendix 2-38 for full description.
Editing Your Organization Profile: Uploading Insurance Documents (2 of 2)

Once the Recipient or Applicant selects the "Upload Insurance Document" button, a pop-up window appears in which they can upload their insurance documents.

Directions to upload insurance documents:

  • Select the "Select Document" button
  • Navigate to the appropriate document from the saved location and select "Open"
  • Select the text box next to "Filename" and enter the name of the file
  • Select the text box next to "Description" and provide an accurate short description of the document
  • Select the category drop-down list and select the accurate category that represents the insurance document
  • Select the "Add Document" button
Grants Portal Upload Insurance Document Pop-Up. Please refer to Appendix 2-51 for full description.
Uploading Insurance Documents: Video Example

Please watch the video to review how to upload insurance documents to Grants Portal.

Request for Public Assistance

The Recipient and Applicant can also submit the Request for Public Assistance in Grants Portal. There will be a notification on the Dashboard to begin the process for submitting a Request for Public Assistance. This begins the Public Assistance process to acquire grant funding.

The Request for Public Assistance and how to submit it, as well as the procedure for the Recipient to approve it, will be covered in the next lesson: Phase I: Operational Planning.

Grants Portal Dashboard RPA Alert. Please refer to Appendix 2-52 for full description.
Lesson 2 Summary

In this lesson, participants learned about different methods for organizational profile initiation and management.

The next lesson will cover Grants Portal usage as it relates to Phase I of the Public Assistance process and Operational Planning.