Request for a Disaster Declaration

Once the Joint Preliminary Damage Assessment is complete, the State, Tribal, or Territorial governments determine if the disaster-related damage has exceeded their resources.

  • FEMA's Regional Administrator maintains situational awareness of the incident and the occurring activities, and answers any questions from the Governor or the Tribal Executive Chief.

If disaster-related damage has exceeded State/Tribal/Territorial government resources, the Governor or Tribal Executive Chief submits a declaration request to the President through their FEMA Regional Office.

  • The FEMA Regional Administrator reviews the State request and sends his/her recommendations to FEMA Headquarters
  • FEMA Headquarters reviews the Regional Administrator's recommendations and State request
  • FEMA then sends the President the declaration request.

Note: The State/Tribal/Territorial governments must submit all disaster declaration requests for their counties/boroughs/parishes within 30 days of the declared incident.

Department of Homeland Security FEMA Request for Presidential Disaster Declaration Major Disaster or Emergency form that an executive fills out to provide the President to request a declaration.