Reassigned Employees

A reassigned employee is when there is a change of an employee, while serving continuously within the same agency, from one position to another without promotion or demotion. After a disaster declaration, the Applicant may assign an employee to perform work that is not part of the employee's normal job. FEMA may provide Public Assistance funding which will be based on the reassigned employee's normal pay rate, not the pay level appropriate to the work, because the Applicant's incurred cost is the employee's normal pay rate.

  • For example, a police officer may clear debris.

Straight-time of a permanent employee funded from an external source (such as a grant from a Federal agency or statutorily dedicated funds) may be eligible if the employee is reassigned to perform eligible Emergency Work that the external source does not fund.

  • FEMA must confirm that no duplication of funding exists prior to approval.
FEMA Public Assistance Officer talks to Applicants at an applicant briefing.