Common Emergency Protective Measure 17
If a natural or engineered beach has eroded to a point where a 5-year flood could damage improved property, cost-effective emergency protective measures on the beach that protect against damage from that flood are eligible.
Eligible measures typically include the construction of emergency sand berms to protect against additional damage from a 5-year flood. The Applicant may construct emergency berms with sand recovered from the beach or with imported sand. If the Applicant constructs the berm with imported sand, FEMA will only provide Public Assistance funding if the sand is from a source that meets applicable environmental regulations and one of the following circumstances exists:
- Recoverable quantities are insufficient
- State, Territorial, Tribal, or Local government regulations prohibit placement of the recovered sand
Based on the average expected erosion for a 5-year flood, FEMA only provides Public Assistance funding for emergency berms constructed with up to 6 cubic yards per linear foot of sand above the 5-year stillwater elevation or the berm's pre-storm profile, whichever is less. In some cases, placing sand below the 5-year stillwater elevation may be necessary to provide a base for the berm. The placement of that sand is eligible as part of the emergency protective measure.