The Preparedness Topics

Below is a list of preparedness activities included in this program:

Core Preparedness Topics


Information and Activities on . . .

Approx. Length

Preparedness on a ShoestringCreating a no-cost or low-cost disaster kit30 – 60 minutes
Where Is Everybody?Developing a communications plan20 minutes
Who Can You Count On? Who Counts on You?Establishing a personal support network20 minutes
Easy Out: Getting to SafetyPlanning for and practicing an evacuation30 minutes
Storm Safe — Sheltering in PlaceStaying safe when evacuation is not an option20 – 40 minutes
Disaster Plan Dress RehearsalPracticing your disaster plan30 – 60 minutes
You can mix and match the topics based on the needs of your audience. In addition, you may adjust the times by modifying the activities demonstrated during the session.