Review: The Joint IA PDA Team
| The Joint IA PDA Team typically consists of the following members and responsibilities:
- FEMA IA PDA Specialist
- Participate in briefings/debriefings
- Assess Damage
- Coordinate to ensure concurrence on field assessments
- Act as a liaison to other Federal agencies
- State/Tribal Nation IA PDA Team Member
- Initiate contact with local officials
- Coordinate access/transportation
- Represent the State/Tribal Nation in meetings
- Provide guidance to the team
- Assess potential for State/Tribal Nation assistance
- Local IA PDA Team Member
- Guide the team through the affected areas
- Inform of heavily impacted areas
- Notify team of deaths/injuries
- Advise the team on local issues
- Identify areas of significant damage
- SBA IA PDA Team Member
- Gather data for SBA
Assess feasibility of declaration
Represent SBA in meetings
Meet SBA reporting requirements