Step 3: Inventory Assets (continued)

During this step, create a map of assets in your community. Then, compare this asset map to the hazard map developed in the previous step to determine which assets could be impacted by each hazard.

Specify the areas most likely to be affected (e.g., the entire town, low lying areas, downtown, rural, highways). You can use a Geographic Information Systems (GIS)-based approach such as the Hazards U.S. Multi-Hazard (HAZUS-MH) software to map your community’s assets.

An overlay can be produced by hand using a light table or through the use of GIS. As shown in the image, a map showing the location of the community’s assets can be produced by overlaying the base map for the community with a map delineating hazard area boundaries. This will help you identify which structures are located in more than one hazard zone and which areas of the community or state are more or less susceptible to different hazards.

You can learn more about HAZUS-MH and GIS by visiting the links provided on the Resources page of the Toolkit.

Inventory Assets Three-layered Map: community asset map; overlay of base map; hazard area boundary map.