Emergency Services Sector Overview

Like the water and wastewater systems sector, the emergency services sector focuses on protecting the public and its interdependent sectors. The sector is organized at the local, tribal, state and federal levels of government. This includes city police and fire departments, county sheriff’s offices, rural fire protection districts, town public works departments and EMAs. EMAs support citizens and communities and aim to enhance preparedness through a comprehensive emergency management program. At the state level, EMAs provide coordination and implementation of state response to emergencies, strategic and operational all-hazards planning; community preparedness; exercise and training; grants planning; and program management.

The emergency services sector also includes private sector resources such as industrial fire departments and private emergency medical services (EMS) providers. Understanding the emergency services sector is important, as emergency services provide the first line of defense for nearly all critical infrastructure sectors and the American public. Free resources, trainings, a sector specific plan and more are available for government and private sector partners from the Department of Homeland Security.

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