
Sometimes disaster-related damage to a home is not covered by the homeowner’s insurance. For example, if a homeowner did not have flood insurance, any damage to the home caused by flooding would not be covered by the policy. FEMA looks at the type of insurance the applicant has to identify disaster damages not covered in the applicant’s policy. This helps determine the Repair Assistance needed.

When applicants’ homes have been damaged and are in need of repairs not covered by insurance, their applications are referred to the Repair Assistance program. Repair assistance is provided when a home is damaged and insurance does not cover the cause of damage. Repair Assistance is provided to make the dwelling habitable, safe, sanitary, and functional. In addition, there may be limited Repair Assistance available for:

  • Attached garages, if the damage affects the home’s structural integrity
  • Retaining wall, if their absence creates a serious safety hazard.

To qualify for housing repair funds, the applicant must be the homeowner and the home must be the applicant’s primary residence.

It is important for you to remember that repairs are considered financial assistance and do come out of the IHP max.

Click on Repair Assistance to learn more about the process of obtaining assistance.

Selectable photo of contractors repairing a house damaged by a hurricane