Lesson 1.1: System Navigation Lesson Overview

Objective: At the end of this lesson, you should be able to:

  • Recall how to access and navigate IFMIS.
IFMIS Login Instructions: FEIMS Internal

From the FEMA Intranet Home Page, click on the FEIMS Internal option from the quick links to the right. FEIMS stands for the FEMA Enterprise Identity Management System.

FEMA resources icons and links from website home page with arrow pointing towards FEIMS Internal
IFMIS Login Instructions: FEIMS Menu

Select IFMIS by clicking on either the IFMIS icon or the “IFMIS” text link.

Screenshot of the FEIMS portal with arrow pointing to the IFMIS link
IFMIS Login Instructions: Connect to IFMIS
Ensure your user name and environment are pre-populated. Click on the Continue button to go to IFMIS.
Screenshot of the IFMIS login screen with username and environment fields
IFMIS Main Menu

The IFMIS Main Menu will appear.

Note: Your rights in IFMIS determine which folders and subfolders you can view.

Screenshot of IFMIS main menu with main folders identifying subsystems (funding, cost posting, disbursements, general ledger, and accounts receivable), utilities, environmental utilities, FEMA customized reports, and batch processing
Navigating the Menus

To navigate through the Main Menu, click once on the menu option or folder/record icon to open or close folders and records.

  • Note: Double clicking on a menu option may give you unexpected results.

When you select a menu option and return to the Main Menu, the last selected option is highlighted and marked with an asterisk (*).

The IFMIS Main Menu page has three features:

Screenshot of the main menu that shows the last selected option which is highlighted and marked with an asterisk

Expand All or Collapse All Menus

Links to expand or collapse all menus are shown in the upper right corner of the Main Menu page.

Find a Menu Item

An alternative to clicking through the Main Menu to get to a needed page is to enter a menu title or keyword in the Find a Menu Item text box. A list of related menu items will appear. When you select the desired menu item, you will be taken to the corresponding page.

For example, if you enter “Commitment” in the Find a Menu Item text box, the following items appear. Selecting “Vendor Documents/Enter Cost Posting Document/Cost Posting Subsystem Commitments” from the list will take you to the Commitment main screen.

Arrow pointing to commitments link, including path from IFMIS Main Menu (vendor documents/enter cost posting document/cost posting subsytem) included in search results for "commitments"; commitment main screen shows in front of the list, which would appear after clicking Commitments link

Toggle Console

From the Main Menu, click on the Toggle Console link in the Actions box to display and view recent console messages. To return to the Main Menu, click on the Toggle Console link again.

Cost Posting Subsystem

From the Main Menu, you may click on different levels of folders and subfolders to locate needed documents and reports.

Within IFMIS, click on the following subfolders in the Cost Posting Subsystem if available to you to preview the reports and documents within each:

  • Enter Cost Posting Document
  • Cost Reporting (Committed Document Report)
  • Cost On Hold Reporting
  • Travel Reports
  • Disaster Reports
Screenshot of the cost posting subsystem expanded menus
Enter Cost Posting Document
Screenshot of ifmis enter cost posting document folder structure
Cost Transaction Reporting
Screenshot of ifmis cost transaction folder structure
Cost On Hold Reporting
Screenshot of ifmis cost on hold reporting folder structure
Travel Reports
Screenshot of ifmis travel reports folder structure
Disaster Reports
Screenshot of ifmis disaster reports folder structure
Accounts Receivable Subsystem

From the Main Menu, click on the following commonly used subfolders in the Accounts Receivable Subsystem to preview the reports and documents within each:

  • Bill Processing
  • Receipt Processing
  • Non-Sufficient Funds Processing
  • Treasury Confirmation
  • Accounts Receivable Reports
Screenshot of ifmis bill processing folder structure
Accessing Main Screens

Within IFMIS, you will navigate from the IFMIS Main Menu to a main screen to post transactions. 

For example, when posting a vendor commitment, you would click on each of the following to access the Vendor Commitment main screen: Cost Posting Subsystem>Enter Cost Posting Document>Vendor Documents>Commitments.

IFMIS main menu listings in order to complete a commitment transaction: Cost Posting Subsystem, Enter Cost Posting Document, Vendor Documents, and Commitments
IFMIS Transaction Data Entry Flow
Data Entry Transaction Flow

Main screens establish the key information for the entire transaction record in IFMIS.

The process by which you post transactions includes entering data in the Main, Comment, and Accounting Classification Code Structure (ACCS) screens.

Use the Tab key on your keyboard to navigate through the fields and buttons on the screens. Fields may be required, optional, computed, or read-only.

IFMIS data entry flow diagram: main screen>comment screen>ACCS screen 1>ACCS screen 2>ACCS screen 3

Main Screen

To post a transaction, you will navigate from the IFMIS Main Menu to a main screen.

The main screen includes summary information about the transaction, such as referenced document number, pertinent dates, total amount, and status.

This screen may also be referred to as the header screen.

Once all comments and ACCS lines are entered, the entire transaction is verified and saved from the main screen.

Comment Screen

Use the Comment screen to list goods/services being purchased and any comments relative to the transaction.

Commitment main screen with arrow pointing at COMM button and Comment screen open over main screen to show procurement data, comments, and MAIN button

ACCS Screens

ACCS screens include detailed accounting information for each good or service included in the transaction. This information includes the line of accounting charged, the amount charged to the line of accounting, and the quantity and unit price of the goods or services.

ACCS screens may also be referred to as detail screens.

Note: The number of ACCS screens will depend on the number of goods and services being posted to the transaction and the number of lines of accounting used to fund the transaction.  

All ACCS entries must be verified before clicking NEXT to add additional ACCS screens or MAIN to return to the Main screen and verify the entire transaction.

Commitment main screen with arrow pointing at ACCS button and the ACCS screen displayed in front of the main commitment screen
Main Screen Buttons
Main Screen Function Buttons
When posting transactions, you will perform several steps in the process using the main screen function buttons located at the bottom of the main screen.
Screenshot of IFMIS main commitment screen with squares around the buttons at the bottom of the screen

Comment Screen

Clicking the COMM button on the main screen brings you to the Comment screen.

  • The Procurement Data entered at the top of the Comment screen (Project Officer, Program Office, and Project Information Sheet) is key data for interacting with the acquisition system.
  • The first 60 characters of Comments entered at the bottom of the screen are copied to the main screen upon exiting the comment screen. The main screen comments do not appear on any reports.

Click on the MAIN button to return to the main screen.

Commitment screen showing and Comment screen open over main screen to show procurement data, comments, and MAIN button

Verify Data

Clicking on the VER button allows you to verify the data entered on the main and Accounting Classification Code Structure (ACCS) screens.

This verification checks that all data entries conform to the formats required for each field and that all required data has been entered.

  • If no errors are detected, the message “Document and line item(s) verified” appears in the top left corner of the main screen.
  • If errors are detected, an error screen appears. To correct an error:
    • Position the cursor on the line in front of the error message.
    • Click on the FIX button.
    • Make the correction where the system positions the cursor.

Click on the MAIN button to return to the main screen.

Commitment screen with VER button and error screen open in front of main screen with error message "At least one line required"

Review Hold

Clicking REVHLD allows you to review items documents placed on hold. The hold screen appears summarizing data entered for each document in the hold file.  From this screen:

    • Click on NEXT to view additional entries on hold.
    • Click on PREV to return to a previous hold screen (if any).
    • Click on APPLY to retrieve a document and display it on the main screen for additional processing or to save.
    • Click on MAIN to return to the blank main screen.
    • Click on DELETE to delete the item from the hold list.
    • Click on EXIT to return to the Main Menu.

If you exit out of a screen that was on hold, it will remain on hold until it is saved or deleted.

Commitment header screen and review hold screen open with open field for document ID

View Vendor Data

Clicking on ADDR allows you to view the vendor data associated with the vendor entered on the main screen.

The PAYEE button shows the payment address information (if different from the vendor address).

Click on the MAIN button to return to the main screen.

Commitment screen with vendor data screen open in front; shows no vendor details to display message, blank vendor data fields, and payee, vendor, and main buttons at the bottom


Clicking SAVE ensures the transaction is saved. A message will appear at the top of the screen confirming that the transaction has been saved.

Access ACCS Screen

Clicking on the ACCS button takes you to the Accounting Classification Code Structure (ACCS) screen, which captures accounting details for the transaction.

  • IFMIS generates the Sequence Number (No.) located at the top right of the ACCS screen and any sub-sequential ACCS screens associated with a transaction.
  • At least one ACCS entry associated with each line input, including dollar amount, must be entered. 
  • Each unique item or commodity listed on the source document should be recorded in IFMIS as a separate line on the ACCS screen. There may be multiple ACCS entries having the same line number. Multiple line numbers may be assigned for the same item, where part of the item is funded by one source and part by another. Thus, there can be multiple ACCS screens each with a unique sequence number, but the line number can be applied to more than one screen.

The buttons located at the bottom of the ACCS screen include:

  • NEXT opens a blank ACCS line to post additional line items or allows you to scroll through existing ACCS lines.
  • PREV moves backwards to previous ACCS line.
  • VER prompts the system to perform edit checks on the ACCS line and display any errors.
  • COPY copies ACCS information from the previous line so you can apply it to another line and modify differing elements and amount.
  • MAIN returns to the main screen.
  • GOTO takes you to a designated ACCS line, useful when you have multiple ACCS lines.
Commitment main screen with arrow pointing at ACCS button and the ACCS screen displayed in front of the main commitment screen

Hold Data for Later Processing

You can place a form, record, or document on hold for processing later if you need to interrupt work for higher priority processing, be away from the computer for a while, or find additional information. Entries placed on hold have no effect on accounting records or fund balances (i.e., amounts aren't subtracted from fund balances for records placed on hold).

To place a form, record, or document on hold, click on the HOLD button at the bottom of the main screen. A message will populate in the top left corner of the screen with the document number and 'line item(s) held' message.

Screenshot of ifmis commitment with line item(s) held message in top left corner of screen; message includes document number


Click on the EXIT button to exit the current document and return to the IFMIS Main Menu.

Screenshot of IFMIS main menu with main folders identifying subsystems (funding, cost posting, disbursements, general ledger, and accounts receivable), utilities, environmental utilities, FEMA customized reports, and batch processing
Environmental Utilities

The Environmental Utilities menu option in IFMIS allows you to:

  • Set a network printer => Network Printer Selection
  • Set options for printing and viewing reports => Report Output Options
Screenshot of IFMIS main menu with Environmental Utilities selected
Report Output Options

From the IFMIS Reporting Options page, you can select from several report formats and delivery options. The options you select on this page will only be enforced for reports that you choose to print when prompted "Do you want to print this report?" and you enter "Y".

  • Report Format: Options are hypertext markup language (HTML) or portable document format (PDF).
  • Printed Output Delivery: You may select one or both of the options:
    • Send to Printer – this option produces a hard copy of the report from the printer set as the default in Network Printer Selection.
    • E-mail Report as Attachment – this option sends you an e-mail with the report as an attachment in the Report Format you selected.
  • E-mail Address: This information is required if you chose to e-mail your output as an attachment. This e-mail address is also used to send reports that are generated by background processing.

Once you have set your preferences, click on Save for them to be enforced, then click on Exit.

print report prompt in IFMIS; option Y/N for yes or no
IFMIS Sign Out Instructions

To properly sign out of IFMIS, you will need to be at the IFMIS Main Menu:

  • Click on Collapse All in the top right corner.
  • Click on Sign Out at the top right corner.
  • Close the browser window after you receive the message “You have successfully signed out.”.
Screenshot of IFMIS menu with arrows indicating where to click Collapse All and Signout
Lesson 1.1 Summary
This lesson covered:
  • IFMIS login and sign out instructions.
  • IFMIS Main Menu.
  • Navigating IFMIS menus.
  • Cost Posting and Accounts Receivable Subsystems.
  • Accessing the main screen.
  • IFMIS transaction data entry flow.
  • Main screen function buttons.
  • Environmental Utilities menu options.

The next lesson presents the background and organization of IFMIS.

Lesson 1.2: IFMIS Background and Organization Lesson Overview

Objective: At the end of this lesson, you should be able to:

  • Recall the background and organization of IFMIS.
IFMIS Background

IFMIS serves as FEMA's core financial management system.

  • IFMIS is a fully integrated system that meets Joint Financial Management Improvement Program guidelines and complies with government financial system requirements.
  • FEMA began IFMIS implementation in October 1994 and completed implementation a year later.
  • Its design provides greater functionality and interfaces with other systems, offices, and agencies.
  • IFMIS allows for faster, easier access to data through a standard web browser, reducing the use of paper.
IFMIS Organization

IFMIS is separated into five major functional areas or subsystems as shown in the diagram.

IFMIS system organization diagram: Master IFMIS Database and Data Warehouse in the center with spokes to Funding, Accounts Receivable, Disbursements, Cost Posting, and General Ledger

Funding — Used to record and maintain FEMA’s budgeted resource information.

FEMA receives authority to incur obligations and expenditures from the U.S. Congress in the form of an appropriation. FEMA, in accordance with the standard budgetary practices for Federal agencies, subdivides appropriated funds to a working level of budgeted resources, referred to as an allocation. The IFMIS funding subsystem maintains all budgeted resources through online, real-time funds control functionality.

Cost Posting — Records and maintains all transactions associated with the FEMA budget execution process.

Specifically, the cost posting subsystem is used to record commitments, obligations, receiving reports, invoices, expenditures, and advances. In essence, the cost posting subsystem is the input source for the majority of accounting entries posted to IFMIS. As a result, IFMIS users are direct or indirect users of this subsystem.

Disbursements — Manages the issuance of disbursements and payments from FEMA.

FEMA uses the Department of the Treasury for payment disbursement. The disbursement subsystem identifies and compiles invoices that are due and sends that data to the Department of the Treasury via a host-to-host (automatic computer-to-computer) electronic connection. The Department of the Treasury issues payments to recipients either as checks or direct deposits to the recipient’s bank. Access to this subsystem is limited to a small group of users at FEMA Headquarters.

Accounts Receivable — Maintains record of debts owed FEMA.

On occasion, through the execution of a FEMA program, recipients receive funds to which they were not entitled. When this occurs, FEMA creates a formal bill for collection requesting the recipient to return the funds. The accounts receivable subsystem records the establishment of debt and repayment of debt; calculates interest, penalties, and administrative charges; and prints dunning letters.

General Ledger — Serves as the single source of financial data for preparing financial statements and reports.

The IFMIS general ledger subsystem is compliant with the U.S. Government Standard General Ledger. Accountants at FEMA Headquarters, who are responsible for the preparation of financial reports and statements, are the primary users of this subsystem.

IFMIS Subsystem Integration

IFMIS subsystems access a centralized database.

  • As a transaction is recorded in one subsystem, if it affects account balances in another subsystem, IFMIS adjusts the appropriate account in real time.
  • For example, when a commitment is entered in cost posting, the funding subsystem checks for funds availability. If sufficient funds are available, the transaction is completed and the committed funds are subtracted from available funds as shown in the diagram.
IFMIS ensures that FEMA maintains sufficient funds control over budgeted resources by tracking all entries.
Flowchart diagram showing doc (FF 146-0-2 *This is the document most frequently used to create a Commitment in IFMIS) with arrow pointing to Cost Posting Subsystem (text in rectangle) then to Saved Commitment (text in cylinder). Arrow points from Cost Posting Subsystem to Funding Subsystem (text in rectangle) to show Fund Availability. Arrow points from Funding Subsytem back to Cost Posting Subsystem to show funding it OK/available. Arrow points from line between Cost Posting Subsystem and Saved Commitment to line between Funding Subsystem and Funding (text in cylinder) to show committed funds subtracted from available funds (Subtract Value text).
IFMIS Subsystem Menu

All IFMIS functions are accessed from the Main Menu, which contains multiple levels of menus grouped by similar functions. 

  • The five major subsystems (Funding, Cost Posting, Disbursements, Accounts Receivable, and General Ledger) are represented in the IFMIS Main Menu.
  • Within IFMIS, you can click on each subsystem to view the submenus and perform related functions.
Screenshot of IFMIS main menu with main folders identifying subsystems (funding, cost posting, disbursements, general ledger, and accounts receivable), utilities, environmental utilities, FEMA customized reports, and batch processing
IFMIS Interfaces

IFMIS interfaces with other automated systems at FEMA and other agencies:

  • Department of Agriculture National Finance Center (NFC)
  • Department of Health and Human Services Payment Management System: Smartlink
  • FEMA Acquisition Procurement System
  • National Emergency Management Information System (NEMIS)
  • Department of the Treasury: 224 Reporting System
Data and transactions move electronically between systems, eliminating duplication of data entry, expediting the processing of transactions, and enhancing the quality of data entry.

Department of Agriculture National Finance Center (NFC)

NFC processes payroll data for FEMA. NFC provides FEMA with an electronic record of a pay period, from which FEMA extracts key data and posts this data via the interface procedure to the IFMIS cost posting subsystem.

Department of Health and Human Services Payment Management System - Smartlink

The Smartlink System is a disbursement system that gives FEMA-authorized recipients direct access to FEMA funds to withdraw them as-needed. Withdrawals are known as drawdowns. Smartlink maintains funds control or how much a recipient can withdraw based on obligations posted to IFMIS. The Smartlink interface procedure therefore extracts obligations from IFMIS and posts them to Smartlink. As drawdowns occur, IFMIS extracts drawdown information from Smartlink and posts those activities as advances in IFMIS. This interface is used very frequently.

FEMA Acquisition Procurement System

The system is used by FEMA’s contracting staff to facilitate the acquisition of requested goods and services. The interface is designed as a two-way data exchange. Applicable requisitions are extracted from the IFMIS cost posting subsystem and posted to the acquisition procurement system to provide a funding source for the procurement activity. As contracts are awarded, creating obligations, the information is posted back to IFMIS cost posting.

National Emergency Management Information System (NEMIS)

NEMIS is designed to be the primary data entry system for disaster-specific financial activity. In maintaining the concept of a single point of entry, the interface procedure moves data between NEMIS and IFMIS in both directions as needed. The scope of transactions associated with this process includes multiple requests for allocation, commitment of funds, obligation of funds, and temporary housing payment requests.

224 Reporting System

This interface is with the Department of the Treasury to submit the required monthly 224 Financial Report. The IFMIS interface procedure extracts applicable transactions from IFMIS that affect the cash balance at the Department of the Treasury and electronically submits this information to the Department of the Treasury in the appropriate format.

Lesson 1.2 Summary
This lesson covered:
  • IFMIS background.
  • IFMIS organization.
  • IFMIS subsystem integration.
  • IFMIS menu system.
  • IFMIS interfaces.

The next lesson presents the budgetary process and Federal funding flow.

Lesson 1.3: Budgetary Process: Federal Funding Flow Lesson Overview

Objective: At the end of this lesson, you should be able to:

  • Describe funds allocation to and within FEMA and IFMIS.
Budgetary Process: Federal Funding Flow
Congress appropriates funds to FEMA. Funds follow the federal funding flow and are available for use by FEMA once management allocates the funds to the various programs.
Federal funding flow diagram: appropriation (Congress) gives authority to do business, may be direct (D) or reimburseable (r)>treasury warrant (Dept of Treasury) authority to disburse funds>apportionment (OMB) category A: quarterly, category B: any method>allotment (FEMA) HQ level>sub-allotment (FEMA) directorate level>allocation (FEMA) program level, working level - ACCS>sub-allocation (FEMA)


FEMA receives funding through appropriation as a result of the enactment of laws by Congress. 

This is the authority given to Federal agencies to incur obligations and make payments from the Treasury for specified purposes. Authority can be Direct (funds given by the U.S. Congress) and/or Reimbursable (authority by U.S. Congress which allows agencies to keep funds earned from providing services to others).

Treasury Warrant

The Department of the Treasury issues FEMA a Treasury warrant for each appropriation provided by Congress. The Treasury warrant establishes a cash balance at the Department of the Treasury for agency disbursements.


The actions by which the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) issues FEMA an apportionment letter, which identifies how an appropriation must be budgeted and distributes amounts available for obligation, including budgetary reserves established pursuant to law in an appropriation or fund account. Funds which must be distributed quarterly are categorized as Category A apportionment, while funds which can be distributed in any method are categorized as Category B apportionment. Each category of apportionment has its own standard requirements for funds control.


Allotments are the first distribution of apportioned funds within FEMA at a headquarters level. FEMA’s OCFO allots all apportioned funds to the director of FEMA.

This is an authorization by either the agency head or another authorized employee to his/her subordinates to incur obligations within specified amounts.


A sub-allotment represents the initial distribution of authorized allotments at the directorate level by the Director to specific program areas to facilitate the execution of FEMA programs. Sub-allotments are presented to FEMA Associate Directors, who are responsible for program execution agency-wide.


The allocation represents the establishment of internal funding levels of authorized funds, or the working level of budgeted authority.

Funds are allocated from the sub-allotment to meet specific needs, such as transportation, supplies, and payroll. Funds must be allocated before any other action can take place.

Once allocations are in place, FEMA program managers can begin to incur obligations and expenditures for the execution of FEMA programs. Obligations can be incurred to the limit of the funds established for the specified purpose.


Sub-allocations enable FEMA to move an established allocation to a lower level of funds control.

Lesson 1.3 Summary
This lesson covered:
  • The budgetary process and Federal funding flow.

The next lesson presents IFMIS functional capabilities and the funds control waterfall.

Lesson 1.4: IFMIS Functional Capabilities: Funds Control Waterfall Lesson Overview

Objective: At the end of this lesson, you should be able to:

  • Describe the flow of funds and funds processing within IFMIS.
IFMIS Functional Capabilities: Funds Control "Waterfall"

The diagram, known as the funds control "waterfall," shows the process in which FEMA controls funding. 

With each of these action steps:

  • Required forms and signatures that must be obtained prior to data entry.
  • Limits and restrictions may apply requiring additional approvals depending on the dollar amount and/or the items being purchased.
Funds control waterfall diagram: allocation (BD)>commitment (CM)>obligation (OB)>receiving report (RR)>invoice (IN)/expenditure (EX)

Allocation (BD)

An allocation is the amount available in your program budget/account.

Commitment (CM)

A commitment is the reservation of funds for a specific purpose and the certifying of funds availability.

Obligation (OB)

An obligation is a promise to a vendor (or traveler) to pay a certain amount for goods and/or services rendered to the government.

Receiving Report (RR)

The receiving report is an approval for payment for goods and/or services that have been received and are acceptable. Note: This step happens outside of IFMIS.

Invoice (IN)/Expenditure (EX)

An invoice is the issuance of payment to the vendor(s) who we are obligated to for the items received.

An expenditure is the recording of funds not issued through IFMIS.

Lesson 1.4 Summary
This lesson covered:
  • The functional capabilities of IFMIS.

The next lesson presents vendor and employee file maintenance.

Lesson 1.5: Vendor and Employee File Maintenance Lesson Overview

Objective: At the end of this lesson, you should be able to:

  • Describe the Vendor and Employee Maintenance area and files.
Vendor Maintenance

A vendor is any individual or entity that does business with FEMA. This can include:

  • Commercial businesses.
  • Federal, state, and local government agencies.
  • Organizations.
  • Individuals receiving disaster benefits.
  • Employees for travel purposes.

You access vendor maintenance files from the IFMIS Main Menu by clicking on each of the following: Disbursements Subsystem>Vendor Maintenance>Vendor Maintenance.

IFMIS path to the Vendor Maintenance Area: Disbursements Subsystem, Vendor Maintenance folder, and Vendor Maintenance record
Vendor Maintenance Area

Vendor maintenance is not part of the commitment process but is an important IFMIS function widely used throughout FEMA.

Within the Vendor Maintenance area are the options to:

  1. Add new vendor master.
  2. Modify vendor information.
  3. Delete vendor master.
    • Note: When a vendor file is deleted, it is no longer available to the user, but stays in the database in an inactive state and can be reactivated by authorized users.
  4. List vendor information.
  5. Lookup vendor by alpha key.
  6. Payee processing.
  7. Lookup DUNS (Data Universal Numbering System) number plus 4. 
Vendor Maintenance Menu with seven options to add vendors, modify vendor information, delete vendors, list vendor information, lookup vendors, payee processing, and lookup DUNS number
Vendor Files

Vendor files contain information such as:

  • Individual vendor numbers:
    • This unique number identifies each vendor, or remit to vendor, with a separate record in the vendor file.
  • Addresses.
  • Phone numbers.
  • Points of contact.
  • Banking information for electronic funds transfers.
  • Payments to date. 
IFMIS vendor data for ABC Computers, including vendor ID, contact information, points of contact, banking information for electronic funds transfers, and payments to date
Employee Maintenance

The FEMA Finance Center (FFC) moved employee vendor information within IFMIS to the Employee Maintenance page.

As a result of this transition, the Vendor ID Number or the Social Security Number previously used to identify employees in the vendor tables has been replaced with the Employee ID Number (E#).

Screenshot of IFMIS Main Menu with Employee Maintenance highlighted
Employee Maintenance File

The employee maintenance file separates FEMA employees from all other vendors in the system by E numbers (#).

The E#:

  • Is the same number used in the employee’s travel system profile and in Travel Authorizations (TAs).
  • Allows funds to be obligated in IFMIS on the same E# that is on the TA.
  • Is found in the Disbursements Subsystem within IFMIS.

When a employee file is deleted, it:

  • Is no longer available to view.
  • Stays in the database in an inactive state.
  • Can be reactivated by authorized users.
Employee Maintenance Menu

Use the Employee Maintenance menu to search for and view an employee file:

  • Option 4 allows you to search by E#:
    • Type in the E#.
  • Option 5 allows you to search by Employee Name:
    • Type in the Employee name in the following format: LAST, FIRST M (middle initial):
      • DOE, JOHN M
      • DOE JR, JOHN M
      • DOE SMITH, JOHN M **Note: If the name is hyphenated, use a space to separate the names not a hyphen.

Once you select option 4 or 5, click on Next to continue and view the employee file as needed.

Employee Maintenance Menu screenshot showing: 1. add new employee master 2. modify employee information 3. delete employee master 4. list employee information 5. display employees by alpha key 6.payee processing
Lesson 1.5 Summary
This lesson covered:
  • Vendor maintenance.
  • Employee maintenance.

The next lesson presents Accounting Classification Code Structure (ACCS).

Lesson 1.6: ACCS Lesson Overview

Objective: At the end of this lesson, you should be able to:

  • Define the purpose and use of the Accounting Classification Code Structure (ACCS).
Accounting Classification Code Structure (ACCS)

The ACCS identifies the characteristics, such as the budgeted resources, to which a financial transaction is applied.

  • IFMIS verifies the ACCS as it is entered to ensure that only permissible values are posted to the system.
  • ACCS is a significant component for understanding IFMIS.
Note: You may hear the ACCS referred to as the Accounting Classification Reference Number (ACRN) by the Procurement Office and Line of Accounting (LOA) by other offices.
Chart of three accs line codes with squares around column headers

Budget Fiscal Year (BFY): Four-digit fiscal year, which runs from October 1 through September 30.

Fund code: Two-digit character code that uniquely identifies the appropriation.

For more details, refer to the Agency's financial coding manual. Two common examples include: 

  • Fund 06 is the Disaster Relief Fund (DRF).
  • Fund 09 is for salaries and expenses (S&E).

Program code: Four to six character field that identifies the FEMA program to which the transaction should be applied.

For more details, refer to the Agency's financial coding manual. Common examples include suffixes for Fund 06:

  • DR (Major Disaster)
  • EM (Emergency Declaration)
  • SU (Surge Funds)

Organization code: Four-character field that identifies the FEMA organization to which the transaction should be applied. For more details, refer to the Agency's financial coding manual.

Project code: Six-digit alpha-numeric code which can be used across appropriations and organizations to label similar commitments, obligations, or expenses. This field is optional and is not required for transactions to be processed within IFMIS. For more details, refer to the Agency's financial coding manual.

Budget Object Class (BOC): Four-character field that identifies the category of expenditure for an action, as defined in the OMB Circular A-11, Budget Formulation Manual.

Funding Subsystem AcronymDescriptionCost Posting Subsystem Object Class
S&BSalaries and Benefits1100-1300
TRNSTransportation of Things2200
MISCMiscellaneous (Rent, Utilities, Training, etc.)2300-2600

Fund Type: Single character that refers to the type of authority identified in the appropriation — either Direct (D) or Reimbursable (R).

Lesson 1.6 Summary
This lesson covered:
  • The ACCS.

The next unit covers IFMIS transaction posting procedures in detail.

Lesson 2.1: Vendor Commitment Processing

Objective: At the end of this lesson, you should be able to:

  • Determine how to access and complete IFMIS vendor commitment forms.
Vendor Commitment Transaction

A vendor commitment transaction or action:

  • Reserves funds in anticipation of a future obligation.
  • Precedes a procurement action (generally) for which the acquisition management office will enter into an agreement with another entity to provide the requested goods or services.
  • Is posted as soon as possible to ensure proper funds control.

To facilitate the procurement process, IFMIS will provide the acquisition management procurement system with IFMIS commitment actions designated for procurement by acquisition management.

To post a commitment transaction in IFMIS, you must access the main Commitment screen by selecting Cost Posting Subsystem>Enter Cost Posting Document>Vendor Documents>Commitments from the IFMIS Main Menu.

Main Commitment Screen
IFMIS main menu listings in order to complete a commitment transaction: Cost Posting Subsystem, Enter Cost Posting Document, Vendor Documents, and Commitments

The input for the main Commitment screen:

  • Is entered from a source document that supports the creation of a commitment in IFMIS.
  • Establishes key information for the entire commitment record in IFMIS.
  • Contains summary data about the transaction being posted.
Screenshot of IFMIS main commitment screen; cursor is in the first field where the Commitment ID is entered
Commitment ID

A Commitment ID is:

  • A unique identifier, or reference number, for a commitment action.
  • Listed as the Document Control Number (No.) on a source document.
  • Can be located with the Commitment ID lookup feature on the Commitment screen for existing commitments only.
First third of a sample form FF 146-0-2 with arrow pointing to the Document Control No. field to indicate which number to enter as the Commitment ID in IFMIS
Commitment ID Details

Using L123456ZZ as an example, the Commitment ID indicates:

Position Number(s)IdentifierIndicates
1LLocation code identifier
2-7123456Sequentially Assigned Number

“Y” (Yes) or "N" (No) to indicate whether the document is to be submitted for procurement or acquisition action

9ZOptional character (Support Services & Facilities Management use only)



  • W276291N indicates the location is FEMA Headquarters (Washington, DC), the Document Control Number is 276291, and the document will not be submitted for procurement or acquisition action.
  • CN06102Y2020T is an interface commitment including additional data: CN indicates the location of Region 5, the Sequentially Assigned Number is 061022, the Y indicates the document will be submitted for procurement or acquisition action, the fiscal year is 2020, and T indicates that the Commitment was system-generated and interfaced with IFMIS.
Doc Type

Doc Type identifies the source document that lists the requested goods or services to be recorded in the commitment transaction.

Clicking on the lookup feature will provide you with a list of permissible doc types from which you can choose the one for your entry if other than the default FF 146-0-2 (FF 40-1).

Commitment main screen with arrow pointing to Doc Type field and default entry of FF 40-1

Status is used to reflect the desired status of the commitment and may be updated to reflect changes in the source document.

OPENField default; use when creating a new document or modifying an existing document.
CANCELEDUse to cancel a commitment that was previously posted and to return funds to the allocation.
CLOSEDUse to close a commitment and to return any remaining funds to the allocation.
EXPIREDSystem-generated when funds have expired, usually at the close of the fiscal year.
APPROVEDUse when an invoice or travel voucher has been approved for payment.
PAIDUse when an invoice or travel voucher has been paid.
SCHEDULEDUse when an invoice or travel voucher has been scheduled for payment and sent to Treasury.
SUSPENDEDUse when an approved payment needs to be suspended due to something being incorrect with the payment.
FAR Exempt and Vendor

The entry for the FAR (Federal Acquisition Regulation) Exempt field should always be “N” (No).

The Vendor field: 

  • Refers to the number associated with a vendor in the IFMIS Vendor File.
  • Is an optional field that generally should not be used for input when posting a commitment transaction.
If a vendor number is entered, the associated obligation(s) must use the same vendor number. Otherwise, IFMIS will display an error message during the obligation process to indicate there is a vendor mismatch between the commitment and obligation.
Commitment main screen with FAR Exempt and Vendor fields circled; FAR Exempt field shows default N entry and Vendor field is blank
Amendment ID and Date Fields

When entering a date, you can apply the date format or enter the date in numbers and allow the system to generate the format after you tab to the next entry. 

The following list provides information and direction for completing the applicable date fields:

  • Amendment ID and Date: Enter the Amendment ID number associated with the amendment and the amendment date if a commitment is being amended; otherwise, leave Amendment ID blank and accept the system default amendment date (current date).
  • Effective Date: System-generated based on the Transaction Date entered in the lower left corner of the screen.
  • Performance Dates: Indicate period for which goods or services are required.
  • Expiration Date: Refers to the duration in which funds for commitment are available; IFMIS will default to the last day of the current fiscal year for all appropriations.
Screenshot of IFMIS main commitment screen with Amendment ID and Date, Effective Date, Performance Dates (from/to) and Expiration Date circled; showing default entries for Amendment ID (0000); Amendment, Effective and Performance From dates (date commitment entered); and Performance To and Expiration dates (last day of fiscal year)
Commitment Amount Fields

The system will calculate the commitment total based on the:

  • The Estimated Amount of a commitment, or the change amount of an amendment, excluding freight charges.
    • If the change amount is being decreased, a negative sign (-) must precede the entry.
  • The amount of Freight and transportation charges.
    • If any freight/transportation object class is to be used, the amounts being charged to those object classes must be entered on the freight line.

The amount categories indicate:

  • New: Total funding amount for the action that is being recorded.

  • Previous: Cumulative balance of the commitment prior to the current action.

  • Available Balance: Balance available on the commitment, including the current action.

IFMIS will verify the Estimated Amount and Freight entries with the amounts entered on the ACCS screen(s) and display an error message if these values are not equal, prohibiting saving of the transaction.

Commitment main screen with Estimated Amount, Freight, and Total lines circled; New, Previous, and Available Balance columns for each line show default 0.00
Transaction Date and Accounting Period

Accept the Transaction Date default (current date) unless authorized to change the date to the effective date of the commitment, usually the date of the last approving official’s signature.

The commitment may be posted prior to or after the effective date and against funds that are not currently available. For example, a commitment could be recorded on October 1 (first-quarter funding), with an effective date of January 1 (second-quarter funding):

  • The result of this action will be a reduction of second-quarter funds availability.
  • The effective date of the transaction will be applied throughout the life of the action.
  • The requesting office must indicate, as a comment, what funds should be applied to a quarter other than the current quarter.
IFMIS will populate the Accounting Period, the month in which the transaction will be posted in the current fiscal year, based on the Transaction Date entered.
Screenshot of IFMIS main commitment screen with arrows pointing to Transaction date and Accounting Period fields; transaction date shows default (date commitment entered); accounting period populated by IFMIS
Comment Field and Screen

Comments communicate essential information to managers, contracting officials, accountants, and to the acquisition system.

To access the Comment screen from, and to populate the Comment field on, the main Commitment screen:

  • Click on the COMM button at the bottom of the main Commitment screen.
  • Enter Procurement Data at the top of the Comment screen such as the project officer, originating program office, and project information sheet number.
  • Communicate needed information and explanations related to the transaction in the Comments section from the source document (e.g., information about the product, service, vendor, changes, and the criticality of meeting the delivery date).
Click on the MAIN button at the bottom of the Comment screen to return to the main Commitment screen.
Commitment main screen with arrow pointing at COMM button and Comment screen open over main screen to show procurement data, comments, and MAIN button
ACCS Screen

Click ACCS on the main Commitment screen to access the ACCS screen and enter detailed information about:

  • Items or commodities being purchased for a commitment transaction.
  • The funds used to pay for the items or commodities being purchased.
  • Estimated freight charges, when applicable.

Transaction details may be entered in a single or multiple ACCS screen(s) based on the number of items/commodities being purchased, number of lines of accounting used to fund the purchase, and whether freight charges apply.

Commitment main screen with arrow pointing at ACCS button and the ACCS screen displayed in front of the main commitment screen
Sequence No. and Line Descriptions

To complete the ACCS screen, begin with the Sequence Number (Sequence No.) and Line entries.

The Sequence No. is system-generated and sequentially counts the ACCS entries and lines associated with a commitment transaction.

The Line (number):

  • Represents each unique item or commodity listed on the commitment source document that should be recorded in IFMIS as a separate Line on the ACCS screen.
  • Is associated with at least one ACCS, including the dollar amount.
  • Can be associated with multiple ACCS entries having the same Line number.
Screenshot of the ACCS screen with circle around Sequence No., system-generated starting at 001, and Line field, starting at 001 and can be modified
ACCS Line Modifications

The Line and Sequence No are the same by system default. This is illustrated with an FF 146-0-2 (FF 40-1) request for two items (tables and computers) that are funded from the same ACCS in which the transaction is recorded as follows:

  • Sequence No. 001   Line 001   (Tables)           ACCS-1   $$$
  • Sequence No. 002   Line 002   (Computers)    ACCS-1   $$$

Now, imagine a second ACCS (ACCS-2) will fund some of the computers but none of the tables. The transaction is recorded as follows:

  • Sequence No. 001   Line 001   (Tables)           ACCS-1   $$$
  • Sequence No. 002   Line 002   (Computers)    ACCS-1   $$$
  • Sequence No. 003   Line 002   (Computers)    ACCS-2   $$$

Note: In the third entry, the Line number “002” is modified to reflect the Line number of the first computer entry while the Sequence Number continues to count ACCS entries sequentially. 

When a single item/commodity is funded by multiple accounting codes, the Line numbers for the multiple ACCS entries must be changed to reflect the Line number associated with the first entry of the item/commodity.

Customer Order

The Customer Order field is used only for reimbursable programs, where the ACCS code type is reimbursable (R).

If the ACCS code ends in “R”, enter:

  • The program code in the Customer Order field.
  • The Line number that corresponds to the ACCS; you may use the lookup feature to select the proper entry.
The Line field must be used whenever there is an entry in the Customer Order field.
Screenshot of IFMIS ACCS screen with Customer Order and Line fields circled; Line field shows entry of 000
ACCS Entry

The ACCS entry describes the source of funding for a line item/commodity as follows:  

  • BFY: Budget Fiscal Year (4 characters)
  • Fund: Fund Code (2 characters)
  • Prog: Program Code (4-6 characters)
  • Org: Organization Code (4 characters)
  • Proj: Project Code (6 characters)
  • Obj: Budget Object Class (4 characters)
  • D/R: Type (Enter “D” for direct programs and “R” for reimbursable programs)
Screenshot of IFMIS ACCS screen with circle around ACCS Line fields and example entry - BFY (2010), Fund (06), Prog (1450 DR), Org (9034), Proj (blank), Obj (2610), and D/R (D)
P/F and Force 

The system default for P/F (Partial/Final) Flag is “F” for commitment transactions.

Accept the Force default of “N”.

On rare occasions, this entry may have to be changed to “Y” to force an entry where there are not sufficient budgeted funds available to process a transaction, in which case the fund balance would show a deficit. Few users have access through the security module to change this flag to “Y”.

Screenshot of IFMIS ACCS screen with circle around the following fields and entries: P/F (F entry) and Force (N entry)
Change Amount and Line Balance

By entering an amount in either the Change Amount or Line Balance field and tabbing to the next field, the system will populate the other field.

If entering the Change Amount field:

  • Enter the amount to be charged against the ACCS code specified on the current line.
  • Use a negative sign (-) for an amount decrease.

Alternatively, you can enter the commitment balance in the Line Balance field, which has a calculator pop-up function for assistance.

Screenshot of IFMIS ACCS screen with circle around Change Amount and Line Balance fields; both entries show the default amount 0.00; these amounts are the same; an amount can be entered in either field; IFMIS will generate the other field with the same amount once you tab to the next field
Remaining ACCS Entries

The remaining ACCS entries are as follows:

  • UOM (Unit of Measurement): Enter UOM or leave blank.
  • Stock Number: Enter the stock or model number for the items being purchased, if applicable, or leave blank.
  • Qty (Quantity): Enter the total number of item(s) to be purchased.
  • Unit Price: Enter the unit price of the item(s) to be purchased. When entering a quantity and unit price, the system edits the resulting total and calculates the total against the Change Amount.
  • Comment: Enter any additional information related to the current ACCS line.
  • Previous Year Adj: Leave blank.
  • Transaction Code: Accept system-generated entry.
  • Terms, Net, Disc Date, and Date Due: Leave blank.
Screenshot of the ACCS screen with a rectangle around the following fields and entries; blank unless otherwise indicated: UOM, Stock Number, Qty (0.00), Unit Price (0.00), Total (0.00), Comment (Required to keep current postage rates in existing...), Category B 6159, Previous Year Adj (N), Transaction Code, Terms (00, 0.000 000), Net (000), Disc Date, and Date Due
Single ACCS Line

To complete the entry of a single ACCS screen (single line), click VERIFY.

  • The system generates a transaction code and a message to the top left of the screen (Line item verified).
  • If there are errors, click FIX to correct the identified error(s).
Screenshot of IFMIS ACCS screen with arrows pointing to Line item verified message at the top of the ACCS screen and the Transaction Code (T2005 entry) and VERIFY button at the bottom of the ACCS screen
Multiple ACCS Lines

When posting multiple ACCS lines:

  • Click NEXT to continue to the next ACCS screen and enter or modify the relevant ACCS data.
  • Click COPY, if applicable, to copy and modify information from the previous line, eliminating re-keying of duplicate data. Note: Clicking COPY before NEXT will clear your existing line, and you will have to re-enter the data.
  • Click VERIFY to verify the ACCS line. If there are errors, click FIX to correct the identified error(s).
Repeat this process until you have entered and verified all the ACCS lines. Then, click MAIN to return to the main screen.
Screenshot of IFMIS ACCS screen with a circle around the NEXT, PREV, VERIFY, and COPY buttons at the bottom of the ACCS screen as they are selected to add multiple ACCS lines
Completing the Transaction

To complete the transaction from the main screen, click:

  • VER to verify the entire transaction (main and ACCS screens). If there are errors, click FIX to correct the identified error(s).
  • SAVE to save the transaction; a message will appear at the top of the screen confirming that the transaction has been saved. Note: Record the document number provided at the top left of the screen.  
  • EXIT to return to IFMIS Main Menu.
Screenshot of IFMIS main commitment screen in background and ACCS screen in foreground; arrows are pointing to the MAIN button at the bottom of the ACCS screen and the VER, SAVE, and EXIT buttons at the bottom of the main commitment screen as they are selected to complete a transaction
Lesson 2.1 Summary
This lesson covered:
  • Vendor commitment processing.

The next unit covers vendor obligation processing in detail.

Lesson 2.2: Vendor Obligation Processing

Objective: At the end of this lesson, you should be able to:

  • Determine how to access and complete IFMIS vendor obligation forms.
Vendor Obligation Processing

The obligation of funds for a specific purpose must be posted as soon as possible to ensure proper funds control.

To post a vendor obligation transaction in IFMIS, you must access the main Obligation screen by selecting Cost Posting Subsystem>Enter Cost Posting Document>Vendor Documents>Obligations from the IFMIS Main Menu.

Screenshot of IFMIS Main Menu with the path to obligations: Cost posting subsystem>Enter Cost Posting Document>Vendor Documents>Obligations
Main Obligation Screen

The main Obligation screen establishes key information for the entire obligation record in IFMIS.

An obligation may be accomplished using one or more source documents with the appropriate authorizing signatures. These documents must support the creation or amendment of an obligation transaction in IFMIS.

On occasion, an obligation may have no prior commitment of funds such as with the SF182, Training Request.

Screenshot of main obligation screen; fields are blank or contain default entries; cursor is at the first entry field - Obligation ID
Obligation ID Details

The first entry requires an Obligation ID, which is a unique identifier, or reference number, for an obligation action.

The entry may be completed using the Obligation ID lookup feature if you have driving information to help filter data.

Using “EMW-XXXX-SA-0001” as an example, the Obligation ID indicates:

EMDocument Type (e.g., Emergency Declaration)
WLocation code identifier
XXXXFiscal year
SAProcurement type (e.g., Simplified Acquisition Procedures)
0001Sequentially assigned number
Upper portion of Form OF347 with arrow pointing to box identified as 3. Order Number; entry EMW-XXXX-SA-0001 is used as Obligation ID in IFMIS
Doc Type

The Doc Type field:

  • Indicates the form or source document that supports an obligation transaction.
  • Defaults to form OF347.
  • Provides a lookup feature to select an entry from the list of permissible doc types if other than the default.
Screenshot of ifmis main obligation screen with arrow pointing to doc type field; default entry OF347 shown

Status is used to reflect the desired status of the obligation and may be updated to reflect changes in the source document.

OPENField default; use when creating a new document or modifying an existing document.
CANCELEDUse to cancel an obligation that was previously posted and to return funds to the allocation.
CLOSEDUse to close an obligation and to return any remaining funds to the allocation.
EXPIREDSystem-generated when funds have expired, usually at the close of the fiscal year.
APPROVEDUse when an invoice or travel voucher has been approved for payment.
PAIDUse when an invoice or travel voucher has been paid.
SCHEDULEDUse when an invoice or travel voucher has been scheduled for payment and sent to Treasury.
SUSPENDEDUse when an approved payment needs to be suspended due to something being incorrect with the payment.
FAR Exempt and Vendor

The entry for the FAR Exempt field should always be “N” (No).

Identifying a vendor involves several steps: 

  1. Enter the vendor number in the Vendor field, or type the first characters of the vendor name in the Vendor field and click on the lookup feature. The lookup feature will display a list of vendors, identified by city and state, from which to select the entry of choice.
  2. Click the ADDR function button on the main Obligation screen after the vendor number has been entered to display the vendor’s address and Automated Clearing House (ACH) data for verification.
  3. Click MAIN to return to the main Obligation screen.
If an error message appears in the top left corner indicating “Vendor does not exist”, or if the address or ACH data displayed is incorrect, the vendor must be added to the vendor file or existing information must be modified by a person having access to Vendor Maintenance.
Screenshot of ifmis obligation main screen with circle around FAR Exempt and Vendor fields; FAR Exempt filed shows default entry N
Amendment ID and Date Fields

The following list provides information and direction for completing the applicable date fields:

  • Amendment ID and Date: Enter the Amendment ID number associated with the amendment and the amendment date if an obligation is being amended; otherwise, leave Amendment ID blank and accept the system default amendment date (current date).
  • Effective Date: System-generated based on the Transaction Date entered in the lower left corner of the screen.
  • Performance Dates: Enter the beginning (From) and ending (To) dates of the period of performance.
  • Expiration Date: Accept the system default, the last day of the current fiscal year.
Screenshot of ifmis obligation main screen with circle around Amendment ID and amendment, effective, performance (from/to) and expiration dates; default entries are current date for amendment, effective, and performance from fields and end of fiscal year for performance to and expiration dates; dates can be modified
Payment and Discount Terms

The payment and discount terms would be entered as follows:

  • Prompt Pay Terms: Enter the code associated with the payment or discount terms specified in the obligating document, or click on the lookup feature to display, and select an option from, a list of valid entries; standard prompt pay terms are Net 30 (code 01).  
  • Disc Rate: Enter the discount rate in the format 00.00, where 2.00 would represent a two percent discount offered; prompt pay terms entered must specify that a discount is available (Codes 03–07); leave field blank if no discount is specified. 
  • Days: Enter the number of days FEMA has to take the discount, if applicable; leave blank if no discount is offered.
  • Net: Enter the number of days FEMA has to pay the vendor, if the discount is lost, if a discount applies.

For example, if a vendor offers a discount of 2%, 10, n30, the Disc Rate entry is 2.00, the Days entry is 10, and the Net entry is 30.

Screenshot of ifmis obligation main screen with circle around the following fields and default entries: prompt pay terms 00, disc rate 0.000, days 000, and net 000
Obligation Amount and Freight

Enter total obligation amount (excluding freight charges) or the change amount (amount being increased or decreased) in the Amount field. For decreases, a negative sign (-) must precede the entry.

Enter the amount of freight charges for any freight/transportation object class used in the Freight field. 

Screenshot of ifmis obligation main screen with rectangle around the amount, freight, and total lines with new, previous and available balance fields showing default 0.00
Transaction Date, Accounting Period, and Transfer Fund

The following list provides information and direction for completing the applicable fields:

  • Transaction Date: Accept system default (current date) or change when the effective date of an obligation, usually the date of the last approving official’s signature, differs from the default.
  • Accounting Period: Accept system default, which is the month in which the transaction will be posted in the current fiscal year; based on the Transaction Date.
  • Transfer Fund: Leave blank; not currently used.
Screenshot of ifmis obligation main screen with rectangle around the transaction date, accounting period and transfer fund fields; IFMIS populates the transaction date and accounting period
ACCS Screen

Click ACCS on the main Obligation screen to access the ACCS screen and enter detailed information about:

  • Items or commodities purchased for an obligation transaction.
  • The funds used to pay for the items or commodities purchased.
  • Estimated freight charges, when applicable.

Transaction details may be entered in a single or multiple ACCS screen(s) based on the number of items/commodities being purchased, number of lines of accounting used to fund the purchase, and whether freight charges apply.

Screenshot of ifmis obligation ACCS screen; fields contain the default entries or are blank; cursor is at the first entry field - Line with default entry 001
Sequence No. and Line Descriptions

The Sequence No. is a system-generated sequential number that counts the ACCS screens, or lines, associated with the transaction.

The Line (number) represents the line item being posted.

  • Each commodity being purchased should have a unique line number on the obligating document.
  • If an item is being charged to multiple account codes, the unique line number for that item would be entered on each ACCS line, or screen.
Screenshot of ifmis obligation accs screen with rectangle around sequence and line fields; default entries for each field is 001
Sequence References

The entries for the following ACCS fields are as follows: 

  • Ref Type: Enter CM (commitment) when funds are committed for an obligation; otherwise, leave blank.
  • Ref No: Enter the commitment or requisition document number; otherwise, leave blank. 
  • Seq: Enter the sequence number relative to the commitment or use the lookup feature to select the entry of choice; otherwise leave blank.
  • Customer Order: Enter the program code if the ACCS code type is R for reimbursable; otherwise, leave blank.
  • Line: Enter the line number that corresponds with the ACCS or use the lookup feature to select the entry of choice. Required if entering a Customer Order.
Screenshot of ifmis obligation accs screen with rectangle around ref type, ref no, seq, customer order, and line fields that are blank by default
ACCS Entry

The ACCS entry describes the source of funding for a line item/commodity as follows:  

  • BFY: Budget Fiscal Year (4 characters)
  • Fund: Fund Code (2 characters)
  • Prog: Program Code (4-6 characters)
  • Org: Organization Code (4 characters)
  • Proj: Project Code (6 characters)
  • Obj: Budget Object Class (4 characters)
  • D/R: Type (Enter “D” for direct programs and “R” for reimbursable programs)
Note: The ACCS will populate automatically based on the commitment reference. If posting an obligation without referencing a commitment (such as an SF-182), this information will need to be manually entered by the user.
Screenshot of IFMIS ACCS screen with circle around ACCS Line fields and example entry - BFY (2010), Fund (06), Prog (1450 DR), Org (9034), Proj (blank), Obj (2610), and D/R (D)
P/F and Force 

The system default for P/F (Partial/Final) Flag is “P” for obligation transactions.

  • Change the flag to “F” if no further obligations to process against the ACCS line and to decommit any funds remaining.
  • Change the flag to “R” to reverse a previous entry and enter a negative amount in the Change Amount field.
    • When an amount is reversed, it increases the commitment against which it was originally posted.
    • If the flag is not changed to “R”, any negative change amount entered returns the funds to the allocation.

Accept the Force default of “N”.

On rare occasions, this entry may have to be changed to “Y” to force an entry where there are not sufficient budgeted funds available to process a transaction, in which case the fund balance would show a deficit. Few users have access through the security module to change this flag to “Y”.

Screenshot of ifmis obligation accs screen with rectangle around blank P/F and force fields
Change Amount and Line Balance

By entering an amount in either the Change Amount or Line Balance field, the system will populate the other field.

If entering the Change Amount field:

  • Enter the amount to be charged against the ACCS code specified on the current line.
  • Use a negative sign (-) for an amount decrease.
Alternatively, you can enter the obligation balance in the Line Balance field, which has a calculator pop-up function for assistance.
Screenshot of ifmis obligation accs screen with rectangle around change amount and line balance fields with default 0.00 entries
Remaining ACCS Entries

The remaining ACCS entries are as follows:

  • UOM (Unit of Measurement): Enter UOM or leave blank.
  • Stock Number: Enter the stock or model number for the items being purchased. Otherwise, leave blank.
  • Qty: Enter the total number of item(s) being charged to the current ACCS line.
  • Unit Price: Enter the unit price of the item(s) being charged to the current ACCS line.
  • Comment: Enter any additional information related to the current ACCS line.
  • Previous Year Adj: Leave blank.
  • Transaction Code: Use system-generated code.
  • Terms, Net, Disc Date, and Date Due: Leave blank.
Screenshot of ifmis obligation accs screen with rectangle around remaining fields identified in text; fields are blank other than default 0.00 entry for unit price and total and 0 for qty
Single ACCS Line

To complete the entry of a single ACCS screen (single line), click VERIFY.

  • The system generates a transaction code and a message to the top left of the screen (Line item verified).
  • If there are errors, click FIX to correct the identified error(s).
Screenshot of IFMIS ACCS screen with arrows pointing to Line item verified message at the top of the ACCS screen and the Transaction Code (T2005 entry) and VERIFY button at the bottom of the ACCS screen
Multiple ACCS Lines

When posting multiple ACCS lines:

  • Click NEXT to continue to the next ACCS screen and enter or modify the relevant ACCS data.
  • Click COPY, if applicable, to copy and modify information from the previous line, eliminating re-keying of duplicate data. Note: Clicking COPY before NEXT will clear your existing line, and you will have to re-enter the data.
  • Click VERIFY to verify the ACCS line. If there are errors, click FIX to correct the identified error(s).
Repeat this process until you have entered and verified all the ACCS lines. Then, click MAIN to return to the main screen.
Screenshot of IFMIS ACCS screen with a circle around the NEXT, PREV, VERIFY, and COPY buttons at the bottom of the ACCS screen as they are selected to add multiple ACCS lines
Comment Field and Screen

Comments are populated from a referenced commitment to communicate essential information to managers, contracting officials, accountants, and to the acquisition system.

To add comments when a commitment is not referenced in an obligation document:

  • Click the COMM button at the bottom of the main Obligation screen.
  • Add comments.
  • Click the MAIN button at the bottom of the Comment screen to return to the main Obligation screen.


screenshot of ifmis obligation main screen with comment field outlined with a square shape and an arrow pointing to the COMM button
Completing the Transaction

To complete the transaction from the main screen, click:

  • VER to verify the entire transaction (main and ACCS screens). If there are errors, click FIX to correct the identified error(s).
  • SAVE to save the transaction; a message will appear at the top of the screen confirming that the transaction has been saved. Note: Record the document number provided at the top left of the screen.  
  • EXIT to return to IFMIS Main Menu.
Screenshot of ifmis obligation screen with accs screen overlayed; arrow points to MAIN button at bottom of accs screen to return to main screen; arrows point to VER, SAVE, and EXIT buttons on main screen to complete transaction
Lesson 2.2 Summary
This lesson covered:
  • Vendor obligation processing.

The next unit covers vendor invoice processing.

Lesson 2.3: Vendor Invoice Processing

Objective: At the end of this lesson, you should be able to:

  • Determine how to access and complete IFMIS vendor invoice processing.
Vendor Invoice Processing

Vendor invoice processing is used to generate check or electronic funds transfer (ACH) payments for vendors.

Disbursement schedules are generated and submitted to Treasury on a daily basis to process payment to vendors for approved invoices based on the payment due date. Before a disbursement is made to a vendor, a payment record must be approved in IFMIS:

  • A technician must post the invoice.
  • An approver must then approve the document in IFMIS.

To post a vendor invoice in IFMIS, select Cost Posting Subsystem>Enter Cost Posting Document>Vendor Documents>Enter Invoices from the IFMIS Main Menu.

There is a separate menu option to generate payments for disaster assistance programs.

Screenshot of ifmis main menu folder structure with path to Enter Invoices folder: Cost Posting Subsystem Enter Cost Posting Document>Vendor Documents>Enter Invoices

Leave the Vendor field blank. The system will generate a vendor number based on the referenced Obligation ID.

When an Obligation ID is not referenced, you must manually populate the vendor ID by:

  • Typing in the first few characters or word of the vendor name, clicking the lookup icon, and viewing the displayed list.
  • Clicking on the vendor of choice.
  • Clicking ADDR to display the vendor’s address to verify you selected the correct vendor.
  • Clicking MAIN to return to the Invoice screen.
If an error message appears in the top left corner indicating “Vendor does not exist”, or if information displayed is incorrect, the vendor must be added to the vendor file or existing information must be modified by a person having access to Vendor Maintenance.
Screenshot of main invoice screen with a rectangle around the first field titled Vendor

Enter the vendor’s invoice number or the number assigned to the document by the vendor.

If there has not been a number assigned, enter the billing date in the format MMDDYYYY. Do not insert hyphens or slashes.

Clicking the lookup feature will display a list of all invoices which have been posted for the specified vendor. As a best practice, you should not populate the entry until you have entered the referenced Obligation ID.

Screenshot of ifmis invoice main screen with rectangle around the invoice field
Control Number

The system will generate a unique control number for this transaction in the format L-XX-V-12345, where:

  • L = Location code identifier
  • XX = Last two digits of fiscal year
  • V = Vendor
  • 12345 = Sequentially assigned number
The number should be noted on the document being processed.
Screenshot of ifmis invoice main screen with rectangle around the CT# (control number) field; the default entry is the first portion of the control number (location code, fiscal year, and V for vendor) with the sequentially assigned number to be generated by the system

This field should be left blank unless an error message is received.

If the vendor has been identified in the vendor file as a vendor who should receive an Internal Revenue Service (IRS) 1099 Form, a code must be entered to indicate which line on the 1099 Form the current entry should be reported.

Use the lookup feature to display a list of valid choices. Click on the entry of choice.

Screenshot of ifmis invoice main screen with rectangle around 1099 field; default entry 00 shown

Enter the payee vendor number, if applicable or when payment is to be sent to a vendor other than the vendor to which funds were obligated.

Before payment may be generated to another vendor, the payee relationship must be established in the vendor file within Vendor Maintenance.

Clicking the lookup feature will display a list of all payees that have been established in Vendor Maintenance for the specified vendor.

Screenshot of ifmis invoice main screen with rectangle around payee field
FAR Exempt, Suspend, Voucher, and Sch Type
You will complete the following fields as indicated:
  • FAR Exempt: Always enter as "N".
  • Suspend: Leave blank unless the payment is to be suspended. To suspend a payment, enter the suspense code that is associated with the reason payment should be suspended. The lookup feature will list valid choices. Click on the entry of choice.
  • Voucher: Skip as this field is not currently used.
  • Sch Type: Use entry populated from referenced Obligation ID; on rare occasions you may need to use the lookup feature to display a list of valid choices and click on the entry of choice.
Screenshot of ifmis invoice main screen with rectangle around FAR exempt, Suspend, Voucher, and Sch type fields; FAR exempt field contains default N entry
Doc Type, Invoice Date, and Invoice Recvd
You will complete the following fields as indicated:
  • Doc Type: Use default, “INVOICE”, or indicate form or other source document that supports this transaction using the lookup feature.
  • Invoice Date: Enter the invoice or billing date.
  • Invoice Recvd: Enter the date FEMA received the payment document in the first box, and enter the date the disbursing office received the payment document in the second box. In many cases the dates will be the same.
Screenshot of ifmis invoice main screen with rectangle around document type, invoice date, and invoice recvd fields; default entry for document type is invoice
CM, OB, AD, and RR
You will complete the following fields as indicated:
  • CM (Commitment): Enter the commitment number (ID). If funds were subsequently obligated, there is no need to enter the commitment number.
  • OB (Obligation): Enter the obligation number if there is an obligation or accept system default.
  • AD (Advance): Use the lookup feature to see a list of outstanding advances for the referenced obligation and populate the field with the advance control number. Leave this field blank if there are multiple advances to be applied to the payment, and enter each advance separately in the “Aux Ref” field on the ACCS lines. The Advance Control Numbers should be noted for entry on the ACCS lines.
  • RR (Receiving Report): Use system default.
Screenshot of ifmis invoice main screen with rectangle around CM, OB, AD, RR fields
Effective Date, Goods Received, Inspection Report, and Goods Accepted
You will complete the following fields as indicated:
  • Effective Date: The effective date of the obligation will be brought forward based on the obligation number entered. You may enter the invoice date if unable to enter the effective date of the obligation.  
  • Good Received: For goods, enter the date goods were received by FEMA in the first box. In the second box, enter the date goods were received by the ordering office. In many cases, the dates will be the same. For services, use the period of performance start date in the first box and the period of performance end date in the second box.
  • Inspection Report: This field is not currently being used. The use of inspection reports has not yet been implemented throughout FEMA.
  • Goods Accepted: Enter the later of the invoice received date or the 7-day constructive acceptance date (i.e. seven days after end of period of performance (POP) or receipt of goods).
Screenshot of ifmis invoice main screen with rectangle around effective date, goods received, and goods accepted fields, which contain two entries each, and rectangle around inspection report field; the first entry for effective date shows 09/30/20
Discount, Penalty, Invoice, Freight, and Disallow
You will complete the following fields as indicated:
  • Discount: Leave field blank and the system will calculate the discount based on the discount terms specified in the lower left corner of the main screen.
  • Penalty: Use system-generated penalty as applicable based on the discount terms.
  • Invoice: Enter the amount of the invoice (including freight charges).
  • Freight: Enter the amount of freight charges. If there are no amounts charged to freight, leave this line blank.
  • Disallow: Enter the amount disallowed. This amount will be deducted from the invoice amount when payment is generated. If there is an amount entered, user must enter a disallow code in the one character field to the right of the disallow amount. The lookup feature will display a list of valid choices. Click on the entry of choice.
Screenshot of ifmis invoice main screen with rectangle around discount, interest, penalty, invoice, freight, and disallow fields; interest and penalty fields will be system-generated as there is no entry box
Disc Terms, Disc Rate, Days, Net, Date, Lost Reason, and Late Reason
You will complete the following fields as indicated:
  • Disc Terms: The discount terms entered on the obligating document will be brought forward. Accept the terms brought forward or change to the invoice discount terms when the change would be beneficial to FEMA. Enter the code or use the lookup feature to click on the code of choice.
  • Disc Rate: Leave blank if no discount is specified, accept discount terms brought forward from obligating document, or enter/change to the invoice terms. If there is a discount specified on the invoice, enter the discount rate in the format “00.000”, where “.02” would represent a two percent discount offered. The discount terms entered must specify that a discount is available (Codes 03–07).
  • Days: Enter the number of days FEMA has to take the discount, if applicable. Leave field blank if no discount is offered.
  • Net: Enter the number of days FEMA has to pay the vendor if the discount is not taken.
  • Date: Enter the date by that invoice must be paid in order to take the discount. Leave field blank if no date is specified on the invoice.
  • Lost Reason: Enter the code which corresponds to the reasons for discounts lost. The lookup feature will display a list of valid choices. Click on the entry of choice.
  • Late Reason: Enter the code which corresponds to the reasons for late payments. The lookup feature will display a list of valid choices. Click on the entry of choice.
Screenshot of ifmis invoice main screen with rectangle around disc terms, disc rate, days, net, date, and lost reason fields on the first line and Int Rate, Days, Date, and late reason fields on the second line; the second line only contains an entry box for late reason field
Comment Field and Screen

Comments may be populated from a referenced commitment and obligation. To access the Comment screen from, and to populate the Comment field on, the main Invoice screen:

  • Click on the COMM button at the bottom of the main Invoice screen.
  • Enter additional information about the payment.
Click on the MAIN button at the bottom of the Comment screen to return to the main Invoice screen.
Screenshot of ifmis invoice main screen with rectangle around comment field and arrow pointing to COMM button at the bottom of the invoice screen
Transaction Date, Account Period, and Transaction Code
You will complete the following fields as indicated:
  • Transaction Date: Accept system default.
  • Account Period: Accept system default, which is based on the transaction date entered. This represents to which month of the current fiscal year this transaction will be posted.
  • Transaction Code: Leave blank.
Screenshot of ifmis invoice main screen with rectangle around trans date, account period, and trans code fields; IFMIS generates these fields
ACCS Sequence No. and Line

To complete the ACCS screen, click the ACCS button at the bottom of the Invoice screen.

  • The Sequence No. is a system-generated sequential number that counts the ACCS screens, or lines, associated with the transaction.
  • Enter the Line number. If a single line item on the payment document is being charged to multiple ACCS lines, use the same line number on each ACCS line entry.
Screenshot of ifmis invoice accs screen with rectangle around sequence no. and line fields
Ref Type, Ref No, and Seq
You will complete the following ACCS fields as indicated:
  • Ref Type: Accept system-populated entry from main screen reference to an existing CM, OB, or RR; enter CM, OB, or RR.
  • Ref No: Accept system-populated entry or enter the document number that corresponds with the input document; the number must match the format originally entered in IFMIS.
  • Seq: Accept the system-populated entry, enter, or use the lookup feature to enter the prior referenced Document Sequence Number for the ACCS line against which funds are to be expended. If entered correctly, the system will automatically populate the remaining fields. 
Screenshot of ifmis invoice accs screen with rectangle around ref type, ref no, and seq fields
Aux Ref Type, Ref No, and Seq
You will complete the following ACCS fields as indicated:
  • Aux Ref Type: Enter AD if advances have been posted for this vendor against the referenced obligation; otherwise, leave blank. If there are multiple advances to post against this payment, enter each on a separate ACCS line.
  • Ref No: Enter the Advance Control Number for the advance or enter the Advance Control Numbers on separate ACCS lines if there are multiple advances.
  • Seq: Enter, or use the lookup feature to enter, the Advance Sequence Number for the ACCS line against which funds are to be expended.
Screenshot of ifmis invoice accs screen with rectangle around aux ref type, ref no, and seq fields
Customer Order and Line
You will complete the following ACCS fields as indicated:
  • Customer Order: Accept system-populated entry, enter the program code for reimbursable programs, or leave blank if ACCS does not indicate R (reimbursable).
  • Line: Accept system-populated entry or use the lookup feature to select the entry that corresponds with the customer order field and represents the line number associated with the applicable ACCS.
Screenshot of ifmis invoice accs screen with rectangle around customer order and line fields
ACCS Entry

The ACCS entry describes the source of funding for a line item/commodity as follows:  

  • BFY: Budget Fiscal Year (4 characters)
  • Fund: Fund Code (2 characters)
  • Prog: Program Code (4-6 characters)
  • Org: Organization Code (4 characters)
  • Proj: Project Code (6 characters)
  • Obj: Budget Object Class (4 characters)
  • D/R: Type (Enter “D” for direct programs and “R” for reimbursable programs)
Note: The ACCS entry will be populated from the referenced obligation and sequence line.
Screenshot of ifmis invoice accs screen with rectangle around accs fields: BFY, Fund, Prog, Org, Proj, Obj, D/R
P/F and Force 

The system default for P/F (Partial/Final) Flag is “P”.

  • If there will be no further payments to process against the ACCS line and the transaction should return any funds remaining to the allocation, change the flag to "F".
    • The prior document status will automatically change to "CLOSED" when all ACCS lines are marked final, or the status must be manually changed to "CLOSED".
  • To reverse a previous entry and enter a negative amount or credit in the Change Amount field, change the flag to “R”.
    • When an amount is reversed, it increases the obligation against which it was originally posted.
    • If the flag is not changed to “R”, any negative change amount entered returns the funds to the allocation.

Accept the Force default of “N”.

  • On rare occasions, this entry may have to be changed to “Y” to force an entry where there are not sufficient budgeted funds available to process a transaction, in which case the fund balance would show a deficit. Few users have access through the security module to change this flag to “Y”.
Screenshot of ifmis invoice accs screen with rectangle around P/F and force fields
Change Amount and Line Balance

By entering an amount in either the Change Amount or Line Balance field, the system will populate the other field.

If entering the Change Amount field:

  • Enter the amount to be charged against the ACCS code specified on the current line.
  • Use a negative sign (-) for an amount decrease.
Screenshot of ifmis invoice accs screen with rectangle around change amount and line balance fields with default 0.00 entries
Remaining ACCS Entries

The remaining ACCS entries are as follows:

  • UOM (Unit of Measurement): Enter UOM or leave blank.
  • Stock Number: Enter the stock or model number for the items that were received and for which payment is being made. Otherwise, leave blank.
  • Qty: Enter the total number of item(s) being charged to the current ACCS line. 
  • Unit Price: Enter the unit price of the item(s) being charged to the current ACCS line. 
  • Comment: Enter any additional information related to the current ACCS line.
  • Previous Year Adj: Leave blank.
  • Transaction Code: Use system-generated code.
  • Terms, Net, Disc Date, and Date Due: Leave blank.
Screenshot of ifmis invoice accs screen with rectangle around remaining fields identified in the text
Single ACCS Line

To complete the entry of a single ACCS screen (single line), click VERIFY.

  • The system generates a transaction code and a message to the top left of the screen (Line item verified).
  • If there are errors, click FIX to correct the identified error(s).
Screenshot of IFMIS ACCS screen with arrows pointing to Line item verified message at the top of the ACCS screen and the Transaction Code (T2005 entry) and VERIFY button at the bottom of the ACCS screen
Multiple ACCS Lines

When posting multiple ACCS lines:

  • Click NEXT to continue to the next ACCS screen and enter or modify the relevant ACCS data.
  • Click COPY, if applicable, to copy and modify information from the previous line, eliminating re-keying of duplicate data. Note: Clicking COPY before NEXT will clear your existing line, and you will have to re-enter the data.
  • Click VERIFY to verify the ACCS line. If there are errors, click FIX to correct the identified error(s).
Repeat this process until you have entered and verified all the ACCS lines. Then, click MAIN to return to the main screen.
Screenshot of ifmis invoice accs screen with rectangle around the buttons at the bottom of the screen: NEXT, PREV, VERIFY, and COPY
Completing the Transaction

To complete the transaction from the main screen, click:

  • VER to verify the entire transaction (main and ACCS screens). If there are errors, click FIX to correct the identified error(s).
  • SAVE to save the transaction; a message will appear at the top of the screen confirming that the transaction has been saved. Note: Record the document number provided at the top left of the screen.  
  • EXIT to return to IFMIS Main Menu.
Screenshot of ifmis invoice screen with accs screen overlayed; arrow points to MAIN button at bottom of accs screen to return to main screen; arrows point to VER, SAVE, and EXIT buttons on main screen to complete transaction
Lesson 2.3 Summary
This lesson covered:
  • Vendor invoice processing.

The next unit covers vendor expenditures processing.

Lesson 2.4: Vendor Expenditures

Objective: At the end of this lesson, you should be able to:

  • Describe how to access and complete IFMIS vendor expenditure processing.
Vendor Expenditures

Vendor expenditures within the IFMIS environment represent the liquidation of an obligation for payments made outside of IFMIS. For example:

  • Two Federal agencies engage in a business transaction in which one agency services the other, and the servicing agency withdraws funds directly from the client agency’s account via the Inter-Governmental Payment and Collection (IPAC) system.
  • The service agency then sends the client agency a bill listing all charges.
  • The client agency records the expenditure to properly reduce the obligation.

To post vendor expenditures, select Cost Posting Subsystem>Enter Cost Posting Document>Vendor Documents>Expenditures from the IFMIS Main Menu.

Screenshot of IFMIS Main Menu folder structure showing path Cost Posting Subsystem>Enter Cost Posting Document>Vendor Documents>Expenditures
Billing ID, Doc Type, Status, Vendor, and Alt Trading Partner
You will complete the following fields as indicated:
  • Billing ID: Enter Statement, Billing, or Schedule Number preceded by the location code identifier.
  • Doc Type: Enter, or use the lookup feature to enter, the type of document being used to record this payment or credit.
  • Status: Status should be “PAID” since all entries reflect payments that have been made outside IFMIS.
  • Vendor: Enter the vendor number to which the funds were obligated.
  • Alt Trading Partner: Enter applicable Federal Agency. 
Screenshot of ifmis expenditures/billing main screen with rectangle around the following fields and default entries: billing id, doc type (ex), status (open), vendor, and alt trading partner
Amendment ID and Date Fields

The following list provides information and direction for completing the applicable date fields:

  • Amendment ID and Date: Enter the Amendment ID number associated with the amendment; otherwise, leave Amendment ID blank and accept the system default amendment date (current date).
  • Effective Date: System-generated based on the Transaction Date entered in the lower left corner of the screen.
  • Performance Dates: Enter the beginning (From) and ending (To) dates of the period of performance.
  • Expiration Date: Accept the system default, the last day of the current fiscal year.
Screenshot of ifmis expenditures/billing main screen with rectangle around the following fields and default entries: amendment id and amendment, effective, performance, and expiration dates fields
Amount and Freight

The system will calculate the expenditure total based on the:

  • Total amount of expenditure or credit.
    • If modifications are made to an existing document, enter the amount of the increase or decrease.
    • If the change amount is being decreased, a negative sign (-) must precede the entry.
  • The amount of freight charges.
    • If any freight object class is to be used, the amounts being charged to those object classes must be entered on the freight line.
Screenshot of ifmis expenditures/billing main screen with rectangle around amount, freight and total lines with columns new, previous, and available balance
Comment Field and Screen

Comments may be populated from referenced transactions. To access the Comment screen from, and to populate the Comment field on, the main Expenditures/Billing screen:

  • Click on the COMM button at the bottom of the main Expenditures/Billing screen.
  • Enter any additional information.
Click on the MAIN button at the bottom of the Comment screen to return to the main Expenditures/Billing screen.
Screenshot of ifmis expenditures/billing main screen with arrow pointing to COMM button at bottom of screen
Transaction Date and Account Period
You will complete the following fields as indicated:
  • Transaction Date: Accept system default.
  • Account Period: Accept system default, which is based on the transaction date entered. This represents to which month of the current fiscal year this transaction will be posted.
Screenshot of ifmis expenditures/billing main screen with rectangle around transaction date and accounting period fields with default entries populated by system
ACCS Sequence No. and Line

To complete the ACCS screen, click the ACCS button at the bottom of the Billing screen.

  • The Sequence No. is a system-generated sequential number that counts the ACCS screens, or lines, associated with the transaction.
  • For the Line field, enter the line number from the payment document. If a single line item on the payment document is being charged to multiple ACCS lines, use the same line number on each ACCS line entry.
Screenshot of ifmis expenditures ACCS screen with rectangle around sequence no and line fields; both contain default entry 001
Ref Type, No, and Seq

You will complete the following ACCS fields as indicated:

  • Ref Type: Enter the abbreviation that corresponds to the last document entered prior to posting payments.
    • Valid choices are CM, OB, or RR. If there was no prior document posted in IFMIS, leave this field blank.
  • Ref No: Enter the document number that corresponds to the prior document referenced, usually the Obligation ID or Disaster Assistance Obligation ID in the same format as when posted to IFMIS.

  • Seq: Enter, or use the lookup feature to enter, the sequence number from the document referenced for the ACCS line against which funds are to be expended or credited.
    • The system will populate the remaining fields.

    • Leave filed blank if no prior document referenced and enter remaining fields.

    • Note: An entry error has occurred if you enter the sequence number and the ACCS does not populate.   
Screenshot of ifmis expenditures ACCS screen with rectangle around ref type, ref no, seq, aux ref type fields
Disaster Assistance Obligation ID

When posting expenditures in the Disaster Assistance menu option, the system assists the user in entering the reference number for Disaster Assistance Obligations:

  • The user must first enter the disaster number or state abbreviation for pre-declaration activity, and the system will begin building the Obligation ID.
  • The user must then enter the assistance type (M = Mission Assignment, T = Temporary Housing, P = Public Assistance, I = Individual Assistance, and X = Pre-Declaration Activity) and Applicant Number, pressing “Enter” after each entry.
  • The user must enter the Applicant Number.
Entry Error
The entry error means either the:
  • Prior document has not been posted,
  • Referenced document number has been entered incorrectly, or
  • Sequence number has been entered incorrectly.
Aux Ref Type, No and Seq
You will complete the following ACCS fields as indicated:
  • Aux Ref Type: Enter AD if advances have been posted for this vendor against the referenced obligation; otherwise, leave blank. If there are multiple advances to post against this payment, enter each on a separate ACCS line.
  • Ref No: Enter the Advance Control Number for the advance or enter the Advance Control Numbers on separate ACCS lines if there are multiple advances.
  • Seq: Enter, or use the lookup feature to enter, the Advance Sequence Number for the ACCS line against which funds are to be expended.
Screenshot of ifmis expenditures ACCS screen with rectangle around ref type, ref no, seq, aux ref type fields
Customer Order and Line
You will complete the following ACCS fields as indicated:
  • Customer Order: Accept system-populated entry, enter the program code for reimbursable programs, or leave blank if ACCS does not indicate R (reimbursable).
  • Line: Accept system-populated entry or use the lookup feature to select the entry that corresponds with the customer order field and represents the line number associated with the applicable ACCS.
Screenshot of ifmis expenditures accs screen with rectangle around customer order and line fields
ACCS Entry

The ACCS entry describes the source of funding for a line item/commodity as follows:  

  • BFY: Budget Fiscal Year (4 characters)
  • Fund: Fund Code (2 characters)
  • Prog: Program Code (4-6 characters) 
  • Org: Organization Code (4 characters)
  • Proj: Project Code (6 characters)
  • Obj: Budget Object Class (4 characters)
  • D/R: Type (Enter “D” for direct programs and “R” for reimbursable programs)
Screenshot of ifmis expenditures accs screen with rectangle around accs line and fields: BFY, Fund, Prog, Org, Proj, Obj, and D/R
P/F and Force 

The system default for P/F (Partial/Final) Flag is “P”.

  • If there will be no further payments to process against the ACCS line brought forward and the transaction should return any funds remaining to the allocation, change the flag to "F".
    • The prior document status will automatically change to "CLOSED" when all ACCS lines are marked final.
    • If it is determined that there will be no more expenditures against the prior document referenced, work has been completed, and the flags were not changed to “F” when posting the last payment, the prior document can be closed manually by accessing the actual document in the Cost Posting Subsystem and changing the status to “CLOSED”.
  • When entering a negative amount or credit, change the flag to "C".
  • To reverse a previous entry and enter a negative amount or credit in the Change Amount field, change the flag to “R”.
    • When an amount is reversed, it increases the obligation against which it was originally posted.
    • If the flag is not changed to “R”, any negative change amount entered returns the funds to the allocation.

Accept the Force default of “N”.

  • On rare occasions, this entry may have to be changed to “Y” to force an entry where there are not sufficient budgeted funds available to process a transaction, in which case the fund balance would show a deficit. Few users have access through the security module to change this flag to “Y”.
Screenshot of ifmis expenditures accs screen with rectangle around p/f and force fields
Change Amount and Line Balance

By entering an amount in either the Change Amount or Line Balance field, the system will populate the other field.

If entering the Change Amount field:

  • Enter the amount to be charged against the ACCS code specified on the current line.
  • Use a negative sign (-) for an amount decrease.
Screenshot of ifmis expenditures accs screen with rectangle around change amount and line balance fields with default entries 0.00
Remaining ACCS Entries

The remaining ACCS entries are as follows:

  • Stock Number: Enter the stock or model number for the items that were received and for which payment is being made, if applicable, or leave blank.
  • Qty: Enter the total number of item(s) being charged to the current ACCS line.
  • Unit Price: Enter the unit price of the item(s) being charged to the current ACCS line.
  • Comment: Enter any additional information related to the current ACCS line.
  • Previous Year Adj: Leave blank.
  • Transaction Code: Use system-generated code.
  • Terms, Net, Disc Date, and Date Due: Leave blank.
Screenshot of ifmis expenditures accs screen with rectangle around remaining fields listed in text
Single ACCS Line

To complete the entry of a single ACCS screen (single line), click VERIFY.

  • The system generates a transaction code and a message to the top left of the screen (Line item verified).
  • If there are errors, click FIX to correct the identified error(s).
Screenshot of IFMIS ACCS screen with arrows pointing to Line item verified message at the top of the ACCS screen and the Transaction Code (T2005 entry) and VERIFY button at the bottom of the ACCS screen
Multiple ACCS Lines

When posting multiple ACCS lines:

  • Click NEXT to continue to the next ACCS screen and enter or modify the relevant ACCS data.
  • Click COPY, if applicable, to copy and modify information from the previous line, eliminating re-keying of duplicate data. Note: Clicking COPY before NEXT will clear your existing line, and you will have to re-enter the data.
  • Click VERIFY to verify the ACCS line. If there are errors, click FIX to correct the identified error(s).
Repeat this process until you have entered and verified all the ACCS lines. Then, click MAIN to return to the main screen.
Screenshot of ifmis expenditures accs screen with rectangle around buttons at the bottom of the screen: NEXT, PREV, VERIFY, COPY, MAIN, and GOTO
Completing the Transaction

To complete the transaction from the main screen, click:

  • VER to verify the entire transaction (main and ACCS screens). If there are errors, click FIX to correct the identified error(s).
  • SAVE to save the transaction; a message will appear at the top of the screen confirming that the transaction has been saved. Note: Record the document number provided at the top left of the screen.  
  • EXIT to return to IFMIS Main Menu.
Screenshot of ifmis expenditures accs screen with arrows pointing to VER, SAVE, and EXIT buttons at bottom of screen
Lesson 2.4 Summary
This lesson covered:
  • Vendor expenditures processing.

The next unit covers the IFMIS payment process.

Lesson 2.5: IFMIS Payment Process

Objective: At the end of this lesson, you should be able to:

  • Describe how to complete the payment process within IFMIS.
IFMIS Payment Process

Select each area of the payment process diagram to learn more.

Diagram of IFMIS payment process: 1. Posting of Payment Transaction = OPEN 2. Approval of Payment Transaction =  APPROVED 3. Payment Schedule Process = SCHEDULED 4. Payment Confirmation Process = PAID
Step 1: Posting of Payment Transaction

The Payment Process begins with the posting of voucher/invoice or SF1164 transactions.

Once saved, the payment transaction displays a status of OPEN in IFMIS. In addition, IFMIS assigns a Schedule By Date and Due Date based on rules established by the Prompt Payment Act.

Step 2: Approval of Payment Transaction

The Payment Approval Process is a procedure whereby an Approver reviews the posted payment request to ensure all is proper with the payment.

Once assured that all is proper, the Approver marks the payment request as approved by inputting their initials in the Approver location on the posted transaction. IFMIS then changes the payment status from OPEN to APPROVED.

Once the payment request is marked as APPROVED, IFMIS warehouses the payment until the payment request is scheduled and paid.

Step 3: Payment Schedule Process

The IFMIS Payment Schedule Process is an automated procedure managed by the IFMIS Disbursements Subsystem, which, when invoked, extracts all approved payment requests that have a Schedule by Date consistent with the date the schedule process is run. The targeted approved payments are placed on a payment schedule for transmission to the Department of the Treasury Disbursing Center for Payment Issuance.

Once a payment request is scheduled for payment, IFMIS automatically changes the status from APPROVED to SCHEDULED. In addition, IFMIS inputs the Department of the Treasury Schedule Number on the Payment Request during this time.

Also, once a payment is scheduled and has been sent to the Department of the Treasury, the funds are considered to be disbursed to the recipient.

Note: The Schedule Process is run daily by a Disbursement Officer at FEMA’s Office of Financial Management.

Step 4: Payment Confirmation Process

The Payment Confirmation Process culminates the payment process. Once a Payment Schedule is submitted to the Department of the Treasury for payment, the Department of the Treasury responds by providing notification back to FEMA to validate actual cash disbursement of funds, i.e., the disbursement confirmation.

Once the confirmation is received, an authorized OCFO individual must access the IFMIS Disbursement Subsystem and input the pertinent information regarding the disbursement action. The information includes the:

  • Department of the Treasury Schedule number,
  • Date paid,
  • Beginning check tracer number, and
  • Ending check number.
IFMIS then marks each of the payment requests (i.e., invoice or voucher control numbers) on the confirmed schedule with the actual check number or tracer number (electronic funds transfer EFT payments) issued by the Department of the Treasury. Most importantly, IFMIS will change the payment record (control number) status from SCHEDULED to PAID.
Resolving Cancellation of Payment

On occasion, there are times when the Department of the Treasury issues checks for fund transfers that are not properly delivered, resulting in a cancellation of the payment.

  1. The Department of the Treasury cancels the payment and re-stocks FEMA’s accounts with the disbursed funds.
  2. The Department of the Treasury notifies FEMA of the cancellation via an SF1098, Treasury Check Cancellation.
  3. Upon receipt of the SF1098, an authorized FEMA-OCFO individual records the SF1098 to the IFMIS Disbursements Subsystem, whereby the financial effects of the original payment are reversed and the status on the original payment is changed from PAID to OPEN.

There is not an IFMIS function that informs a disbursing center that a cancellation has occurred. Therefore, Accounts Payable personnel must review the IFMIS Open Invoice Report, to keep an eye on the due dates of payments outstanding. A cancelled payment will continue to show the original due date of the payment.

IFMIS users can run the IFMIS Cost Posting Status Change Report to see that a cancellation has occurred. Once the payment is reflected as OPEN, steps 2–4 of the payment process must be repeated.

Lesson 2.5 Summary
This lesson covered:
  • IFMIS payment process.

The next unit covers vendor invoice processing.

Lesson 3.1: IFMIS Reports Overview Lesson Overview

Objective: At the end of this lesson, you should be able to:

  • Recall available reporting options in IFMIS.
IFMIS Report Classifications

IFMIS reports are run and used on both a periodic and as-needed basis.

The two primary classifications of IFMIS reports are:

  1. Funding reports - provide data on budgeted resources by quarter to date.
  2. Cost posting reports - a series of budget execution reports for commitments through invoices.
Funding and cost posting data is presented by object class and serves as a primary source for most IFMIS reports.
Screenshot of IFMIS Main Menu with arrows pointing to Funding Reports and Cost Reporting subfolders under the Funding Subsystem and the Cost Posting Subsytem respectively
Running Reports

To run a report, you will:

  • Locate and select the report you want to run.
  • Enter Y for yes.
  • Follow the prompts, which may request transaction data captured in the ACCS line or document numbers.
When prompted to run a report, entering N for no will take you to the IFMIS Main Menu.
Reports Display Options

Reports operate as a pop-up within an internet browser. You may choose to have report pop-ups display in an HTML format within a new:

  • Tab - Displaying reports in a new tab allows you to view the report as it is formatted, provided you have the browser window fully expanded.
  • Window - Displaying reports in a new window may require you to resize or expand the window to display the report as it is formatted; otherwise, the report data will wrap to fit the smaller window size that may pop up by default.
With reports appearing in a new tab or window, you can navigate between IFMIS and any number of reports you generate and preview.
Searching for Data in a Report
Screenshot of an IFMIS Funds Disposition Report with arrows pointing to the Find option (1450 entered) and the Previous/Next options; 1450 is highlighted in the ACCS Prog column in four places as indicated by "4 matches" in the top menu
To search for specific data when viewing a displayed report:
  • Press Ctrl + F to display a search box.
  • Enter your search criteria; as you type, the system will highlight the information matching the criteria.
  • Use the Previous and Next buttons to move between items that match the criteria.
Download Report Options

When viewing a report, you can select the Download drop down option on the right side of the page to download a copy to your computer. IFMIS displays the first 100 pages of a report so you must download long reports to view the full report.

Download options include:

  • PDF - The PDF file preserves the format displayed during the specific run of a report.
  • Text - The text file allows you to open it within Microsoft Excel, convert it to a spreadsheet, and manipulate, or customize, the information.
Screenshot of IFMIS report with arrow pointing to the download options (PDF and TXT) in the far right corner
Save Report

When downloading an IFMIS report, the system default saves files to the Downloads folder. However, you can:

  1. Navigate to any folder you choose.
  2. Create a meaningful name for the file.
  3. Click Save.
When the download is complete, click Close. The file is now available for viewing and analysis.
Screenshot of Save As Documents library window in which the Funds Disposition 2012 - all 082012 file is being saved as a PDF (Adobe Acrobat Document)
Print Report

Once you close the Report tab or window, you will usually be prompted to “Print report? [Y/N]”.

  • If you choose Y, the report will print according to the options you selected in the Report Output Options and/or Network Printer Selection within the Environmental Utilities folder.
  • If you choose N, you will return to the IFMIS Main Menu.
print report prompt in IFMIS; option Y/N for yes or no
Report Acronyms
An IFMIS report may contain some of the following acronyms, or abbreviations, to indicate the nature of the data presented:
  • CM = Commitment

  • AD = Advance

  • DS = Discount Change Amount

  • OB = Obligations

  • OR = Order Change Amount

  • IN = Interest Amount
  • RR = Receiving Report

  • BD = Budget/Allocation

  • SC = Schedule Change Amount

  • EX = Expenditure

  • CF = Confirmation Change Amount
Lesson 3.1 Summary
This lesson covered:
  • An overview of IFMIS reports.

The next lesson covers funding reports in detail.

Lesson 3.2: Funding Reports Lesson Overview

Objective: At the end of this lesson, you should be able to:

  • Describe how to access and generate Funding Reports.
Funding Reports

Funding is reported by quarter-to-date, not reflecting funding for future quarters of the fiscal year. You may use several Funding Reports including:

  • Fund Disposition Reports.
  • Regional Allocated Authorized Fund Status.
  • Use of Fund History Report.
Report Name or DescriptionWhat it ShowsHow to Run

Funding Disposition Reports:

Funds Disposition Report

Funds Disposition Report with Annual Authorization

Funds Disposition Report with Program Subtotals

Funds Disposition Report with Organization Subtotals

Current status of an allocation including amount authorized through the quarter, available commitments, unliquidated obligations, outstanding receiving reports, funds expended, and available balance

Data with or without subtotals by program or organization

  1. Click on Funding Subsystem>Funding Reports.
  2. Click on Funding Disposition Reports.
  3. Click on desired Funds Disposition Report.
  4. Enter ACCS information for desired allocation(s).
Regional Allocated Authorized Funds Status

Funds an organization has been allocated by quarter

  1. Click on Funding Subsystem>Funding Reports.
  2. Click on Regional Allocated Auth Funds Status.
  3. Enter ACCS information for desired allocation(s).
Use of Funds History Report (Budget Changes)

Each transaction, user, document number, date and time posted, ACCS affected, and how that entry affected the allocation as it relates to funds control; the only transactions that reduce or increase the available balance are those that have an amount to the right of the BD. Other transactions may only affect the CM, OB, AD, RR, or EX.

  1. Click on Funding Subsystem>Funding Reports.
  2. Click on Funding History Reports.
  3. Click Use of Funds History Report.
  4. Enter the beginning date for the period to be reported or leave blank to report from the beginning of the current fiscal year.
  5. Enter the ending date for the period to be reported or leave blank to report through the current date.
  6. Click Begin.
  7. Enter ACCS information for desired allocation(s).
  8. Click Begin.
Lesson 3.2 Summary
This lesson covered:
  • Funding Reports.

The next lesson covers cost posting reports in detail.

Lesson 3.3: Cost Posting Reports Lesson Overview

Objective: At the end of this lesson, you should be able to:

  • Describe how to access and generate Cost Posting Reports.
Cost Posting Reports

Cost Posting Reports include a series of budget execution reports for commitments through invoices and will present data by object class numbers.

You may use several Cost Posting Reports including:

Open Document Reports

Cost Transaction Reports

Committed Document Report

Cross Reference Report

Liquidated Obligation Report

Paid Expenditures

Unpaid Advances

Generate Unpaid Invoices Aging Report

Generate Unliquidated Advances Aging Report

Travelers Authorized for Group Travel Report

Open Disaster Obligations By ACCS

Status Change Report

Report Name or DescriptionWhat it ShowsHow to Run

Cost Reporting:

Open Commitments

Open Obligations

Open Invoices

Open Advances

Approved Invoices

Available and outstanding balances

Invoices that have not been scheduled or paid

Unliquidated/outstanding advances

Data for user's location and only documents entered using the proper document numbering formats

  1. Click on Cost Posting Subsystem>Cost Reporting.
  2. Click on the desired report.
  3. Enter ACCS information for desired allocation(s).
Paid Expenditures By ACCS or Document

Expenditures posted, including document number, amounts, referenced documents, and ACCS lines, only reporting documents for the user's location

  1. Click on Cost Posting Subsystem>Cost Reporting.
  2. Click on Paid Expenditure By ACCS or Document.
  3. Enter ACCS information or document number for desired allocation(s).
Unpaid Advances By ACCS or Document

Advances that have not been paid by status (OPEN, APPROVED, SCHEDULED)

Advance control number, amount, vendor number, obligation reference, and ACCS

  1. Click on Cost Posting Subsystem>Cost Reporting.
  2. Click on Unpaid Advances By ACCS or Document.
  3. Enter the location code to run the report.
Generate Unpaid Invoices Aging Report

Invoices that are older than 31 days and have not been scheduled for payment

Control number, invoice number and obligation reference (PO), status, and date entered

  1. Click on Cost Posting Subsystem>Cost Reporting.
  2. Click on Generate Unpaid Invoices Aging Report.
  3. Enter the location code to run the report.
Generate Unliquidated Advances Aging Report

Advances that have not been liquidated (outstanding advances)

Control number, obligation reference, status, and date entered

  1. Click on Cost Posting Subsystem>Cost Reporting.
  2. Click on Generate Unliquidated Advances Aging Report.
  3. Enter the location code to run the report.
Liquidated Obligation Report

Detailed information about invoices paid against a specific obligation

Amount paid, date paid, Treasury schedule number, and check number

Information about invoice payments, not expenditure payments 

  1. Click on Cost Posting Subsystem>Cost Reporting.
  2. Click on Liquidated Obligation Report.
  3. Enter the obligation document number, matching the format posted in IFMIS. 

Transaction Reports:







Data entry for individual transactions for a specific document

Information such as user, date and time entered, ACCS, amounts, and partial/final flag setting

Original entry as well as subsequent modifications

The entry's affect on the disposition of funds; for example, it shows increases and decreases to CM, OB, EX, and BD; doesn't show how other documents may have affected the document being reported

Transaction details entered in IFMIS; excludes converted transactions

  1. Click on Cost Posting Subsystem>Cost Transaction Reporting.
  2. Click on desired report.
  3. Enter date or leave blank for all dates.
  4. Enter the document number, matching the format entered in IFMIS.
Status Change Report

Status changes (OPEN, APPROVED, SCHEDULED, PAID), user, date, and time entered for individual invoices and advance transactions

  1. Click on Cost Posting Subsystem>Cost Transaction Reporting.
  2. Click on Status Change Report.
  3. Enter “IN” (invoice) or “AD” (advance).
  4. Enter the invoice or advance control number.

Committed Document Reports:

Build Commitment

Run Commitment

View Commitment

Run New Commitment

View New Commitment

Status of an allocation and gives detailed information about individual entries posted against it

Transaction details of Amounts Committed, Available Commitments, Amounts Obligated, Unliquidated Obligations, and Expended Amounts

Summary of Authorized and Available Amounts

  1. Click on Cost Posting Subsystem>Cost Reporting.
  2. Click on Committed Document Report.
  3. Click on desired report.
  4. Enter the applicable ACCS information for the desired allocation. ACCS information for sub-allocation level will not be accepted.
Cross Reference Report

Documents that have referenced or affected the document upon which the report is run; for example, running the report on a specific commitment will list the obligations made against that commitment, and running the report on a specific obligation will list all invoices, advances and expenditures posted against that obligation

Information includes document numbers, ACCS reference lines, current document status, balances, payments, and advances from legendary systems

  1. Click on Cost Posting Subsystem>Cross Reference Report.
  2. Enter the acronym that corresponds to the document that was affected by subsequent transactions. For example, if you want to see what obligations were posted against a commitment, enter CM. Similarly, if you want to see payments against an obligation, enter OB.
  3. Enter the document number (Commitment ID, Obligation ID, etc.).

Open Disaster Obligations By ACCS

Open disaster assistance obligations, including document number, ACCS, vendor, and amount available
  1. Click Cost Posting Subsystem>Disaster Reports.
  2. Click on Open Disaster Obligations By ACCS.
  3. Enter the applicable ACCS information.
Travelers Authorized for Group Travel ReportAll travelers authorized to travel on a group travel authorization, including names and E#
  1. Click on Cost Posting Subsystem>Travel Reports.
  2. Click on Travelers Authorized for Group Travel Report.
  3. Enter group travel authorization number.
Lesson 3.3 Summary
This lesson covered:
  • Cost Posting Reports.

Next is the course summary.

IFMIS Resources
Now that you have completed the course, you may want to refer to the following resources: 
  • Glossary of IFMIS-related terms.
  • Reference materials.
  • Financial System's Toolbox, providing IFMIS access resources, located on OCFO's Financial System Division Intranet site.
  • IFMIS Access Control Form, FEMA Form 257-3-1; submit completed forms to fema-ifmis-acess-forms@fema.dhs.gov.
For IFMIS assistance, email fema-ifmis-helpdesk@fema.dhs.gov.

Accounts Payable

Amounts owed to others for goods and services received, assets acquired, and amounts received but not yet earned.

Accounts Receivable (AR)

IFMIS subsystem that maintains a record of debts owed FEMA.

Accounting Classification Code Structure (ACCS)

A series of data elements that identifies the fiscal characteristics of a financial transaction. For example, the ACCS identifies fiscal year budgeted resources, FEMA appropriation identification, program code, organization code, project code, object code, and appropriation type.

ACCS Screen

IFMIS input screen that captures detailed information about a transaction; also called the detail screen.

Advance (AD)

An amount paid prior to the later receipt of goods, services, or other assets. Advances are ordinarily made only to payees to whom an agency has an obligation, and they do not exceed the amount of the obligation.


The allocation represents the establishment of internal funding levels of authorized funds. Obligations can be incurred to the limit of the funds established for the specified purpose. In FEMA, the allocation establishes the working level of budgeted authority.


This is an authorization by either the agency head or another authorized employee to incur obligations within specified amounts. FEMA’s OCFO allots all apportioned funds to the director of FEMA.


The action by which OMB distributes amounts available for obligation, including budgetary reserves established pursuant to law in an appropriation or fund account. Funds that must be distributed quarterly are categorized as Category A apportionment, while funds that can be distributed in any method are categorized as Category B apportionment.


This is the authority given to Federal agencies to incur obligations and make payments from the Treasury for specified purposes. Authority can be Direct (funds given by the U.S. Congress) and/or Reimbursable (authority by the U.S. Congress that allows agencies to keep funds earned from providing services to others).

Budget Fiscal Year (BFY)

Four-digit fiscal year, which runs from October 1 through September 30.

Comment Screen

IFMIS input screen that provides needed explanations to managers, contracting officials, or accountants about the transaction when the information is reviewed or approved.

Commitment (CM)

This is a reservation of budgetary resources (allocation and sub-allocation) in anticipation of their obligation.

Cost Posting

IFMIS subsystem that records and maintains all transactions associated with the FEMA budget execution process. It is FEMA's major transaction handing subsystem.

Cost Posting Report

Series of budget execution reports for commitments through invoices.


IFMIS subsystem that manages the issuance of disbursements (payment) from FEMA.

Emergency Management Institute (EMI)

FEMA's training institution tasked with training Federal, state, local, tribal, volunteer, public, and private sector officials to strengthen emergency management core competencies for professional, career-long training.

Expenditure (EX)

Expenditure within the IFMIS environment represents the liquidation of an obligation after actual cash or payment has been completed. For example, when two Federal agencies engage in a business transaction where one agency services the other, the servicing agency may withdraw funds directly from the client agency’s account. The servicing agency then sends the client agency a bill listing all charges. The client agency then records the expenditure to properly reduce the obligation.

FEMA Finance Center (FFC)

Centralized processing center for the issuance of payments for FEMA, located in Winchester, VA.


IFMIS subsystem that records and maintains FEMA's budgeted resource information through online, real-time funds control functionality.

Funding Report

Funding Reports provide data on budgeted resources.

General Ledger (GL)

IFMIS subsystem that serves as the single source of financial data for preparing financial statements and reports. It is compliant with the U.S. Government Standard General Ledger.

General Services Administration (GSA)

Agency provides acquisition solutions across the Federal Government.

Integrated Financial Management Information System (IFMIS)

Federal Emergency Management Agency’s (FEMA) core financial system with five major subsystems (Funding, Cost Posting, Disbursements, Accounts Receivable, and General Ledger).


A document prepared by a vendor in the approved format defined in OMB Prompt Pay Act, which requests the payment of funds for the rendering of goods or services.

Main Screen

IFMIS input screen that captures summary information about a transaction; also called the header screen.

Obligation (OB)

Amount for orders placed, contracts awarded, services received, and similar transactions during the same or a future period.

Office of Chief Financial Officer (OCFO)

Office responsible for planning and executing FEMA's budget that supports preparedness, mitigation, response, and recovery operations.

Office of Management and Budget (OMB)

Office which oversees all funds allocation by Executive-level agencies.

Online Payment and Collection System/Intra-Governmental Payment and Collection (OPAC/IPAC)

A system maintained by the U.S. Department of the Treasury, whereby Federal agencies can withdraw funds from other Federal agency accounts for services provided. The general reference within FEMA is that of a billing or statement that supports the withdrawal of funds.

Receiving Report (RR)

A document, as classified in OMB Prompt Pay Act, which validates the receipt and acceptance of goods and services.


The sub-allocation enables FEMA to move an established allocation to a lower level of funds control.


Represents the initial distribution of authorized allotments by the Director, to specific program areas to facilitate the execution of FEMA programs. Sub-allotments are presented to FEMA Associate Directors.

Treasury Warrant

A warrant that establishes a cash balance at the Department of the Treasury for agency disbursements.


A vendor is any individual or entity that does business with FEMA. This can include commercial businesses, government agencies (Federal, state, and local), organizations, individuals receiving disaster benefits, and employees for travel purposes.

Commitment Document Numbering Format

L123456ZZ where,

  • L = Location code identifier.
  • 123456 = Sequentially assigned number.
  • Z = “Y” (yes) or "N" (no) to indicate whether the document is to be submitted for procurement or acquisition action.
  • Z = Optional character (Support Services & Facilities Management use only).
    • B = Blanket Purchase Agreements (BPAs).
    • G = Interagency Agreements.
    • I = Imprest.
    • M = Maintenance Agreements.
    • P = Purchase.
    • R = Rent/Lease Agreements.
    • T = Printing.
Obligation Document Numbering Format

EML-XXXX-ZZ-0001 where:

  • EM = Document Type (e.g., Emergency Declaration).
  • L = Location Code Identifier.
  • XXXX = Fiscal Year.
  • ZZ = Procurement Type.
  • 0001 = Sequentially Assigned Number.
Location Code Identifiers
FEMA LocationCode
Region I – Boston, MAB
Region II – New York, NYN
Region III – Philadelphia, PAP
Region IV – Atlanta, GAA
Region V – Chicago, ILC
Region VI – Denton, TXT
Region VII – Kansas City, MO K
Region VIII – Denver, COD
Region IX – Oakland, CAF
Region X – Seattle/Bothell, WashingtonS
NETC – Emmitsburg, MDE
Blue Grass Storage Center – Blue Grass, KYG
Mount Weather – Roundhill, VAV
FEMA Headquarters – Washington, DC W
FEMA Finance Center – Winchester, VAR

National Processing Service Center (NPSC):

Denton, TX

Redwood City, CA

Hyattsville, MD

Roundhill, VA






Northridge Long Term Disaster Recovery Area Office:

Pasadena, CA

Report Acronyms/Abbreviations

CM = Commitment

AD = Advance

DS = Discount Change Amount

OB = Obligations

OR = Order Change Amount

IN = Interest Amount

RR = Receiving Report

BD = Budget/Allocation

SC = Schedule Change Amount

EX = Expenditure

CF = Confirmation Change Amount

IFMIS Error Messages Cost Posting

ERROR: Available budget balance exceeded

Cause: There are insufficient funds remaining in the object class you have entered on the ACCS screen.

Fix: If there are funds available in another object class, submit an allocation advice to redistribute the funds into the object class where the funds are needed.

ERROR: Performance from date is less than effective date

Cause: The period of performance must be equal to or greater than the transaction date. There could be a typo in the period of performance dates, or the period of performance began prior to your entry in IFMIS.

 Fix: Correct the performance date, or change the transaction date to reflect the beginning period of performance date.

ERROR: At least one line required

Cause: No date was entered on the ACCS screen.

Fix: Click on MAIN and enter the data on the ACCS screen.

ERROR: Object Class does not exist

 Cause: There is a typo in the object class line of the ACCS screen.

 Fix: Enter the correct object class.

ERROR: ACCS does not exist

Cause: When this error appears as a single error line, it means no funding was allocated to the code entered on the ACCS screen. Note: This message will also appear with other error messages if some portion of the ACCS was entered incorrectly.

Fix: Prepare an allocation advice requesting funding for this account.

ERROR: Total lines goods/services Lt header goods/services

Cause: The amount on the ACCS screen(s) is less than the amount on the header screen. The header and the ACCS screen(s) must be equal.

Fix: Correct the amount on the header or the ACCS screen(s).

ERROR: Total lines document amount no header document amount

Cause: The amount on the header screen is not equal to the amount on the ACCS screen(s).

Fix: Correct the amount on the header or the ACCS screen(s).

ERROR: Organization is not funded for this fund type

Cause: An “R” was entered on the Direct/Reimbursable (D/R) line of the ACCS screen and the organization code entered is not a valid reimbursable code.

Fix: Change the “R” to a “D”.

ERROR: Program is not funded for this fund type

Cause: An “R” was entered on the D/R line of the ACCS screen and the program code entered is not a valid reimbursable code.

Fix: Change the “R” to a “D”.

ERROR: Missing customer order

Cause: A reimbursable code was entered on the ACCS screen. The customer order and line must also be entered.

Fix: Enter the customer order and the line number of the reimbursable account. The customer order is the program code. The line number may be obtained by using the look-up table.

ERROR: D/R type mismatch

Cause: The letter entered on the D/R line is not appropriate for the ACCS entered.

Fix: Change the “D” or “R” to reflect the code entered, direct or reimbursable.

ERROR: Invalid Overrun value, valid values are N (No) and Y (Yes)

Cause: The field must be either “Y” or “N”.

Fix: Type “N” in the force field.

ERROR: No table look-up entries found for field

Cause: A vendor number was entered on the vendor line. The vendor look-up requires alpha characters.

Fix: Type the vendor name on the vendor line.

ERROR: Vendor mismatch between this document and document reference

Cause: A vendor number was entered on the reference document (e.g., commitment). The vendor number entered on the vendor line of the document (e.g., obligation) you are trying to enter is not the same.

Fix: If the vendor number entered on the reference document is incorrect, change or delete it. If the vendor number you are trying to use is incorrect, correct it.

ERROR: Budget Fiscal Year (BFY) and Fund Code do not exist

Cause: There is an error on the BFY of the ACCS screen or the BFY was not set up in IFMIS.

Fix: Check the BFY on the screen. If there is a typo, correct it. If the BFY is correct, you must contact the appropriate individual to set up the account in IFMIS.

ERROR: Invalid Trans Type; doc type may not be valid with Budget Object Class (BOC)/exp element

Cause: The document type does not exist or there is a typo on the doc type line.

Fix: Check the look-up table for the document type. If the document type you are using is valid for the transaction you are trying to enter, it will be on the table. If the document type is not found on the look-up, the type of transaction may not be valid.

ERROR: The Vendor and Invoice/Voucher ID already

Cause: The vendor number and invoice ID number have been entered in IFMIS.

Fix: Check your files; this may be a duplicate invoice. If it is not a duplicate invoice, correct the data entered on the vendor and/or invoice ID lines.

ERROR: Cannot modify document with this status

Cause: The invoice has been approved and/or scheduled for payment and cannot be modified.

Fix: If you do not want to modify the document, exit the document. If you need to modify an invoice in the “approved” status, ask your approving official to go into the document and remove his or her initials. If you need to modify an invoice in the “scheduled” status, you must call Headquarters (HQ) and ask them to suspend the payment.

ERROR: Issue Date Required

Cause: The vendor issued line on the invoice screen is missing.

Fix: Enter the date the obligating document was issued.

ERROR: Discount Percent required

Cause: Discount terms were entered at the bottom of the invoice header screen but the percentage was omitted.

Fix: If a discount has been offered by the vendor, enter the percentage. If not, change the terms to “01” and remove the days.

ERROR: Days required

Cause: A discount was entered on the invoice header screen, but the days were omitted.

Fix: Enter the discount days.

ERROR: Vendor mismatch between this document and PO

Cause: The vendor number entered on the invoice header screen and the vendor number entered on the purchase order are not the same.

Fix: Check the vendor number you are trying to enter on the invoice header screen. If it is correct, you need to set up a payee number.

ERROR: Vendor Issue Date greater than Document received date

Cause: The document received date cannot be prior to the date the obligating document was issued to the vendor.

Fix: Check the vendor issued and the invoice received dates for typos. If there are no typos, change the received date to the vendor issued date.

Main Screen Button Summary


Allows user to access the Comment screen and enter details. Clicking MAIN from the Comment screen returns user to the main screen.



Prompts the system to perform a series of edit checks and display an Error screen that summarizes any errors detected. If no errors are found, a message confirming verification will appear in the top left corner of the screen. If errors are displayed, position the cursor on the line in front of the error message and click FIX. The system will then position the cursor on the screen where the error occurred so that corrections can be made.


Review Hold:

Allows user to review documents that have been placed on hold. The Hold screen appears, summarizing data entered for each document in the hold file. There may be several entries on hold for a single document. Click NEXT to view additional entries on hold. Click PREV to return to previous hold screen. Click APPLY to retrieve an entry and display it on the main screen to save or post additional information. Click MAIN to return to the blank main screen. Click DELETE to delete the entry from the hold file. Click EXIT to return to the IFMIS Main Menu.



Displays the address and ACH banking information for the vendor. Click MAIN to return to the main screen.



Saves the current entry and updates the accounting records.


Accounting Classification Code Structure:

Displays the ACCS screen for data entry of accounting detail lines and amounts that should be posted to each line.



Hold places the current entry in the hold file for processing at a later date. Entries placed on hold have no effect on the accounting records or fund balances. These entries can be retrieved and updated using the Review Hold (REVHLD) button.



Exits the current document and returns user to the IFMIS Main Menu.

ACCS Screen Button Summary


When posting multiple accounting lines, the NEXT button brings forward a new blank ACCS line for data entry and allows you to scroll through existing ACCS lines.



Moves backward to the previous ACCS line or through existing ACCS lines.



Prompts the system to perform a series of edit checks to verify the data entered. If none are found, a message confirming verification will appear in the top left corner of the screen. If any errors are detected, an Error screen displays a summary of errors. You have the option of correcting the errors or returning to the main screen.



Copies ACCS information from the previous line. This button is useful when posting multiple ACCS lines where much of the data is the same and you need only change a few data elements and the amount. To use this feature, after entering data on an ACCS line, click NEXT for a blank line. Then, click COPY to copy data from the previous line. Afterwards, make the necessary changes to complete the entry. Note: If you click COPY before NEXT, you will loose the data you had intended to copy and will have to re-enter it.



Returns you to the main screen.


Go To:

Will take you to the numbered ACCS screen that you enter.