CERT Organizational Framework

A government agency’s ICS is led by the Incident Commander (IC) who supervises several functional sections: Operations, Planning, Logistics, and Administration. Each functional area is led by a Section Chief.

CERTS similarly organize with the same functional sections, with CERT Section Chiefs reporting to the CERT Team Leader (TL), who in turn reports on all CERT activities to the first fire or law enforcement personnel on the scene and/or to the IC if retained to continue response activities.

ICS Command Function Organization Chart
ICS Command Function Organization Chart. See associated link for full text description of chart.

View full text description of ICS Command Function Organization Chart.

Notice how a CERT is functionally organized like an ICS. The main difference is that the CERT is managed by a Team Leader (TL), while the ICS is managed by an IC.

CERT Function Organization Chart
CERT Function Organization Chart. See associated link for full text description of chart.

View full text description of CERT Function Organization Chart.