Add More Records

Once you return to Main Menu, the Total Number of Property Records and Total Number of Assessments imported will appear in the bottom right-hand corner.

Add more records by repeating the process.

A view of the Substantial Damage Estimator 3.0 Main Menu screen superimposed with an enlargement of the Total Number of Properties and Total Number of Assessments section. Foreground: Enlarged version of the Totals section of the screen. Total number of Properties, 57; Total Number of Assessments, 57. Background: SDE Tool Menu screen: Software title: (SDE logo) Substantial Damage Estimator 3.0. Below is Main Toolbar tabs: Main Menu, File, Tools, Custom Fields, Database Functions, Import/Export, Reports, Help. (italics) (Database Name: (Database Name Not entered). Below: (SDE logo) Substantial Damage Estimator 3.0. A partially obscured SDE Tool Main Menu showing two of the three groups of menu options: Access Data with buttons for View/Search All Reports, Bulk Editor, Enter Default Data, Add New Property, (emphasized) Add New Residential Assessment, Add New Non-Residential Assessment; and Resources with buttons for User Manual and Web References. At the bottom of the screen are the icons for tornado, hurricane, flood, lighting, tsunami, and fire. SDE is a tool provided by FEMA to help local officials administer the substantial damage requirements of their floodplain management ordinance in accordance with the minimum requirements of the NFIP. Total number of Properties, 57; Total Number of Assessments, 57.