Number of Records
The bottom right-hand corner of the SDE Tool Homepage displays the Total Number of Property Records and Total Number of Assessments currently in the SDE Tool database.
A partial view of Substantial Damage Estimator 3.0 Main Menu screen with the Total Number of Properties and Total Number of Assessments section emphasized. (SDE logo) Substantial Damage Estimator 3.0. Access Data with buttons for View/Search All Reports, Bulk Editor, Enter Default Data, Add New Property, Resources with buttons for User Manual. The Report, Import, Export, and GeoFiles section is partially obscured. At the bottom of the screen are the icons for tornado, hurricane, flood, lighting, tsunami, and fire. SDE is a tool provided by FEMA to help local officials administer the substantial damage requirements of their floodplain management ordinance in accordance with the minimum requirements of the NFIP. Total number of Properties, 57; Total Number of Assessments, 57. Foreground: Enlarged version of the Totals section of the screen. Total number of Properties, 6; Total Number of Assessments, 6.