Damage and NFIP Information

The Damage Information and NFIP columns require the same data as a residential assessment.

Structure/Damage/NFIP screen in SDE Tool with Inspector/Damage Information and NFIP/Community Information columns emphasized. SDE Toolbar tabs visible: (dimmed) Address, (active) Structure/Damage/NFIP, (dimmed) Cost, (Dimmed) Element Percentages, (dimmed) Output Summary, (dimmed) Photos. Column one emphasized. Heading: Structure Attributes/Information, below: Structure Type, drop down menu showing Non-Residential; (information icon) Story, drop down menu showing 2 thru 4; (information icon) Structure Use: drop down menu showing Make Selection. Year of Construction, blank text field; Quality, drop down menu showing Make Selection; Structure Information, blank text field. (emphasized) Column 2 heading Inspector/Damage Information: Inspector Name: (empty text field); Inspector Phone: (empty text field); Assessment Date, drop down menu showing 9/12/2019; Date Damage Occurred: drop down menu showing 9/12/2019; Cause of Damage: drop down menu showing Make Selection; (empty checkbox) Damage Undetermined, (dimmed) drop down menu showing Make Selection; Duration of Flood: (dimmed empty text field), (dimmed) drop down menu showing Make Selection; Est. Depth of Flood Above Ground: (dimmed) 0.00; Est. Depth of Flood Above Lowest Floor: (dimmed empty text field). (emphasized) Column 3 heading: NFIP/Community Information. NFIP Community ID: (dimmed empty text field); FIRM Panel Number: (dimmed empty text field); Suffix: drop down menu showing Make Selection; Date of FIRM Panel: drop down menu; FIRM Zone: drop down menu showing Make Selection; Base Flood Elevation (empty text field); Regulatory Floodway: drop down menu showing Make Selection; (emphasized )Space for Community Specific Information: (empty text field).
Image used for tip element icon
For more information on entering data on non-residential structures on Structure/Damage/NFIP tab in the SDE Tool, refer to Lesson 9.