Element Percentages Tab

The Element Percentages tab is where you record the estimated percent damage for each structural element.

Estimate the percent damaged for each building element based on interior and exterior assessments.

  • Use 5% increments, or 33% (one-third) or 66% (two-thirds), when appropriate
  • Use your judgment
    • Include additional photographs to document damage percentages

Lesson 10 provides guidelines for percent damaged estimations for residential and non-residential structures.

The Element Percentages screen in the SDE Tool. Screen Title: Element Percentages. Information is organized into a five column table with the following headings: (information icon) Element, Percent Damaged, Element Percentage, Element Cost, Damage Values. Row 1: Foundation, 0.0%, 11.9%, $0.0, (bold) $0.00. Row 2: Superstructure: 0.0%, 13.3%, $0.0, (bold) $0.00. Row 3: Roof Covering: 0.0%, 4.3%, $0.0, (bold) $0.00. Row 4: Exterior Finish, 0.0%, 6.9%, $0.0, (bold) $0.00. Row 5: Doors and Windows: 0.0%, 15.6%, $0.0, (bold) $0.00. Row 6: Cabinets and Countertops, 0.0%, 4.4%, $0.0, (bold) $0.00. Row 7: Floor Finish, 0.0%, 7.7%, $0.0, (bold) $0.00. Row 8: Plumbing, 0.0%, 8.4%, $0.0, (bold) $0.00. Row 9: Electrical, 0.0%, 4.8%, $0.0, (bold) $0.00. Row 10: Appliances, 0.0%, 4.4%, $0.0, (bold) $0.00. Row 11: Interior Finish, 0.0%, 13.0%, $0.0, (bold) $0.00. Row 12: HVAC, 0.0%, 5.6%, $0.0, (bold) $0.00. Below the Element Cost and Damage Values Columns are calculated totals: Replacement Cost: $0.00, Computed Damages: (bold) $0.00.
Note Icon
If the Damage Undetermined box was checked in the Structure/Damage/NFIP tab, then all the data fields will be greyed out.
Image used for tip element icon

For guidance on making percent damage estimations for residential structures:

  • Refer to Appendix E of the SDE User Manual and Field Workbook available at https://www.fema.gov/media-library-data/1504291725295-a6fa57343ca6740b8cfcb4c609b599f7/SDE_3.0_User_Manual_and_Field_Workbook.pdf