Flood Duration and Depth

If you select “Flood” or “Flood and Wind” as damage type, then the Flood Duration and Depth of Flood need to be recorded. This data may be pre-populated or provided by the community or homeowner. Flood duration and flood depth data are available through several sources including FEMA, U.S. Geological Survey flood inundation maps, Individual Assistance building inspection data, and, in some areas, the Army Corps of Engineers.

Record all flood depths in increments of one-half (0.5) foot.

Use visible high-water marks to measure flooding depth.

  • Use the exterior high-water mark to measure the depth of the flood above the ground.
  • Use the interior high-water mark to measure the depth of the flood above the first floor (excluding the basement).

The depth of flood above the first floor should be less than or equal to the depth above ground.

If a high-water mark cannot be located on the structure or any adjacent structures, note this in the Structure Information text field.

Portion of the Structure/Damage/NFIP screen in SDE Tool and an enlarged Structure Information text field showing “No visible HWM found.” Column 2 heading Inspector/Damage Information: Inspector Name: (empty text field);  Inspector Phone: (empty text field); Assessment Date, drop down menu showing 9/12/2019; Date Damage Occurred: drop down menu showing 9/12/2019; Cause of Damage: Flood; (selected checkbox) Damage Undetermined, drop down menu showing Make Selection; (emphasized) Duration of Flood: (empty text field), drop down menu showing Make Selection; (emphasized) Est. Depth of Flood Above Ground: 0.00; (emphasized) Est. Depth of Flood Above Lowest Floor: (empty text field).