Latitude and Longitude

The Latitude and Longitude of the property are required. The Global Positioning System (GPS) coordinates should be taken at, or as close to, the front door as possible. The GPS coordinates must be in decimal format.

Enter the latitude and longitude coordinates to as many decimal places as available (the minimum is 5).

  • Latitudes will be positive
  • Longitudes will be negative

If dense vegetation makes GPS reading difficult

  • Move to a different part of the property with a clear line-of-sight to the sky, or
  • Obtain multiple GPS readings at various locations around the structure (e.g., the four corners) to verify that the readings are consistent
Portion of SDE Tool Address screen with Latitude and Longitude text field emphasized. Top: (active) SDE Address Tab, (Dimmed) Structure/Damage/NFIP tab, (Dimmed and emphasized) Cost tab, (dimmed and emphasized) Element Percentages tab, (obscured). Below: Column heading: Subdivision/Community. Column 1: Subdivision (empty text field); Parcel Number: (empty text field); Lot Number: (empty text field); Elevation of Lowest Floor: (empty text field); Datum: (empty text field); NFIP Community ID: (empty text field) (red push pin icon); NFIP Community Name: (empty text field); (emphasized) Latitude: (empty text field) (yellow push pin icon); (emphasized) Longitude: (empty text field) (yellow push pin icon).