Range of Damages

Throughout this lesson, you will view photos of each structural element that display four ranges of damage:

  • 0%-25%
  • 25%-50%
  • 50%-75%
  • 75%-100%

These ranges will provide you with a baseline to work from when making percent damaged estimates for structural elements of residential and non-residential structures. The threshold markers and descriptions of common damage indicators listed on the following slides can be found in the Guidelines for Estimating Percent Damage for Residential Structures and Guidelines for Estimating Percent Damage for Non-Residential Structures in the SDE User Manual and Field Workbook.

Many of the photos in this lesson show damage from flood events. In most cases, you will look for the same indicators of damage from other sources of damage as you would for flooding.


Graphic showing range of damages represented in 4 circles: 0-25%, 25-50%, 50-75%, and 75-100%
Image used for tip element icon

For more information, refer to:

  • Appendix E — Guidance for Estimating Percent Damage for Residential Structures and
  • Appendix F — Guidance for Estimating Percent Damage for Non-Residential Structures in the SDE User Manual and Field Workbook available at https://www.fema.gov/media-library-data/1504291725295-a6fa57343ca6740b8cfcb4c609b599f7/SDE_3.0_User_Manual_and_Field_Workbook.pdf