Substantial Damage is for All Hazard Events

Many of the photos in the screens that follow are from water damage that occurred in coastal areas, but it is important to remember that substantial damage determination is required for all hazard events. The guidelines presented in this lesson can be applied to damage from any source.

Each type of hazard has its own damage characteristics. When performing water damage assessments, please remember that:

  • In coastal flood areas:
    • Buildings may have more evidence of scouring around the supports
    • Foundation systems may be better designed to resist damage scouring
  • In non-coastal areas, high-velocity floodwaters may create erosion/scouring that buildings were not designed to resist.
The image is a photo of the lower corner of a house adjacent to the ocean. The house is elevated on pilings and on stacked pallets. the ocean encroaches the pilings. It appears that the beach on which the house sits has been eroded.