Floodwalls and Levees Advantages and Disadvantages
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Protects the area around the structure from inundation without significant changes to the structure | Does not satisfy the NFIP requirements for bringing substantially damaged or improved structures into compliance | Eliminates pressure from floodwaters that would cause structural damage to the home or other structures in the protected area | May fail or be overtopped by large floods or floods of long duration | In some cases, costs less than elevating or relocating the structure | May be expensive depending on height, length, availability of materials, and other factors | Allows the structure to be occupied during construction | Requires periodic maintenance | Reduces flood risk to the structure and its contents | Requires interior drainage | Reduces the physical, financial, and emotional strains that accompany flood events | May affect local drainage, possible resulting in water problems for others | | Does not reduce flood insurance premiums | | May restrict access to structure | | Requires considerable land (levees only) | | Does not eliminate the need to evacuate during floods | | May require warning and human intervention for closures | | May violate applicable codes or regulations |