Course Overview

This course provides an introduction to engineering design and economic guidance about what constitutes technically feasible and cost-effective retrofitting measures for flood-prone residential structures.

Objectives: At the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • Understand regulatory requirements that apply to retrofit projects
  • Describe the technical, regulatory and site-specific parameters to consider in flood protection design
  • Determine flood and other hazards present at the site that would impact design
  • Understand the basic parameters of each retrofitting measure and the associated design practices

This course is only intended to provide an introduction to retrofitting flood-prone residential structures. It is not intended to replace consultation with an engineer or architect.

Lesson List-Introduction to Retrofitting, Regulatory Requirements, Parameters of Retrofitting, Determination of Hazards, Design Practices
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    IS 0160 Navigating Using Your Keyboard
    Receiving Credit
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    Complete all of the lessons. Each lesson will take between 10 and 30 minutes to complete. It is important to allow enough time to complete the course in its entirety.

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    Pass the final exam. The last screen provides instructions on how to complete the final exam.

    clock icon
    This lesson should take approximately 15-20 minutes to complete.
    Unit Objectives

    This unit includes a basic overview of the different flood retrofit options. Each option is defined and the pros and cons to each retrofit type are discussed. An overview of the general retrofitting process is also given.

    • List and define the five basic retrofitting measures for flood hazards
    • Explain some of the advantages and disadvantages of each retrofitting measure
    • Describe, in general, the considerations that should be taken when retrofitting
    • Identify the seven steps in the retrofitting process
    Lesson List: Introduction to Retrofitting (Starting); Regulatory Requirements; Parameters of Retrofitting; Determination of Hazards; Design Practices
    Organization of the Design Manual (FEMA P-259)
    IS0280-Organization of the Design Manual: Chapter 1-Intro to Retrofitting, 2-Regulator Requirements, 3-Parameters of Retrofitting, 4-Determination of Hazards, 5-General Design Practices, 5D,E, F, R, W-Types of Flood Retrofits, 5I-Case Studies
    Organization of the Design Manual (cont.) (FEMA P-259)
    Organization of the Design Manual: Appendix A-Sources of FEMA Funding, App B-Understanding the FEMA Benefit-Cost Analysis Process, App C-Sample Design Calculations, App D-Alluvial Fan Flooding, App E-References, App F-Other Resources, App G- Summary of NFIP Requirements and Best Practices, Appendix H-Acronyms. NOTE: Cross references to sections in the design manual (FEMA P-259) can be found at the bottom left of Key slides
    Icons Used in This Training
    Retrofitting Methods
    Retrofitting measures for flood hazards include:
    Retrofitting Methods-Elevation, Relocation, Dry Floodproofing, Wet Floodproofing, Floodwalls/Levees
    Elevation (1 of 3)
  • Structure is raised so lowest floor is at or above the Design Flood Elevation (DFE)
  • Protects structure from damage in a Base Flood
  • Elevation techniques include:
    • Elevation on solid perimeter foundation walls
    • Elevation on open foundation systems
  • Must consider other hazards in design (i.e., seismic, wind)
  • Terminology: Base Flood-Base flood is defined as the flood having a 1-percent chance of being equaled or exceeded in any given year. The Base Flood Elevation (BFE) is the elevation to which floodwaters rise during a base flood.
    Terminology: DFE: DFE is the regulatory flood elevation adopted by a local community. Typically, the DFE is the BFE plus any freeboard adopted by the community. The Flood Protection Elevation (FPE) or Flood Protection Level (FPL) is equal to the DFE (or BFE + 1 foot, whichever is higher). This manual uses the DFE.
    Elevation (2 of 3)

    Elevation on solid perimeter foundation walls

    • Used in areas of low to moderate water depth and velocity
    • Structure raised from current foundation, support walls extended
    Graphic of a house with elevation of existing residence on extended foundation walls.
    Elevation (3 of 3)

    Elevation on open foundation systems

    • Vertical structural members (not a continuous foundation wall)
    • Includes piers, posts, columns, and piles
    IS 0280 elevation cont fig 1-3 lrg
    Figure 1-3. Elevation on piers
    IS 0280 elevation cont fig 1-4
    Figure 1-4. Elevation on posts or columns
    IS 0280 elevation cont fig 1-5
    Figure 1-5. Elevation on piles
    Elevation Advantages and Disadvantages
    IS 0280 Elevation Advantages and Disadvantages

    Table 1-1

    NFIP = National Flood Insurance Program; BFE = Base Flood Elevation

  • Involves moving a structure to a location less prone to flooding and flood-related hazards such as erosion
  • Most structure types can be moved as a whole or in segments
  • relocation process:
    Figure 1-8. Structure to be relocated
    Relocation process-Step 1-Select the house moving contractor, Step 2-Analyse the existing site and structure, Step 3-Select, analyze and design the new site, Step 4-Prepare the existing site, Step 5-analyze and prepare the moving route, Step 6-prepare the structure, Step 7-prepare the new site, Step 8-Move the structure, Step 9-Restore the old site.
    Relocation process fig 5R-2
    Relocation Advantages and Disadvantages
    IS 0280 Relocation Advantages and Disadvantages
    Table 1-2
    Dry Floodproofing
    Is the strengthening of existing foundations, floors, and walls to withstand flood forces while making the structure watertight and substantially impermeable to floodwaters
    fig 1-9 Dry floodproofing-Maximum protection level is 3 feet (including), backflow valve prevents sewer and drain backup, shields for opening, external coating or covering impervious to floodwater.
    Figure 1-9. Dry floodproofed structure
    Dry Floodproofing Advantages and Disadvantages
    IS 0280 Dry Floodproofing Advantages and Disadvantages
    Table 1-3
    Wet Floodproofing
    Modifying a structure to allow floodwaters to enter it in such a way that damage to the structure and its contents is minimized
    fig 1-10-Wet floodproofing-Openings provided to let floodwaters enter in the subgrade basement, furnace and other utilities relocated to living area or utility room addition
    Figure 1-10. Wet-floodproofed structure
    Wet Floodproofing Advantages and Disadvantages
    IS 0280 Wet floodproofing table 1-4
    Table 1-4
    Floodwalls and Levees
    The placement of floodwalls or levees around the structure
    fig 1-11-Floodwalls and levees-Floodwall is reinforced and anchored to withstand flood load, Levee is compacted fill with 2:1 or 3:1 slope (for stability), Sump pump removes seepage and internal drainage, backflow valve prevents sewer and drain backup
    Figure 1-11. Structure protected by floodwall and levee
    Floodwalls and Levees Advantages and Disadvantages
    IS 0280 Floods and levees table 1-5
    Table 1-5
    Considerations When Retrofitting

    Some considerations when implementing a retrofitting strategy include:

    • Substantial damage/improvement requirements under the NFIP, local building codes, and floodplain management ordinances
    • Codes, ordinances, and regulations, for other restrictions
    • Retrofitted structures should not be occupied during conditions of flooding
    • Consult professionals for the design and construction of retrofitting measures
    • Maintenance of retrofitting measures should be included in plans
    • Purchase of or continuing flood insurance coverage
    • Plan of action for retrofit requiring human intervention
    Retrofitting Process

    The decision to retrofit is usually a result of:

    • Having witnessed or experienced a flooding event
    • Having sustained substantial damage from a flood or other event
    • Implementing a substantial improvement on the home that requires adherence to floodplain regulations

    Information can be obtained through other homeowners, community officials, contractors, or design professionals

    fig 1-13 Retrofitting Process-Homeowner motivation- homeowner coordination-parameters of retrofitting-determination of hazards-benefit-cost analysis-design-construction-homeowner maintenance
    Figure 1-13. Primary steps in the retrofitting process.


    clock icon
    This lesson should take approximately 15-20 minutes to complete.

    This unit discusses the typical community floodplain management and building code environment. The role of local officials in a retrofitting project, the various tenets of the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP), and the compatibility of items covered in the International Building Code (IBC) series are discussed.

    • Define the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP)
    • Describe applicable flood hazard information in an NFIP participating community
    • Describe the community regulations and permitting process
    • Explain the influence of National Model Building Codes and consensus standards on flood-resistant design and construction
    Lesson List: Introduction to Retrofitting; Regulatory Requirements (Starting); Parameters of Retrofitting; Determination of Hazards; Design Practices
    Regulatory Requirements

    The components that make up a typical community floodplain management and building code environment include:

    • The NFIP
    • Local officials and community regulations
    • Compatibility of model building codes with the NFIP
    • Application of consensus standards
    Flood Hazard Definitions Terminology Icon
    National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP): A voluntary program that operates through a partnership between the federal government and individual communities. The three components of the NFIP are flood insurance, floodplain mapping, and flood hazard mapping.

    Base Flood Elevation (BFE): The water surface elevation resulting from the base, or 100-year flood, which is defined as the flood having a 1-percent chance of being equaled or exceeded in any given year.

    Flood Insurance Study (FIS): Provides a narrative of the community's flood history and sources of flooding, as well as detailed information on the hydraulics and hydrology in the community.
    Flood Hazard Definitions (cont.)  Terminology Icon
    Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM): Official map of an NFIP community that delineates the SFHAs and the insurance risk premium zones applicable to the community.

    Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA): Area subject to inundation by the base flood.
    Flood Insurance Rate Maps
    fig 2-1 Flood Insurance Rate Maps-refer to table
    Figure 2-1. Typical DFIRM for riverine flooding
    IS 0280 fig 2-1 table
    Flood Insurance Rate Maps (Continued)

    Figure 2-2. Typical DFIRM for coastal flooding showing the Limit of Moderate Wave Action

    Even the latest FIRMs and FISs may be based on limited data, so the local floodplain manager should always be contacted for the latest information

    Fig 2-2 flood insurance rate map-refer to table
    IS 0280 flood insurance rate maps fig 2-2 table
    Flood Insurance Studies (1 of 3)
    Flood Insurance Studies-detailed engineering study, flood insurance study, flood insurance rate map

    FIRMs are based on the information provided in an FIS. An FIS is based on detailed engineering studies. The FIS contains information such as:

    • Detailed information on the hydrology and hydraulics of the community's floodplain
    • Narrative of the community's flood history and sources of flooding
    • Riverine floodplains: discharges and flood profiles
    • Coastal floodplains: stillwater elevations and wave height transects
    • Can be obtained through floodplain manager or online at FEMA Map Service Center
    Flood Insurance Studies (2 of 3)
    fig 2-3 flood insurance studies --cross section of reverine floodplain
    Figure 2-3. Typical riverine floodplain cross section

    Riverine Floodplains

    • FISs describe how the flood hazard information was developed for a community (history and methodology)
    • FISs include:
      • Floodways
      • Discharges/ water surface elevations for 10-, 50-, 100-, and 500-year floods
      • Velocities
      • Flood profiles
    Flood Insurance Studies (3 of 3)
    Coastal Floodplains
    • FISs Include: storm surge stillwater elevations for 10-, 50-, 100-, and 500-year floods
    • FIS wave analyses include beach and dune erosion estimates
    fig 2-4 flood insurance studies-wave height transect showing LiMWA, MoWA, and MiWA
    Figure 2-4. Wave height transect showing LiMWA, MoWA, and MiWA
    Floodplain Management Regulations
  • To participate in the NFIP, communities must regulate development in floodplains in accordance with the NFIP
  • Must ensure two basic criteria are met before issuing a permit for development:
    • All new construction, substantial improvements, and repair of substantial damage will be protected from damage by the base flood
    • New floodplain development will not aggravate existing flood problems or increase damage to other properties
    Floodplain Management Definitions Terminology Icon
    Basement: Any area of the building having its floor subgrade (below ground level) on all sides.

    Enclosure: The portion of an elevated building below the lowest elevated floor that is either partially or fully closed in by walls.

    Lowest floor: Lowest floor of the lowest enclosed area. Should only be used for parking, access, or storage.

    Post-FIRM/Pre-FIRM: Relates start of construction to the effective date of the community's floodplain management ordinance (i.e. if the start of construction was before the effective date, it is a Pre-FIRM structure).

    Structure: A walled and roofed building or gas or liquid storage tank that is principally above ground. Also includes manufactured homes.
    Substantial Damage/Substantial Improvement Terminology Icon
    Substantial Damage: Damage of any origin sustained by a structure whereby the cost of restoring the structure to its before-damaged condition would equal or exceed 50 percent of the market value of the structure before the damage occurred.

    Substantial Improvement: Any reconstruction, rehabilitation, addition, or other improvement of a structure, the cost of which equals or exceeds 50 percent of the market value of the structure (or smaller percentage if established by the community) before the "start of construction" of the improvement.
    Building Performance Requirements
  • NFIP has established minimum criteria and design performance requirements
  • Key NFIP Requirements for Zone A
  • IS 0280 Building Performance Requirements Table 2-1
    Community Regulations and the Permitting Process
  • Regulation of the use of floodplain land is largely the responsibility of State and local governments
  • Communities may institute higher standards than those required by the NFIP, such as, but not limited to:
    • Adding freeboard requirements
    • Prohibiting building in certain areas
    • Requirements for building materials
    • Use and type of construction fill
  • Designer should always contact the local building official for building code and floodplain management requirements
  • National Model Building Codes Cross Reference Icon
  • Include the I-Codes and the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) Building Construction Safety Code (NFPA 5000, 2009)
  • The 2012, 2009, 2006, and 2003 I-Codes are consistent with the National Flood Insurance Program
  • As of January 2012, 47% of flood-prone communities had adopted a flood-resistant building code meeting or exceeding the NFIP
  • Sample covers of the National Model Building Codes
    Consensus Standards Cross Reference Icon

    Relevant consensus standards for flood retrofit, developed by a committee of nationally recognized experts include:

    • ACI 530-08
    • ASCE 7-10
    • ASCE 24-05
    Sample covers of Consensus Standards-ACI530-Building Code Requirements for Masonry Structures, ASCE 7-Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures, ASCE 24-Flood Resistant Design and Construction
    Consensus Standards Cross Reference Icon
  • Standards related to design and construction practices and construction materials are incorporated into a building code by reference rather than by inclusion of all of the text of the standard in the code
  • Relevant consensus standards include:
    • ACI 530-08, Building Code Requirements for Masonry Structures (referenced standard in IBC and IRC)
    • ASCE 7-10, Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures (referenced in IBC, IRC, and NFPA 5000)
    • ASCE 24-05, Flood Resistant Design and Construction (referenced in IBC and NFPA; IRC allows, but does not require, provisions of ASCE 24)
    clock icon
    This lesson should take approximately 15-20 minutes to complete.

    This unit presents the factors that influence retrofitting decisions and the intimate role they play in choosing a retrofit method. The chapter provides two generic retrofitting matrices that were designed to help the designer narrow the range of floodproofing options.

    • Describe the importance of considering homeowner preferences in flood protection design
    • Identify the relevance of community regulations and permitting considerations in design
    • List and describe the technical parameters that should be considered in the initial evaluation
    • Identify the importance of taking historic preservation and other hazards (besides flood) into account in the design phase
    Lesson List: Introduction to Retrofitting; Regulatory Requirements; Parameters of Retrofitting (Starting); Determination of Hazards; Design Practices
    Parameters of Retrofitting

    This unit presents the factors that influence retrofitting decisions including:

    • Homeowner preferences
    • Community regulations and permitting requirements
    • Technical parameters
    The Retrofitting Process
  • The process for retrofitting a residential structure requires the input of the homeowner, designer, and contractors
  • Technical parameters are key elements in identifying appropriate retrofitting measures
  • Understanding homeowner preferences helps the designer narrow the options once the technical parameters have been satisfied
  • The Retrofitting Process-Homeowner Visit, Site and LPE Assessment, Homeowner Matrix, Detailed Investigations, Retrofitting Decision Matrix, Benefit-Cost Analysis, Selection, Design, Implementation, Steps in the Retrofitting Process, LPE-Low Point of Entry
    Determining Homeowner Preferences

    Initial homeowner meeting

    • Homeowner learns the reasoning and need for the proposed retrofit, the benefits, and what to expect of the retrofit
    • Designer learns about the building and site, as well as homeowner preferences, financial considerations, and any special needs

    Aesthetic concerns

    • Designer should seek common ground with homeowner between aesthetics and function

    Accessibility concerns

    • Dependent on the specific needs of the owner
    Initial Site Visit
    Initial Site Visit-graphic of a house with notations of low point of entry (hose bib, sump pump, discharge), Low point of entry (window sill), Utility hazards (A/C unit, electric/gas meter), Low point of entry (window or door sill dryer vent), Backflow hazards (floor drains and sanitary sewers), Structural opening (window or door sill), Low point of entry (top of window wells or top of areaway stairwell), Lowest floor elevation (top of basement slab or top of first floor)

    Perform low point of entry (LPE) determination

    • Identifies lowest floor and each of the structure’s openings


    • Finished floor elevation (unless already identified as the lowest floor)
    • Other site provisions that may require flood protection
    • Elevation reference mark on or near the house
    Homeowner Matrix
    • Helps the designer document the initial consultation with the homeowner
    • Helps identify appropriate retrofit measures for further consideration

    fig 3-1--Homeowner Matrix-grapic of the Preliminary Floodproofing/Retrofitting Preference Matrix. click on link for a larger version.
    Economic/Risk Considerations
    Table 3-5 Relative Costs and risks of floodproofing methods

    Present the following information to the homeowner at this stage:

    • Cost estimates for each retrofit (shown in the table by $)
    • Residual risks after implementing the proposed retrofit (shown in the table by !)
    Community Regulations and Permitting
    Local codes: Designers should be aware of the local codes in place and any applicable amendments
  • Building systems/code upgrades: If the retrofit measure requires that the building be brought up to current code, new systems/utilities may be required
  • Off-site flooding impacts: If modification of site elements is required, designers should consider how adjacent properties will be affected
  • Retrofitting Screening Matrix
    • Completed once the designer has resolved preliminary retrofitting preference issues with the homeowner
    • Evaluates which measures are important for a structure
    • Includes screening for technical parameters
      • Flooding characteristics
      • Site characteristics
      • Building characteristics

    fig 3-4 Retrofitting Screening Matrix - click on link to see a larger version.
    Flooding Characteristics
    Depth and elevation: Critical during design considerations, as it is often the primary factor in evaluating the potential for flood damage.
  • Velocity: The speed at which the floodwaters are flowing. Flowing water often causes erosion and scour, as well as debris impacts and hydrodynamic forces.
  • Frequency: Probability that a flood of a specific size will be equaled or exceeded in any given year.
  • Rates of rise and fall: If an area is subject to flash flooding (high rate of rise), certain retrofitting methods may not be feasible, especially if they require human intervention.
  • Flooding Characteristics (Continued)
    • Duration: With long-duration flooding, certain measures such as dry floodproofing may be inappropriate due to increased chance of seepage.
    • Debris impact: A flooding characteristic directly related to depth, velocity, and rate of rise and fall. Impact may destroy retrofitting measures.
    Site and Building Characteristics

    Site characteristics

    • Site location in relation to flood hazard areas
    • Vulnerability to erosion and scour
    • Soil type and permeability

    Building characteristics

    • Foundation type
    • Framing type
    • Utilities
    • Building condition
    fig 3-8 Site and Building Characteristics-home near beach destroyed by storm.
    Figure 3-8. Large, fast-moving waves combined with erosion and scour to destroy this Gulf of Mexico home during Hurricane Opal
    Building Condition Survey

    Initial building condition survey is usually based on visual inspection, and later followed by a detailed analysis involving greater scrutiny

    • Designer will inspect walls, floors, roof, ceiling, doors, windows, and other superstructure and substructure components
    • Designer can use this worksheet to document findings during initial survey


    fig 3-10 Building Condition Survey-click on link to see larger version
    Historic Preservation Considerations
  • Historic structures may be located in flood-prone areas and subject to significant damage if not retrofitted
  • Preventive measures can be carried out without harming historic character if supervised by a professional with historic preservation experience
  • At times, the best options may harm historical character. Designer should consider:
    • What is the risk if nothing is done?
    • Are there alternatives?
    • Is there a design treatment that could lessen the detraction of historical character?
    Multi-Hazard Considerations Warning Icon

    The chosen retrofit method could expose a structure to additional, non-flood-related hazards. For example, if a home is elevated, it may be subject to increased seismic loads.

    Earthquake forces:

    • Earthquakes subject structures to lateral loads they may not have been designed to resist
    • FEMA 530, FEMA 232, and FEMA 454 provide additional guidance

    Wind forces:

    • Damage potential increases when wind forces occur concurrently with flood forces
    • FEMA P-804 provides additional guidance
    clock icon
    This lesson should take approximately 15-20 minutes to complete.

    This unit presents guidance on how to focus on the specific retrofitting solution that is most applicable for the residential structure being evaluated.

    • Describe flood-related hazards that apply to all sites
    • Determine site-specific flood-related hazards that may be present
    • Identify non-flood-related environmental hazards, including earthquakes and high winds
    • Describe site-specific soil or geotechnical considerations
    Lesson List: Introduction to Retrofitting; Regulatory Requirements; Parameters of Retrofitting; Determination of Hazards (Starting); Design Practices
    Determination of Hazards

    Retrofitting measures should be designed to resist all loads associated with:

    • Flood-related hazards
    • Non-flood-related environmental hazards
    • Soil or geotechnical considerations

    This unit presents techniques and guidance that designers can use to determine the hazards and site considerations listed above.

    Analysis of Flood-Related Hazards

    The following flood-related hazards will be covered in this unit:

    • Determining flood elevations
    • Flood forces and loads
    • Site-specific flood related hazards
    • Site drainage
    IS 0280 Analysis of Flood-Related Hazards b
    IS 0280 Analysis of Flood-Related Hazards d
    IS 0280 Analysis of Flood-Related Hazards c
    Flood Elevation Terminology Terminology Icon
    Recurrence Interval: An interval of time between flood events of a certain intensity or size
    (e.g., 5-,10-,100-, or 500-year flood).

    1-Percent-Annual-Chance: A flood elevation that has a 1 percent chance of being equaled or exceeded in any given year; also referred to as the 100-year flood.
    Determining Flood Elevations: Riverine (1 of 3)

    To determine flood elevations in riverine areas:

    • FIRMs can be used, as they identify the specific flood zone(s) and BFEs of the project area
    • Flood elevations for the 100-year (1% annual chance) and 500-year (0.2% annual chance) floods are shown on the stream’s water-surface profile in the FIS
      • The cross sections can be used to locate a property on the water surface profile
      • Water surface profile shows the varying heights of the water surface along the stream
    fig 4-2 sample of a FRIM showing cross section, 500-year floodplain, 100-year floodplain
    Figure 4-2. FIRM
    Determining Flood Elevations: Riverine  (2 of 3)
    example of stream distance in feet above mouth and elevation in feet (NAVD)
    Determining Flood Elevations: Riverine (3 of 3)

    To determine flood elevations for riverine areas using floodway data summary table:

    Obtain table from the FIS report to determine the regulatory BFE at a given cross section, which can be interpolated for a given nearby project site.

    A regulatory floodway is the channel of a river or watercourse and the adjacent land areas that must be reserved in order to discharge the base flood without cumulatively increasing the water surface elevation more than a designated amount, shown in the table as the 'increase.'

    Table 4-1: Floodway Data Summary Table for Big Branch (Stream 21)-click on link for a larger version.
    Determining Flood Elevations: Coastal
    table 4-2 sample of FEMA FIS report for New Hanover County, NC

    To determine flood elevations in coastal areas:

    1. Locate structure and flooding source on FIRM
    2. Identify corresponding flooding source and location on the "Summary of Stillwater Elevation" table from FIS report (Table 4-2)
    3. Select appropriate elevation for the recurrence interval (RI) in question
    Flood Forces and Loads Cross Reference Icon

    Detailed explanations of the following flood forces and loads are included in FEMA P-259 (see referenced section numbers):

    • Flood Depth (
    • Floodproofing Design Depth (
    • Hydrostatic Forces (
    • Lateral Hydrostatic Forces (
    • Saturated Soil Forces (
    • Combined Saturated Soil and Water Forces (
    • Vertical Hydrostatic Forces (
    • Hydrodynamic Forces (
    • High Velocity Hydrodynamic Forces (
    • Impact Loads (
    • Riverine Erosion (
    Flood Depth and Floodproofing Design Depth
  • Flood depth is calculated by subtracting the lowest ground surface elevation (grade) adjacent to the structure from the flood elevation for each flood frequency
  • Many communities have adopted more stringent regulations than the NFIP by:
    • Requiring freeboard (f) above the BFE
    • Regulating to a more severe flood than the base flood
  • These elevations above the BFE are called the design flood elevation, or DFE
  • Sample of Flood Depth calculation DFE equals FE + f

    Floodproofing design depth (H) = DFE – GS

    • DFE: design flood elevation
    • GS: lowest ground surface next to the structure

    H = floodproofing design depth (ft)

    d = depth of flooding (ft)

    f = factor of safety (freeboard) (ft)

    fig 4-5 sample of flood depth and design depth
    Figure 4-5. Flood depth and design depth
    Hydrostatic Forces  (1 of 3)

    Hydrostatic forces can act:

    • Vertically downward on structural elements, such as flat roofs and similar overhead members having a depth of water above them
    • Vertically upward (uplift) from the underside of generally horizontal members, such as slabs, floor diaphragms, and footings (also known as buoyancy)
    • Laterally, in a horizontal direction on walls, piers, and similar vertical surfaces
    Figure 4-6 Diagram of hydrostatic forces is lateral water pressure, combined water and saturated soil pressure, equivalent hydrostatic pressures due to velocity, vertical (buoyancy) water pressure. Figure 4-7 Diagram of the hydrostatic forces.
    Hydrostatic Forces  (2 of 3)

    Lateral water forces are applied to a structure by standing water above the ground surface.

    Saturated soil forces must be included in design calculations if any portion of the structure is below grade.

    • Equivalent fluid pressures for various soil types are presented in Tables 4-3 and 4-4 of the manual

    Combined saturated soil and water forces are the differential (f dif) between the water and soil pressures.

    fig 4-8 graphic of combined saturated soil and water forces
    Hydrostatic Forces  (3 of 3)
    • The computation of hydrostatic forces is vital to the successful design of floodwalls, sealants, closures, shields, foundation walls, and a variety of other retrofitting measures
    • The Hydrostatic Force Computation Worksheet can be used to perform hydrostatic calculations
    fig 4-9 Sample of a Hydrostatic force Computation Worksheet
    Hydrodynamic Forces
    • Hydrodynamic loads are caused by moving floodwater around a building or structural element
    • Loads are a function of flow velocity and structure geometry, and include frontal impact, drag along the sides, and suction on the downstream side

    Low velocity: floodwater velocities do not exceed 10 ft/sec

    High velocity: floodwater velocities in excess of 10 ft/sec

    fig 4-10 graphic showing hydrodynamic and impact forces to a building
    Impact Loads

    Impact loads are imposed on the structure by objects carried by moving water. The magnitude of these loads is very difficult to predict, but a reasonable allowance must be made for them in the design of retrofitting measures. Loads can be classified as:

    • No impact, which occurs in areas of little or no velocity or debris
    • Normal impact, which are isolated occurrences of typically sized debris or floating objects striking the structure
    • Special impact, which occurs when large objects or conglomerates of floating objects, such as ice floes or accumulations of floating debris, strike a structure
    • Extreme impact, which occurs when large, floating objects, such as runaway barges or collapsed buildings, strike a structure
    Impact Loads: Calculations
    picture of house with typical debris that may impact a home during a flood.
  • Section 5.4.5 of ASCE 7-10 and the corresponding commentary contain an extensive discussion on computing impact loads for riverine and coastal flooding
  • FEMA 259, Section includes equations and worksheets that can be used to calculate impact loads and forces
  • It is impractical to design residential buildings to resist extreme impact forces, so guidance on computing these loads is not discussed in this manual
  • Riverine Erosion

    The variables that influence the stability (or erodibility) of stream banks in riverine erosion include:

    • Critical height of the slope
    • Inclination of the slope
    • Cohesive strength of the soil in the slope
    • Distance of the structure in question from the shoulder of the stream bank
    • Degree of stabilization of the surface of the slope
    • Level and variation of groundwater within the slope
    • Level and variation in level of water on the toe of the slope
    • Tractive shear stress of the soil
    • Frequency of rise and fall of the surface of the stream
    Site Drainage
  • The drainage system for the area enclosed by a floodwall or levee must accommodate:
    1. The precipitation runoff from the interior area (and any contributing areas such as roofs and higher ground parcels)
    2. The anticipated seepage through or under the floodwall or levee during flooding conditions
  • Two general drainage methods are gravity flow systems and pump systems, and often both are used together
  • Equations for calculating runoff, seepage, and minimum discharge are shown in the manual (Section 4.1.3)
  • Site-Specific Flood-Related Hazards

    Includes closed basin lakes, alluvial fan areas, and movable bed streams.

    • Closed basin lakes: Lakes with no outlets, such as the Great Salt Lake, and lakes with inadequate or elevated outlets, such as the Great Lakes. These lakes are subject to very large fluctuations in elevation and can retain persistent high water levels.
    • Alluvial fan areas: Flooding can occur at these locations, which are fan-shaped deposits of sediment eroded from steep slopes and watersheds and deposited on valley floors.
    • Movable bed streams: Streams where erosion (degradation of the stream bed), sedimentation (aggradation of the streambed), or channel migration cause a change in the topography of the stream sufficient to change the flood elevation or delineation of the floodplain or floodway.
    Analysis of Non-Flood-Related Hazards
    The following non-flood-related hazards will be covered in this unit:
    Non-Flood-Related Hazards-Wind forces, protection of the structure and contents, geotechnical considerations, seismic forces, land subsidence
    Wind Forces
  • Damage potential increases when wind forces occur in combination with flood forces, often in coastal areas
  • When a structure is elevated to minimize the effects of flood forces, the wind loads on the structure may increase
  • Buildings must have sufficient strength to resist applied loads from positive and negative pressures
  • Figure 4-18 graphic showing Wind induced pressures on a building
    Wind Forces (Continued)

    FEMA P-55, Coastal Construction Manual (FEMA, 2011), outlines parameters for determining wind loads as well as the main wind force resisting system (MWFRS) and the components and cladding (C&C) elements of structures.

    MWFRS components:

    • Foundation
    • Floor supports
    • Columns
    • Roof rafters/trusses
    • Bracing
    • Walls
    • Diaphragms assisting in load transfer

    C&C elements:

    • Roof sheathing
    • Roof coverings
    • Exterior siding
    • Windows
    • Doors
    • Soffits
    • Fascia
    • Chimneys
    Coastal Construction Manual cover
    Seismic Forces
    • Seismic forces on structural elements can be significant
    • Earthquakes may trigger additional hazards such as landslides, soil liquefaction, and land subsidence
    • Should be considered in the design process
    • Structural and non-structural (building contents) retrofits should be used
    seismic design process-Seismic Design Process-determine mapped seismic hazard and applicable seismic force-resisting system for the building structure, determine loads in accordance with building code requirements, develop load path for transfer of all loads to the foundation, including uplift, shear, and overturning, check strength of all load path elements, including walls, frames, beams, columns and foundation elements, and their connections, check anchorage for non-structural components of the building or structure, check for lateral loads on elements of structural and non-structural components, design secondary framing members.
    Protection of the Structure and Contents

    The most important step in protecting the structure from earthquakes is making sure the home is properly designed and constructed for seismic loads.

    • Proper design and anchoring of foundation
    • Consideration of retrofit concerns for wood and masonry structures

    For non-structural elements, simpler methods include:

    • Anchoring and bracing fixtures, appliances, chimneys, tanks, cabinets, shelves, etc.
    Land Subsidence
  • Land subsidence occurs in more than 17,000 square miles in 45 states each year—an area roughly the size of New Hampshire and Vermont combined
  • Causes of land subsidence vary, so the mitigation techniques vary as well
  • Typically due to withdrawal of fluids or gases, the existence of organic soils, or other geotechnical factors, land subsidence requires extensive engineering analysis to understand the risks
  • Subsidence may result in sudden catastrophic collapse of land surface or slow lowering of land surface
  • Geotechnical Considerations

    During the design process, it is important to determine soil properties during flooding conditions for any surface intended to resist flood loads. These properties include:

    • Saturated soil forces
    • Allowable bearing capacity
    • Potential for scour
    • Frost zone locations
    • Permeability
    • Shrink/swell potential
    Geotechnical Considerations  (Continued)
    • Site investigations should be conducted and include surface and subsurface investigations
    • Relevant information can be obtained using USDA NRCS Soil Survey of the area, including:
      • Type, location, and description of soil type
      • Use and management of the soil types
      • Engineering physical properties (plasticity indexes, permeability, shrink/swell potential, etc.)
    • Designers can use the decision matrix at right to compile information


    sample of a Geotechnical considerations Decision Matrix
    Allowable Bearing Capacity
  • Weight of structure and backfilled soil (if present) creates a vertical pressure under the footing that must be resisted by the underlying soil
  • The allowable bearing capacity varies depending on the soil type
  • This directly affects the design of shallow foundations (larger area foundation required for lower bearing capacity soil)
  • table 4-8-Typical Allowable bearing capacity by soil type
    Scour Potential
  • Scour is localized erosion caused by the entrainment of soil or sediment in the water as it flows around obstructions
  • Effects of flood loads on buildings can be increased by flood-induced erosion, localized scour, and long-term erosion because the water depth increases around the structure
  • Resistance to scour increases with clay content and/or the introduction of bonding agents, which help bond the internal particles of a soil together
  • Scour Potential-estimate maximum allowable, scour, investigate presence of underlying strata that would terminate scour action, estimate anticipated scour depth, estimate required depth of foundation members, interpret results.
    Scour Potential  (Continued)
    Scour action is different depending on the type of building. These figures illustrate scour at an open foundation building and a ground level (continuous foundation) building.
    Scour potential-graphic illustrate scour at an open foundation of a building
    Figure 4-23. Localized scour at piers, posts and piles as in an open foundation building graphic illustration.
    Scour potential-graphic illustrate scour on a ground level foundation of a building
    Figure 4-24. Scour action on a ground level building graphic illustration.
    Shrink/Swell Potential and Permeability

    Certain soils under specific conditions expand upon freezing, so designers should consider the frost heave impact.

    • Normally, footing movement can be avoided by placing part of a foundation below the maximum frost penetration zone

    In construction of retrofitting measures such as floodwalls and levees, the properties of the proposed fill material and/or underlying soil is important.

    • Ideally, homogeneous and impermeable materials are used

    The advice of a professional engineer is vital.

    clock icon
    This lesson should take approximately 30-40 minutes to complete.

    This unit provides an overview of the general design practices and briefly discusses specific design practices that are unique to each retrofitting measure.

    • Describe the components of a field investigation
    • Explain the process for analyzing an existing structure for retrofitting
    • Identify the five retrofitting measures for flood-prone residential structures
    Lesson List: Introduction to Retrofitting; Regulatory Requirements; Parameters of Retrofitting; Determination of Hazards; Design Practices (Starting)
    Design Practices
  • This unit focuses on applying the anticipated loads discussed in Unit 4 to the existing site/structure and designing an appropriate retrofit measure
  • The unit includes:
    • General design practices common to all projects
    • Elevation
    • Relocation
    • Dry floodproofing
    • Wet floodproofing
    • Floodwalls and levees
    The Design Process

    The design process is straightforward, but technically intensive. It will result in:

    • Generation of construction plans to submit for building permitting
    • Mitigation of potential damages from flood and other natural hazards
    sample of the Design Process
    Field Investigation (1 of 3)

    Detailed information is required to make decisions about, and calculations for, retrofit measures, including:

    1. Local building requirements
    2. Surveys (structure, topographic, site utilities)
    3. Hazard determinations
    4. Documentation of existing mechanical, electrical, and plumbing systems
    5. Homeowner preferences
    6. Homeowner coordination
    7. Maintenance programs and emergency action plans
    Field Investigation (2 of 3)
    1. Designers should review the selected retrofitting measure concept with the local building official to identify local design standards or practices that should (or must) be integrated.
    2. A detailed survey of the site will supplement the information gathered during the low point of entry determination.* This includes structure survey, topographic survey, and site utilities survey.
    3. The risk determinations (Unit 3) and hazard determinations (Unit 4) should be reviewed to confirm the flood protection design level and required height of retrofitting method.
    4. For elevation, relocation, and dry/wet floodproofing measures, documentation of the condition of the existing structure and building systems is important.
      • Mechanical, Electrical, Plumbing, and Related Building Systems Data Sheet can be used to document the condition of the existing systems
    5. Designers should confirm the homeowner’s preferences as outlined in Unit 3.
    6. The process of homeowner coordination involves reviewing design options, costs, specific local requirements, and other applicable design components with the homeowner.
    7. Retrofitting measures will remain useful throughout the life of the measure with the implementation of appropriate maintenance programs.

    The next screen explains the three types of surveys

    * Low point of entry determination identifies the lowest floor and each of the structure’s openings

    Field Investigation (3 of 3)
    Structure Survey: Vertical elevation assessment throughout the structure at openings where floodwater may enter.

    Topographic Survey: A site plan or map of the area developed by a State-registered Professional Land Surveyor. The plan should include the low point of entry determination information, as well as general topographic and physical features.

    Site Utilities Survey: Identification of above- and below-ground site utilities.
    Analysis of Existing Structure

    The structure’s ability to withstand the additional loads created as a result of retrofitting is an important design consideration.

    The steps involved in the analysis include:

    1. Structural reconnaissance
    2. Determine the capacity of the existing footing and foundation system; analyze the loads that would be imposed by the retrofitting measure
    3. Calculate the capacity of the existing structure to resist the additional loads imposed by the retrofitting measure
    Structural Reconnaissance

    Gather information from the following sources to complete structural reconnaissance:

    • Construction drawings
    • Building permits office
    • Renovation records
    • Contractors who have recently performed work
    • Home inspection report, if home is newly purchased
    Sample of a Structural Reconnaissance Worksheet
    Figure 5-3 structural reconnaissance worksheet
    Footings and Foundation Systems
  • The foundation system of a house:
    • Supports the house by transmitting loads to the ground
    • Serves as an anchor against uplift and other loads
  • Retrofitting measures change the dynamics of the forces acting on a house
  • graphic showing Foundation Systems loading and footing reactions
    Loads Imposed by Retrofitting Measure
    • If the stress caused by the expected loads is greater than the code-allowable stresses for the expected failure mode, reinforcing is required
    • Loads to consider include but are not limited to building dead, live, snow, flood, wind, and seismic loads (if applicable)
      • For dead loads, the worksheet in Figure 5-5 can be used to estimate the weight of a structure
      • Live loads are produced by the occupancy of the building, not including environmental loads
      • Roof snow loads vary according to the geography, roof slope, thermal exposure, and importance factors

    Calculations for dead, live and snow loads are explained in Sections 5.2.10 – 5.2.14 of FEMA P-259. Flood, wind and seismic loads are explained in Chapters 3 and 4 of FEMA P-259.

    Retrofitting Methods
    Retrofitting Methods-Elevation, relocation, dry floodproofing, wet floodproofing, floodwalls/levees
    Raising a structure to place the lowest floor at or above the designated design flood elevation (DFE) on an extended support structure or fill
    house on elevated foundation

    Residential structures that can be elevated:

    Houses over a crawlspace

    • Elevated on either solid or open foundation walls

    Houses over basements

    • Elevated on either solid or open foundation walls

    Houses on piles, piers, or columns

    • Temporary relocation of the home may be necessary

    Slab-on-grade houses

    • Wood frame vs. masonry—different elevation methods
    Houses Over a Crawlspace
  • Generally the easiest and least expensive houses to elevate
  • Usually one- or two-story houses built on a masonry crawlspace wall, allowing for access in placing steel beams underneath the house for lifting
  • In most cases, the low clearance in crawl spaces prevents utilities from being placed under the home, limiting the need to relocate utilities during elevation
  • Can be elevated on:
    • Extended solid foundation walls
    • Open foundation such as masonry piers
    Houses Over Basements
  • More difficult to elevate than houses over crawlspaces, as mechanical and heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) equipment are often located in the basement
  • Basement walls may have already been extended to the point where they cannot structurally withstand flood forces
  • Can be elevated on:
    • Solid foundation walls by creating a new masonry-enclosed area on top of an abandoned and filled-in basement
    • Open foundation, such as masonry piers, by filling in the old basement
    Elevation on Solid Perimeter Foundation Walls
    • A cross section of an elevated wood-frame house with extended masonry-enclosed area on top of an abandoned and filled-in basement
    • Similar to the cross section of house elevated on extended solid foundation walls over a crawlspace
    cross section of an Elevation on Solid Perimeter Foundation Walls
    Elevation on Piers
  • Cross section of an elevated wood-frame house on a new or extended pier foundation
  • Similar to the cross section of a house on new reinforced piers on top of existing filled-in basement
  • Cross section of Elevation house on piers-Note: Flood-resistant materials and methods required below DFE
    Elevation of Slab-on-Grade Houses
  • Most difficult type of house to elevate
  • Can raise the structure with or without the slab and use a first floor that is typically composed of wood or masonry
  • There are different elevation methods for wood-frame and masonry slab-on-grade houses
  • Slab-on-Grade Houses: Wood Frame

    The following alternatives apply for this elevation method:

    • Elevating without the slab and using a new first floor constructed of wood trusses
    • Elevating with the slab intact
    sample cross section of a slab on grade house-wood frame-Note: Flood resistant materials and methods required below DFE
    Slab-on-Grade Houses: Masonry

    The following alternatives apply to this elevation method:

    • Elevate with slab intact
    • Elevate without the slab, using first floor constructed of wood framing
    • Install elevated concrete slab within structure
    • Install elevated wood-frame floor system within structure
    • Create new masonry livable area on top of existing home
    • Create new wood-frame livable area on top of existing home
    Field Investigation Concerns

    Field investigations for elevating a building should include:

    • Property inspection and existing data review
    • Code search

    Designers can use the Elevation Field Investigation Worksheet to record information

    Sample Elevation Field Investigation Worksheet

    The design process for an elevated structure is presented here

    Detailed descriptions of each step can be found in Section 5E.3 of FEMA 259

    Design Process- Step 1-Calculate the vertical loads, Step 2-Calculate the lateral loads, Step 3-check ability of existing structure to withstand additional loading, Step 4-Analyze the existing foundation , Step 5-design  the new foundation walls, Step 6-design top of foundation wall connections, step 7-design sill plate connections, step 8-design new access, step-9-design utilities extensions, step 10-specify the increased insulation requirements
    Construction Considerations

    Prior to elevating any house:

    • Obtain all required permits and approvals
    • Ensure all utility hook-ups are disconnected (plumbing, phone, electrical, cable, mechanical)
    • Estimate the lifting load of the house
    • Identify the best location for the principal lift beams, lateral support beams, and framing lumber, and evaluate their adequacy

    Additional construction considerations, organized by structure and elevation type, are located in Section 5E.4

    Relative Costs for Elevation
    Link to a larger version of Table 3-1: Relative Costs for Elevation Pdf
    Table 3-1 Relative costs of elevating a home with headings stating construction type, existing foundation, retrofit, relative cost
    Moving a structure to a location that is less prone to flooding and flood-related hazards such as erosion
    House on  trailer/wheels for relocation
    Relocation Process
    • Relocation is the retrofitting measure that can offer the most protection from future flooding
    • The new site is often selected by the homeowner in consultation with the designer or community officials


    Relocation Process-Step 1-select the house moving contractor, step 2-analyze the existing site and structure, step 3-select, analyze, and design the new site, step 4-Prepare the existing site, step 5-analyze and prepare the moving route, step 6-prepare the structure, step 7-prepare the new site, step 8-move the structure, step9-restore the old site.
    Select the House Moving Contractor

    Critical step in relocation

    • The designer can help the homeowner select a home moving contractor
    • The Relocation Contractor Selection Checklist can be used to record the key elements of selection


    Sample of a Relocation Contractor Selection Checklist
    Analyze the Existing Site and Structure

    When analyzing the existing site and structure, consider:

    • Is there enough space around the structure to accommodate lifting beams and truck wheels?
    • Can the structure be lifted as one piece?
    • How much bracing will be required to successfully move the structure?
    • Will the structure survive the lift and move proposed?
    • Which utilities must be disconnected and where?
    • What local regulations govern demolition of the remaining portions of the structure (foundation and paved areas)?
    • To what standard must the site be restored?
    Select New Site and Prepare Existing Site

    Examine potential sites for:

    • Floodplain location
    • Utility extension feasibility
    • Accessibility for both the house movers and the new site construction crews
    • Permitting feasibility of the existing house on the new lot

    Preparation of the existing site includes clearing all vegetation from the area in and around the footprint of the house to clear a path to allow the insertion of beams for lifting supports.

    Analyze and Prepare the Moving Route
    Identify route hazards, including narrow passages, bridge height and weight limits, utility conflicts, fire hydrants, road signs, steep grades, traffic signals, and tight turns around buildings, bridges, and overpasses
  • Obtain approvals for the area from which the structure is being moved and also from jurisdictions through which the structure will pass and its ultimate destination
  • The moving contractor should be responsible for route preparation, including the raising or relocation of utilities by utility companies, road/highway modifications, traffic lights, signage, etc.
  • Clear/grub overland areas, where necessary
  • Preparing the Structure and New Site

    The steps for preparing the structure include:

    • Disconnect utilities
    • Cut holes in foundation wall for beams
    • Install beams
    • Install jacks
    • Install bracing
    • Separate structure from foundation
    house on pallets and frame ready to be moved
    Preparing the New Site

    The steps for preparing the new site include:

    • Design foundation
    • Design utilities
    • Excavate and prepare new foundation
    • Construct support cribbing
    • Construct foundation walls
    picture of a cement block foundation with a house ready to relocated.
    Move Structure and Restore Old Site
    Movement of the existing structure includes the excavation / grading of a temporary roadway, attachment of the structure to a trailer, transport, attachment of the structure to the new foundation, and landscaping.

    Restoration of the old site should be conducted in accordance with local regulations. More details on restoring the old site can be found in Section 5R.9 of the manual.
    Relative Costs for Relocation
    Relative costs for relocation table
    Dry Floodproofing
    A flood retrofitting technique in which the portion of a structure below the flood protection level (walls and other exterior components) is sealed to be watertight and substantially impermeable* to floodwaters
    Dry Floodproofing graphic-Maximum protection level is 3 feet (including freeboard), backflow valve prevents sewer and drain backup, external coating or covering impervious to floodwater, shields for opening.
    Dry Floodproofing Selection

    Dry floodproofing mitigation measures:

    • Watertight shields for doors and windows
    • Reinforced walls
    • Membranes and sealants
    • Drainage collection systems and sump pumps
    • Check valves
    • Anchoring
    Dry flooding Selection-Field investigation, selection and design, confirm ability of structure to accommodate dry floodproofing measure(s), select and design sealants and shields, select and design drainage collection systems, select and design sump pumps, select and design backflow valves, provide for emergency power for drainage system operation, prepare emergency operations plan, prepare operations and maintenance plan, construction of dry floodproofing measures.
    Dry Floodproofing Applications

    Buildings that are dry floodproofed may be subject to enormous hydrostatic pressure and imbalanced forces against the foundation and exterior walls and floor surfaces. It should only be used under the following conditions:

    • Short duration flooding
    • Low velocity flooding
    • Depth less than 3 feet

    Dry floodproofing is NFIP- compliant for non-residential structures only

    sample of Dry Floodproofing Applications
    Evaluation of Existing Structure
    • Important step in the development of type, size, and location of the sealant and shield systems
    • Design process used to determine the ability of the existing structure and foundation to resist the expected flood- and non-flood-related forces

    Figure 5D-10 presents a flow chart representation of the design process for a sealant or shield system

    Selection and Design of Sealant Systems
  • Selection depends on the ability of the manufacturer’s product to withstand the depth and duration of flooding expected and the type of construction materials required
  • Processes for selecting the following systems are presented in the manual:
    • Coatings
    • Wrapped Systems
    • Brick Veneer Systems
    Cross section of Design of Sealant Systems
    Selection and Design of Shield System

    Selection is based on the ability of the selected material to:

    • Structurally secure the opening
    • Be compatible with existing construction materials
    • Be effective for the duration and depth of flooding expected

    The processes for selecting plate shields is presented in Section 5D.7.1 of the manual

    Drainage Collection Systems

    Underdrain systems may reduce flood loads for short duration flooding by moving floodwater away from the building’s foundation. Varieties include:

    • French drains, exterior underdrain systems, or interior drain systems

    Sump Pumps prevent accumulations of water within the residence, often around important utilities.

    • They can be submersible or pedestal
    • If relying on for dry floodproofing, verify the pumps are functioning
    • Detailed field investigation is needed to determine if a sump pump is feasible
    • Sump pumps should be coordinated with other floodproofing methods
    Backflow Valves and Emergency Power
    Backflow Valves and Emergency Power

    Backflow valves can help prevent backflow through the sanitary sewer and/or drainage systems into the house.

    • Detailed information must be obtained about the existing structure to determine if backflow valves are feasible
    • Design process is outlined in Section 5D.10.2

    Emergency power (generators) can be installed in homes if the proper guidelines are observed.

    • Small, portable residential generators can be used
    • Unit capacity should match the anticipated maximum load
    • Essential equipment/appliances are outlined in Table 5D-1
    Non-Residential Construction

    Dry floodproofing options for non-residential construction include:

    • Permanent closure of non-essential vulnerable openings
    • Watertight core areas
    • Enhanced flood shields
    • Pressure relief systems to protect against structural failure
    Wet Floodproofing
    Modifying a structure to allow floodwaters to enter in a way that damage to the structure and its contents is minimized
    graphic of Wet Floodproofing shows how a structure is modified to limit the damage of floodwaters.
    Figure 1-10. Wet floodproofed structure
    Wet Floodproofing (Continued)

    This section introduces the following concepts related to wet floodproofing:

    • Protection of the structure
    • Design of openings is for intentional flooding of enclosed areas below the DFE
    • Use of flood-resistant materials below the DFE
    • Adjustment of building operations and maintenance procedures
    • Emergency preparedness for actions that require human intervention
    • Design of protection for the structure and its contents, including utility systems and appliances
    collage of different types of wet floodproofing-fence around ac units, vents in basement to let water pass though.
    Protection of the Structure

    Failure of structural components when subjected to inundation is a major cause of structural damage. Those components, typical failure modes, and related design considerations are briefly explained below.

    • Floodwater can affect a structure’s foundation by eroding supporting soil, scouring foundation material, and undermining footings. Footing depth, anchoring of the structure to the foundation, and lateral support in foundation walls should be considered in design.
    • Wet floodproofing will not be successful if the cavity space does not fill with water and drain at a rate equal to the floodwater rate of rise and fall. Insulation within cavity walls subject to inundation should be designed of flood-damage-resistant material.
    • Solid walls may absorb moisture and associated contaminants and should have both exterior and interior protective cladding to guard against absorption.
    Use of Flood-Resistant Materials Cross Reference Icon
  • All materials exposed to floodwater must be durable, resistant to flood forces, and retardant to deterioration caused by repeated exposure to floodwater
  • Interior materials such as wall finishes, floors, ceilings, roofs, and building envelope openings can suffer damage from inundation, which can lead to failure or an contamination and mold issues
  • List of appropriate materials can be found in NFIP TB 2-08, Flood Damage-Resistant Materials Requirements
  • Cover of Technical Bulletin 2-Flood Damage-Resistant Materials Requirements
    Operations, Procedures, Preparedness

    Consider the following when wet floodproofing:

    • Flood Warning System. Wet floodproofing, in most cases, requires some human intervention. It is extremely important to have adequate time to execute actions. May be accomplished by monitoring local weather reports, the NWS alert system, or a local warning system.
    • Inspection and Maintenance Plan. Wet floodproofing design requires periodic inspection and maintenance to ensure components can operate under flood conditions.
    • Emergency Operations Plan. Includes adjustments to or relocation of structure contents and utilities. A list of specific actions and the location of materials needed to perform these actions should be developed and provided to those responsible for executing the plan.
    Protection of Utility Systems-Electrical

    Electrical systems:

    • Raise/relocate equipment and devices above the DFE
    • Seal outside wall penetrations; mechanically protect wiring system in flood-prone locations
    • Seal out moisture
    • Add Ground Fault Circuit Interrupting (GFCI) breakers
    Elevated AC system
    Figure 5W-1. Elevated air conditioning system
    Protection of Utility Systems-HVAC Systems

    HVAC systems:

    • Maintain equipment clearances and access by code and/or manufacturer
    • Provide adequate combustion air for fuel-burning equipment
    • Modify and/or maintain proper venting for fuel-burning equipment
    • Eliminate ductwork below the DFE
    Elevated AC system
    Figure 5W-1. Elevated air conditioning system
    Protection of Utility Systems-Fuel Supply/Water System

    Fuel Supply/Storage Systems:

    • Use flexible connections
    • Support and anchor tanks to resist flood forces (assume tank is empty in design)
    • Move fuel tank with relocated equipment
    • Use automatic cut-off valves

    Water System:

    • Minimize plumbing fixtures below the DFE
    • Modify fixtures to prevent backflow
    • Protect system components from high-velocity flow
    • Modify the well top using watertight casing
    graphic of a propane tank with galvanize 48-inch long, 3/4 inch diameter, double-headed ground anchor with 6-inch single helix auger.
    Figure 5W-6. Fuel tank anchored from two sides
    Protection of Utility Systems-Sewer System

    Sewer Systems:

    • Install and/or maintain a check valve or sewer backflow prevention valve
    • Install an effluent ejector pump
    • Provide a backup electrical source
    • Seal septic tanks to prevent contamination
    • Adequately anchor septic tank to withstand buoyancy forces
    graphic of Sewer System with a typical installation of an exterior backflow valve.
    Figure 5W-7. Backflow valve – a check valve and gate valve with an effluent pump bypass
    Floodwalls and Levees Terminology Icon
    Floodwall: A flood retrofitting technique consisting of barriers designed to keep floodwaters from coming into contact with the structure.

    Levee: A manmade structure built parallel to a waterway to contain, control, or divert the flow of water. A levee system may include concrete or steel floodwalls, fixed or operable floodgates and other closure structures, pump stations for rainwater drainage, and other elements, all of which must perform as designed to prevent failure.
    Floodwalls and Levees (Continued)

    The design and construction process for both floodwalls and levees includes:

    • Field investigation
    • Design
    • Seepage concerns
    • Leakage concerns (floodwalls only)
    • Construction
    • Drainage
    Residential floodwall
    Residential Levee
    Field Investigation Considerations


    • Using previous floods to define affected areas
    • Evidence of seepage in foundation walls
    • Plan of action for relief of hydrostatic pressure on foundation/exterior walls
    • Floodwall options
    • Adjustment of utilities
    • Construction activities and level of disruption
    Floodwall Design

    Types of floodwalls:

    • Gravity
    • Cantilever
    • Buttressed
    • Counterfort
    graphic of different Floodwall Design-gravity wall, cantilever wall, buttress, counterfort
    Types of Floodwalls Terminology Icon
    Gravity: Uses its weight for stability. Structural stability is attained by effective positioning of the mass of the wall.

    Cantilever: A reinforced-concrete wall (cast-in-place or built with concrete block) that relies on a vertical support and horizontal footing to retain the mass behind the wall.

    Counterfort: Similar to a cantilever retaining wall except that it can be used where the cantilever is long or when very high pressures are exerted behind the wall.

    Buttressed: Similar to a counterfort wall except that the transverse support walls are located on the side of the stem, opposite the retained materials.
    Floodwall Design
    Design of floodwalls can be summarized in an 8-step process:
    1. Determine wall height and footing depth
    2. Assume dimensions
    3. Calculate forces
    4. Calculate factor of safety against sliding
    5. Calculate factor of safety against overturning
    6. Calculate eccentricity
    7. Calculate soil pressures
    8. Select reinforcing steel

    The process can be simplified by assuming certain design parameters.

    Floodwall Seepage and Leakage Considerations
    Seepage through the floodwall
    • Expansion and construction joints must be constructed with appropriate waterstops/sealants

    Seepage under the floodwall

    • Structure design may include impervious barriers or cutoffs under floodwalls

    Leakage between the floodwall and residence

    • The gap between floodwall and residence should be filled with a waterproof material
    Construction Considerations
    Inspect/observe the following:
    • Adequate slope drainage
    • Proper floodwall foundation construction
    • Sealants applied per manufacturer’s requirements
    • Sump pump
    • Sample brick/decorative block
    • Maintenance requirement checklist
    Field Investigation Considerations
    • Whether natural topography lends itself to levee construction
    • Availability of fill material
    • Federal, State, and local regulations/ordinances
    • Coordination with Federal, State, and local officials
    • Effect of levee on natural flow of floodwaters
    • Flood velocities along the water side of the levee embankment
    Levee Design

    Standard levee design criteria were established in FEMA 259 to provide a conservative design while eliminating several steps in the USACE design process, thereby minimizing design cost:

    • Minimum settled levee height of 6 feet
    • Minimum levee crest width of 5 feet
    • Levee floodwater side slope of 1: 2.5
    • Levee land side slope (varies)
    • One foot of levee freeboard
    cross section of a typical residential Levee Design
    Relative Costs for Wet Floodproofing
    Relative Costs for Wet Floodproofing
    Levee Seepage Considerations
    Levee foundation seepage
    • Install and backfill the inspection trench with impervious material

    Levee embankment seepage

    • Mandatory inclusion of a drainage toe

    Scouring and levee slope protection

    • Stabilize embankments with vegetation or sod

    Interior levee drainage

    • Install drain pipes through levee having backflow prevention (flap gate) as well as sump pump
    Construction Considerations
    • Remove all ground vegetation and topsoil over full levee footprint
    • Ensure suitability of levee soil
    • Levee should be constructed in layers with proper compaction
    • Construct levee at least 5% higher than the height desired to allow for soil settlement
    • Avoid using a borrow area within 40 feet of landward toe
    • Ensure access across levee