What Is a Flood Insurance Study?

A Flood Insurance Study (FIS) is a report prepared by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) that summarizes flood hazard data in a community. The analyses used to prepare a FIS are also used to produce the Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM).

The FIRM is a map set that graphically depicts identified flood hazards areas in a community. The FIRM is the basis for floodplain management, mitigation, and insurance activities in the National Flood Insurance Program. The FIS provides detailed information to supplement the FIRM.

Many students will find it helpful to download and view a FIS on a separate screen or printed. Student can then refer to each FIS Section while taking the course.

You can download the Flood County, USA Sample FIS under the file name, Flood Insurance Study (FIS).

If you would prefer to download the FIS for your community, advance to the next screen for instructions.

Flood Insurance Study, Flood County, USA and Incorporated Areas. Federal Emergency Management Agency. This is a sample text of a Flood Insurance Study (Cover