Community Number (CID):
The community number is part of the Map Panel number. It is a six-digit identification number assigned to the mapped community. This number is also referred to as the community identification number. You need to use the community number when you ask questions about a flood map for an individual community or search for a map.
The community number will be the first six-digits of the Map Number.
- Map Number 4806620001
- The Community number is the first 6 numbers followed by the panel number(s)
- Community Number: 480662
Countywide Number (CWID):
Countywide flood maps will have a five-digit identification number followed by the letter C. You need to use this countywide number when searching for or asking questions about a specific countywide flood map set.
Example (Image):
- Map Number 99009C0000
- Countywide number is the first five digits followed by C.
- 99009C
Note: When a flood map panel includes multiple communities, a list of the affected communities, by name and CID or CWID, is listed on the title block of each panel.