Areas without Digital Data: Making FIRMettes in FIRMette Web (Slideshow)

You can make a FIRMette in just a few steps.

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FIRMette Web interface with the Zoom Win, Pan, Plus sign Zoom In, Minus sign Zoom Out, 1:1 Zoom In, and MAX Zoom Out button highlighted. The six button are in two columns above the Make a FIRMette button.FIRMette Web interface with the thumbnail of the FIMR as the first item in the left navigation bar. A pink layer box in on a portion of the FIRM.FEMA FIRMette Web interface with Zoom Win, Pan, plus sign Zoom, minus sign Zoom, 1:1 Zoom In, MAX Zoom Out buttons. Follow Instructions 1. Select page size. Letter 8.5 x11, Legal 8.5x14, Tabloid 11x17. 2. Select & Move Areas. Print Area, Scale and North Arrow, Title Block. 3. Create FIRMette. Adobe PDF, Image File. The 1. Select page size. Letter 8.5 x11, Legal 8.5x14, Tabloid 11x17 interface items are highlighted.FEMA FIRMette Web interface with Zoom Win, Pan, plus sign Zoom, minus sign Zoom, 1:1 Zoom In, MAX Zoom Out buttons. Follow Instructions 1. Select page size. Letter 8.5 x11, Legal 8.5x14, Tabloid 11x17. 2. Select & Move Areas. Print Area, Scale and North Arrow, Title Block. 3. Create FIRMette. Adobe PDF, Image File. The 2. Select & Move Areas have the Scale and North Arrow highlighted. The scale and north arrow on the FIMR are highlighted with a pink box indicating they can be repositioned.FEMA FIRMette Web interface with map are zoomed out so that you can see the pink area marking the map and green area around title block.FEMA FIRMette Web interface with Zoom Win, Pan, plus sign Zoom, minus sign Zoom, 1:1 Zoom In, MAX Zoom Out buttons. Follow Instructions 1. Select page size. Letter 8.5 x11, Legal 8.5x14, Tabloid 11x17. 2. Select & Move Areas. Print Area, Scale and North Arrow, Title Block. 3. Create FIRMette. Adobe PDF, Image File. The 3. Create FIRMette. Adobe PDF, Image File interface items are highlighted.
Slideshow element Start button is disabledSlideshow element Back button is disabled1 of 6Slideshow element forward button with cursor onButton to move to end of a Slideshow with cursor on
Use the Zoom and Pan functions to identify the area you want to print as a FIRMette.Click, hold, and drag the pink layer box to cover the area you want in your FIRMetteChoose your paper size by clicking the appropriate button below the tools on the left of the screen.To reposition the scale and north arrow or title block, click the appropriate button. A new pink layer will display over the scale and north arrow that you can then drag to reposition.The areas highlighted in pink and green boxes will be included on the FIRMette.When ready, click on your preferred output format, “Adobe PDF” or “Image File.”