Step 3: Finding the Specific Location of the Property (Slideshow)

View the slideshow to review how to find the specific location of the property.

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Flood map portion with North arrow and map scale of 1 inch equals 500 feet. Two Zone A and one Zone AE designations are on the map. Cross sections A, B, C, D, and E. A property is highlighted that is on Water Street close to the E cross section.A specific property is highlighted on a flood insurance rate map panel.City of Sampleville Tax Assessment Map, Property Northeast of Oak Ave and Water St intersection. Little Creek runs north of property. Roads south of property, Perris Road, Highland Ave, and Hillside Drive. Guthrie St South East of property.City of Sampleville Tax Assessment Map. Property is Northeast of the Oak Ave and Water St intersection. 2000 Feet from Water St to Southwest corner of property. Property 156 feet along the west edge. Property 188 feet from west to east edges. Property's Northwest corner is closest to Little Creek.
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To find the dimensions of property: Use flood map scale to convert dimensions to inchesMap Scale: 1 inch = 500 feet, ½ inch = 250 feet, 1/10 inch = 50 feetIdentify specific location of property on map. Property is 2,000 feet east of the intersection of Oak Ave and Water St.