IPAWS Modernization Act (Public Law 114-143)
  • Enacts into law the policy statement and similar requirements found in Executive Order 13407.
  • Required FEMA to establish a National Advisory Council (NAC) IPAWS Subcommittee with the goal of ensuring that the public alert and warning system met specified standards.
    • Incorporates multiple communications technologies
    • Adapts to and incorporates future technologies for communicating directly with the public
    • Provides alerts to the largest portion of the affected population which includes nonresident visitors and tourists; individuals with disabilities, access and functional needs; individuals with limited English proficiency; and improves the ability of remote areas to receive alerts
    • Enhances community preparedness and response through local and regional public and private partnerships
    • Reaches the greatest number of people through redundant alert mechanisms
    • Protects individual privacy

 Click here to access the IPAWS Modernization Act

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