Welcome to IS-0201.a Forms Used for Development of the Incident Action Plan and Incident Management.
In this course, we’ll examine 20 different Incident Command System (ICS) forms that emergency response personnel and incident command practitioners use during an incident.
That may sound like a lot, but I’m sure you’re up to it! After all, these forms all have a single purpose – to help us manage incidents safely, effectively, and efficiently.
My name’s Coach, by the way. It’s nice to see a fresh face! I’ve been working on Incident Management Teams for quite a few years and have responded to all kinds of incidents – hurricanes, wildfires, bridge collapses, you name it!
Anyway – I’m passionate about emergency management and helping folks like you who may be new to the field.
Before we get started, let’s go over how this course works and what to expect while you’re here.

This course should take approximately
4 hours to complete.