ICS-203: Organization Assignment List

Purpose: The Organization Assignment List (ICS-203) provides a list of all primary supervisors, from Command and General staff to subordinate supervisor staff. It is used to complete the Incident Organization Chart (ICS-207), which is posted on the Incident Command Post display.

Preparation: The Planning Section prepares and maintains this list under the direction of the Planning Section Chief.

Distribution: The ICS-203 is duplicated and attached to the Incident Objectives (ICS-202) form and given to all recipients as the second page of the IAP. All completed forms must be given to the Documentation Unit in the Planning Section.

Click this link to view the ICS-203 form (https://training.fema.gov/emiweb/is/icsresource/assets/ics%20forms/ics%20form%20203,%20organization%20assignment%20list%20(v3).pdf).